[ Important? ] Building a better AD

I really, really 100% support this. I have yet to see any person on a trial account attempting to engage in any sort of roleplay that isn’t in Goldshire and doesn’t have a capital E in front of it. It’s definitely not going to solve the problem, but it’d take away a good chunk of folk that do use trial accounts for this sort of stuff


Could that be done retroactively? Wouldn’t they be able to use an old version?

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Blizzard can break any addon I imagine


Disable addon use for trial accounts in general perhaps?


I cannot imagine a situation in which a trial would need to use any kind of addon, so I support this idea


I asked not to be a dampener but due to genuinely not knowing much about addon function.
Trials not being able to use addons whatsoever would be very good indeed.
Would also prevent a dedicated pervert writing their own…


I haven’t read all the thread but one of the biggest things we need to focus on is being more supportive of new players, helping them understand what works and what doesn’t in AD, as well as generally not just disregarding someone for any low quality RP they make but instead try to help them get better and improve the overall quality of the server.

Ceterum autem censeo Goldshire esse delendam


I remember now again what I wanted to reply to this:

I feel actually sorry for you. All of the community managers and GMs. Imagine you care for WoW, maybe even you’re a roleplayer. You want to change AD into a better place because you really love the community. So you, as a GM, take it onto your shoulders to make a change. You ask your suit superior and the answer he/she gives is: “Ok, but that is too expensive”.

For every single thing you suggest, you get told no or “too expensive” or something along those line. I honestly believe GMs and community managers (are there even any left???) want to help us but can’t due to their suits that only see money.

Also this. I took it upon myself to roleplay with each new person I see. No matter how silly their profile, their writing or their emotes are. I whisper every new (there’s a small seal picture you can take on in the TRP) roleplayer I see if I can help them somehow. Maybe give them a direction, help them out with questions and so forth. Anyone can do that.


I actually suggested this before, and I don’t know which thread it is, but basically I got a response from one of the creators of TRP saying they didn’t want to do that, because they feel the amount of trials that use it for good to get into rp weighs heavier than the amount of people that use it for Goldshire-esque stuff. It should still be around on the forums somewhere.

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I think the amount of people who use TRP for legitimate roleplay on trial accounts number in their tens and the bad stuff it enables is far more numerous and not even legal sometimes

They should reconsider that


I’ve personally never met a legitimate RPer on a trial account. I rarely even see trial accounts other than passing a few when in SW or something as they run suspiciously towards the gates with a very sketchy or straight up inappropriate profile.


I sincerely doubt this to be the case, and if I’m being honest, it sounds much like the authors simply want an out so that they don’t need to put in extra work to help with combating the ongoing issue. Perhaps someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but it certainly comes across as such

Frankly, I could go to Goldshire right now and I’d see more trial account players with profiles filled with erotic content in a single visit than I have trial characters who legitimately want to dip their toes into normal roleplay in all the years that I’ve been on Argent Dawn (I moved over during the first half of MoP).

I have a certain feeling this is likely the same with a lot of people. I’ve seen maybe a small handful of trial roleplayers not related to Goldshire at best, and if anything, they seemed to be more frequent a few years ago than they are now (at least in my personal experience). It makes the reasoning of “it helps more than it hurts” seem pretty hollow / not all that true


Hey there, one of the TRP devs here. I found out about this post after looking up why we got those questions about parental controls and trial accounts, so I’ll quickly chime in, mostly to repeat what I said in response to the questions.

Right now from the addon, we can’t check all of the parental controls settings, we can only see if the shop or voice chat has been disabled. We have the mature filter as a potential barrier from profiles with improper content, but it was established as an opt-in as the first implementation of the filter was flawed, and was never switched afterwards.

We don’t really want to shut down the addon for all trial players just because a portion of them are bad apples, and we don’t have a way to do so properly anyway. Whatever we would do to lock them from using the addon could easily be bypassed as you cannot check if another player is on a trial account.

We know that they are taking action based on reports for harassment (assuming they’re done through the appropriate support page that we link when you click on our report button, and not just through a simple in-game ticket). Unfortunately, we’ve seen instances where a GM would say erotic content in addons is fine as long as it’s not targeted or pedophilia, and we haven’t been able to get a straight official answer one way or the other…

Right, took me a while to find but this was the actual response from a thread about Goldshire on september 19 last year.

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I think this is the key, it might not even be possible afaik for an addon to check “Is this person on a trial yes or no?”

You’d have to go to Blizzard and push for either making that an available function in the API, or to disable addons on trials altogether.

