Yesterday alliance got the Overwhelming odds quest and already I see epic faction fights, just now we’re having a 50+v50+ battle at Zuldazar incursion spots, mainly at the bridge, pushing horde back to raptors, then getting pushed back across the bridge. It’s shame it takes a free 385 item for this to happen, but I’m happy it happens.
I think this quest should be on for both factions every 3 days to keep the world pvp alive, or make this quest work only for incursion so they’re PVP hot spots, because this is just so much fun.
Probably because you’re on Draenor, for Argent Dawn we get sharded with other RP realms, so Horde and Alliance is pretty balanced. I guess this isn’t as fun on non-rp realms then.
I don’t know, seems kinda balanced, we killed as much as we got killed in that hour, maybe it’s just because majority of rp players don’t turn on warmode so it’s closer to 50:50 or 60:40 in alliance favour on rp realms.
It looks balanced in big raids/groups because theres people joining from outside sources, you’ll never get a solid raid v raid from only the rp realms.
Horde side on rp realms is basically what puny is talking about, but the opposite. Theres a big thread on it in the wpvp section.
Yes, but RP realms shard with other RP realms, pretty much everyone I see is from RP realms, so wpvp on RP realms is much different than wpvp on nonRP realms.
Keep wishing, the odds of finding one really balanced are tiny.
Even if by luck you’re in a shard with equal numbers of A and H, there is no guarantee that those are also group/raid balanced.
I did aoo yesterday with my mage. I have very little exp with it, and almost 0 pvp experience, yet i didn’t die once simply because while being equal in numbers i was in a party and there was another one close and the horde were moving around one by one without coordination.
It’s almost like the Alliance has an advantage because they all have a reason to group up while the Horde does not.
On top of that getting into an aoo group as Alliance is done by literally clicking one button if you have the addon, while Horde has to manually search for groups that are almost non-existent anyways.
So as a Horde player you just have to get lucky with the shard you phase into, while Alliance can just join one of the many aoo groups in lfg.
I found the group under the custom section of the lfg ingame tool. There was a ton of those since i did it in drustvar while also doing the assult.
Maybe horde should leverage the aoo quest as a reason to group up and kick our shiny blue bottoms. Sure it’s not the sharding or the quest fault if we organize and the horde doesn’t.
Was there yesterday. I did kill a horde pala spellstealing is bop. Any chance it was you? =)
Could easily be because done the quest yesterday, people have no reason to do it again today.
I’m surprised Blizzard didn’t implement proper wPvP world quests beforehand. People want rewards, and they’ll go for them. If the activity is fun, they’ll praise it and the reward. If it isn’t, they’ll hate it especially highly if it gives great rewards.
At this point, WPvP is both rewarding and fun, so people will engage in it. I’m glad we’re rekindling the fires of WPvP!
The only problem with this is that it’s a once per week activity. Ideally WPvP would be rewarding to farm. I want just going into the world and ganking equally levelled players to be a rewarding activity in and of itself, all the time. The more, the merrier.