[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Someone has told me before that when they send in tickets in German, the replies they get from German-speaking GMs are much more in-depth and far less likely to be brushed off / copy pasted

Don’t know if that’s true but maybe something to consider

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I’ve had contact with german gm’s before back when I actually played content on german realms, and they did feel more personal and less robotic.

Might as well ask them about the state of things when a ticket gets answered about that topic. Maybe they can clarify if a new report system of sorts is being talked about or not. One can only hope.

I am calling the Stasi.

It absolutely is great for people who…

  1. Like ERP
  2. Can ignore 99% of the Warcraft high fantasy setting
  3. Don’t mind the noble house only guilds
  4. Don’t mind that the only active hub is Stormwind
  5. Don’t want to play Horde because it’s dead. Not meme Argent Dawn dead, but entirely dead.

That entire realm is just… lead by middle aged people. I remember I was around 18 to 19 when I played there. I never ever met anyone my age. Everyone was 30+ atleast. Some were 40+. I had a friend there and told her to come over to AD because the roleplay is much better and active. She denied because she can’t speak English and apparently couldn’t be bothered to learn it. Which is the only people that remain on that realm. 40+ year olds who “can’t be bothered to learn English”.

Also here’s a situation I had on the german realm:

  • Me walks in Stormwind and sees a female character sitting.

  • I walk past her a few times, seeing how she sits there for 1+ hour without ever getting talked to

  • I approach

  • 1 Minute into an IC talk, a guy walks up from her guild and tells me to leave her alone

  • My char says “ok fine bye” and leaves.

  • I log onto another character and see her sitting for the next 2 hours alone

  • Fast forward a few days

  • I see the person on the female character in the forums complaining how there is , and I quote, “no activity on this server and nobody approaches me”

  • I die

This is very true. I made a ticket about Asmongold and the german speaking one told me they know and look into it. They can’t say what punishment he gets though on his account.


Ahh hallo Mutti! Wie geht es dir!?!?

Ach sehr gut Manni! Hat ein Ork getot heute Mittag!

(Can’t help but imagine the German RP scene in SW to be an episode of Die Ludolfs…)

That reminds me of one noble guild on AD. :thinking: :evergreen_tree:

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“Let us roleplay in Warcraft so we can pretend it is everything but Warcraft”.

Why? WHY?

This is pinned now. Awesome!


I didnt expect to see it pinned, that’s a good move right there!


I went to check the new replies and at first thought the thread had been nuked, since it wasn’t down with the regular threads. Good stuff.

I thought so too initially, and then I saw it up here. It’s a welcome change instead of threads being ghost-nuked.

Hopefully this also means that the CS will pay more attention to what’s said here! :slight_smile: I have high hopes.

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Hopefuly, yeah!

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Great! Maybe with a pin it is good to have a quick rundown of what we have come up with and started to implement?
The screenshot-and-commentary Twitter has gone up and has some very nice looking stuff already, and Pax is going to do his information-kiosk RP… what else we got?


This is nice. Let’s keep up the constructive positivity :+1:

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Given that Goldshire’s existed for years and Blizzard’s done nothing about it, I get the feeling that it’s been decided that the ToS-breakers’ sub money is more important than keeping the game free of potential child groomers.

At this point, I feel like the only thing that could put a stop to it is bad enough publicity. If enough parents, journalists and such knew about what was going on in a 12+ game, it might just generate enough controversy for something to be done.

Good to see this pinned and our voices heard bros =)

Let us…

role play in “typical OOCer” zones a bit more, DM our favourite event snaps to https://twitter.com/ArgentAlbum and continue to bring up the issues – make tickets !! :partying_face:


As long as we stay on topic, likely.

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It’s encouraging that we’ve gotten the sticky / a blue response but that’s just encouragement to get this stuff going rather than the end goal so keep posting your thoughts / ideas / experiences and keep the thread active & useful

It would be sick if people submitted some more cool RP screenshots to the Twitter thing (https://twitter.com/ArgentAlbum) - ATM it is fairly heavy on screenshots from the on-going campaign because that’s what I have access to

There’s also some plans on the go for a market event taking place in the Trade District - where people will be encouraged to RP with the people there and see about getting them involved. Let me know if you think that would be fun / cool

RE. Goldshire - I will say that that is the part only Blizzard can solve. For a few months I’d go there once a week with a group to report offending profiles and it had very limited impact - ie. a few mutes on trial accounts that were instantly cycled out

I think a good start would be disabling TRP use for trial accounts, because those make up a large number of the worst offenders and are basically immune to any reports because who cares if a free account with a lvl1 character is banned

IDK what else to suggest there, really - but we’ve all seen that that kind of very public cyber is now leaking into Stormwind et al so I think it’s pretty pressing


I’d say disable the ability to create TRP profiles for trial accounts. This way people who want to see what roleplay is like can still make a trial character and look at what other people have created.