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I can’t really say much on the add-on front as I’m not experienced with such whatsoever, but I would say that even if they believe there to not be a suitable way in which to deal with the situation on their side, the “we don’t really want to shut down the addon for all trial players just because a portion of them are bad apples” opinion still isn’t a very good one from my perspective, as I’m very confident in my belief that the ratio of trials used for ERP vs. trials used for RP still weighs extremely heavily to the former. Unless I’m presented with some legitimate evidence to the contrary, I really don’t think it’s just “a few bad apples”

You can say this might be a bit of ‘okay, so what’ post as I’m more or less just saying “yeah, ok, but the mindset is still bad”, but I do think a big factor in real, tangible change for AD does lie in people’s mindsets.

So, if it isn’t really a feasible aim to simply ban trial accounts from using the TRP3 add-on, what about a system that doesn’t allow for explicit terms? You couldn’t really prevent words that might have double meanings, i.e. “breast” as it isn’t always inherently describing somebody’s chest, of course, but things of a more explicit nature that are far harder to argue against. Something that just doesn’t flat out allow for the profile to be saved if it involves a certain word, for example?

I don’t know if that’s possible, but if so, it might be a good alternative (though it might also not - I’m really just spitballing at the moment and it could be totally dumb) to the issue. People can argue it’s quite a hard-line stance, but why wouldn’t it be? It’s a 12+ game and explicit content such as this already isn’t allowed per the ToS, so I don’t see much of an issue. The only issue that I can see, and an obvious one at that, is that a lot of people will still likely share their explicit descriptions through the link feature TRP possesses and simply lead others to outside websites (I think people know the main one I’m alluding to) to read the explicit material they write up. With that said, if the earlier suggestion of a “blacklisting” feature of sorts for certain key words and phrases IS possible (though it might not be - I’m sure TRP and the WoW client has a myriad of limitations), then perhaps something similar could be implemented for the link feature?

Again, just spitballing an idea that came to me; my titanic mind is pretty difficult to maintain at time and I do occasionally have a lapse or two that temporarily drops my IQ, so it could also be silly or very obviously not possible to those that do have experience with the creation of add-ons

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This makes a great deal of sense to me. It should be dead easy to implement - worst comes to worst, is it necessary that trials have add-ons at all?
Some of the stuff you see on trial account TRPs is just yikes, and I think its partly because they don’t care much if they lose access to their account.


Since trials are also not limited by gametime, they could also block -all- communications for them until they reach a certain amount of in-game time+reach lvl 20 or something(make it a week or so). It wont get rid of everything, but it might bore out enough people to dwindle the population of those who just roll alts for ERP.

Second thing would be to perhaps do what FFIXV does and have a seperate trial launcher(but instead also make it a trial client) that doesnt allow addons, period.

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It also sort of depends on what you classify as trial account, as there’s ‘starter’ accounts and ‘veteran’ accounts which are inactive. Veteran just means it’s had play time at one point, and it’s hard to tell how much… bad stuff comes from which. I know there’s actually an entire twink community around veteran accounts, they use a WoW license, turn off xp, get all the best gear and enchants for 20, then turn xp back on and let the sub run out and pretty much solely PvP on those characters. I know some people like that do RP, but due to the nature of ‘can’t communicate outside of party/instance chat and being whispered first’ since they took away even emotes from them it’s it’s basically futile to try outside of uh. The kind of stuff people (mostly) only do in whispers.

It would sort of help if they did disable it for starters/veteran accounts but on the flip side it could just cause more people to end up paying for a sub on a second account, or it could put a real dent in it. No one knows until they try, though.

For Disruption, if ‘policing’ non-chat related content like mount/toy spamming is too rough perhaps a setting to disable toy effects for you would be a good start since sometimes it’s very hard to tell who is putting down some toys and the option for an ignore to not show a character on your screen unless you’re PvP flagged/in warmode.

I wanna bring this up a third time.



Haha guys, OOC’ers are such a great addition to this realm. ERP/GS can be ignored and OOC’ers are such a great addition to this realm, haha. :slight_smile:

And if I report these people a lot will happen to them, right…? Like I did the past 3 days and THEY STILL HANG AROUND AT THE SAME LOCATION AND CAN POST OH MY GOD MAN.

Yeah, the report feature is the biggest non-feature ever unless you have forty-nine friends patrolling the air ready to report and trigger the automated response

The nature of RP griefing means that that kind of thing is about as good as doing nothing at all in 9/10 situations

If the problem is the addon creator can’t disable addons for trials, then it’s on Blizzard

To be honest it would be a very easy choice to make, right? These are people who don’t pay into the system and still take up the server’s space and make the people who do pay uncomfortable

What exactly is there to lose for Blizzard? It might encourage some of them to subscribe, even (God forbid)

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