The Horde already use WM even though Blizzard have now managed to get some to turn it off. So they reward the side that isn’t interested to entice them to turn on WM. Problem is it’s not really organic PvP but Blizz think it is judging by the last Q&A so this is just the system we will have to live with.
It’s the one big discrepancy in the whole balance/sharding monstrosity. Far more Alliance on the RP realms and from what I’ve seen far more Alliance that turn wm on for an invasion or the 25 Horde kills, then turn it off.
aye blizzard really messed up with the whole “we dont want horde non pvpers on warmode” comment since the quest they use to try and balance it, encourages alliance non pvpers while punishing horde pvpers.
Just shows how tone deff blizzard have gotten these last few years, HEY BLIZZARD DONT YOU HAVE PHONES?
That’s why the quest should be for incursions only, like right now lot of Alliance players group up and camp hordes at WQ spots, but if quest was doable only at incursions, Horde would know what to expect, they’d know where Alliance will be waiting hungry for kills. As for grouping up, incursions have so many people around that groups aren’t even relevant.
That being said, I can’t speak for nonRP servers with absolute certainty, as I only play on RP realms and here WPVP is either balanced or in Alliance favor, depending on continent mostly, in Zuldazar it’s always balanced as it’s Horde continent, in Kultiras Alliance usually dominates, though I’ve had times where Horde would stomp us in Drustvar when they got sick of being killed.
An alliance player on argent dawn…calling war mode balanced.
Try playing on horde when you’re zerged by a mindless wave of alliance who outnumber you greatly. Yes, this same group of people who get a BONUS and a lucrative weekly quest whilst outnumbering the enemy faction. “so balanced”.
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