[ Important? ] Building a better AD

So here is what happened next according to a friend of mine who was there:

the OOC’ers had PvP enabled. A few regulars of the Grove swooped in, killed them and then they fled to Darkshire. From there they tried to troll again, were ignored and they returned to Goldshire. Weird flex.

What is Blizzard’s email for suggestions?

Well, it probably won’t help but with summer holidays I have a lot of time on my hands so a dedicated few hours a week to report the worst name offenders when it comes to character names and guilds is my new hobby.

Perhaps if everyone who wishes to see AD in a bit better shape just stood in AH in SW or OG and looked around with the finger on report for a few hours once in a while we could gather a hefty number of reports on some of the worst names our server has to suffer.

That and support to the ideas above. The twitter album is pretty cool too.

Honestly if only there could be dedicated MVPs in the game who would have priority status when reporting = if they report it goes to separate queue and is reviewed and dealt with with priority. As opposed to how it is now where cases are maybe dealt with, only if a huge number of reports pile up. That could be a step forward.

Trials are 1-20 right? Don’t know how Starter or Veteran accounts work, but to combat Trial accounts you could just have TRP work in characters that are level 30+ (or even 21+).

The US-forums and /wow, as stupid as it sounds.


I don’t like the idea, since there are cases of people RPing on level 1-20 subbed accounts when they want to try out a new concept/NPC and so on.

As of locking TRP out for trials… there are downsides, but it’s better for us in the long run. Having TRP on veteran edition helped me out once when I wanted to attend a small RP event and I had no active subscription, but such cases are probably waaaaaay rarer than using trials for bad stuff.

I’ve been wondering whether a regular monthly event (some kind of market or other gathering) in Goldshire, perhaps timed with the Darkmoon Faire, might make a difference. As long as all participants were reminded to use the report feature, it might have the double benefit of tidying the place up whilst also showing some newer players what RP actually looks like.

Of course then everyone has to be briefly subjected to the things they find there, but hopefully not for long.

An aside note, I’ve noticed that if I use ‘Report Language’, it seems to clear my entire chat log back to before that line. Is there any way around that? There’s often stuff I still want to see in there…


Sadly I don’t think there is a way around that. I rarely use it myself because of that, only for the worst offenders.

I also couldn’t sleep so I kept thinking about the issue at hand. And perhaps it would be a good idea to look deeply into what actually causes the influx of the oocers on our server.

Lots of people mentioned the nearly permanent 25-30% Alliance WM without the merge with other realms so basically free bonus.

I think the fact that our server is constantly tagged with “High Population” doesn’t help either. People naturally flock to others and I think a good portion of ooc players with no regard for RP just came here cause they have seen an active server. Perhaps removing the pop display for RP servers could help.

And this last thought might be terribly unpleasant and drastic but a lot of oocers are here to advertise boosts through communities or to purely raid. Perhaps removing RP realms from cross realm join function could be a way. (I know it would upset a lot of people who want content and I just mention it as a last resort).

Generally make the things that make oocers flock here in numbers either unavailable or harder for them to get here than elsewhere.

And lastly Blizzard should probably see if they could list AD as a server with free out of server migration so people can actually leave for free.

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You could always use Listener. While normal chat log will clear itself up, the listener shouldn’t.

I hate this so much

I’ve thought about this also, but - just like with my fortnightly report runs - a monthly event there will have no lasting impact. If you want to change Goldshire you need a large amount of people to RP there for months at a time which I think is potentially unrealistic … or Blizzard could just take an hour a week to enforce their rules here. If there was a risk of being suspended people wouldn’t gather in large numbers to do what they do

Yeah it’s a shame but - it’s even more annoying to think that people that don’t even have to pay a sub are some of the worst offenders on this realm. I’d love to see that one happen

Has anyone ever had any luck with the in-game suggestion submission thing? Is it worth using?


About that in game suggestion thing. I use it. No idea if it ever is fruitful but it is one way to get ideas across I guess. Better than nothing.

I’d also suggest to somehow involve the US RP scene as well. I would believe they have the same problems we face and with the sharding issue it has shown that united we are stronger.

So i am not sure how, but involving the players there as well will enlarge the number of people under the banner.

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I’ve sent the same suggestion about giving us better access to those WoD tents every day for almost three years.

No tents yet. It’s like screaming into the void.


There’s so many great items that are made 100% useless for arbitrary reasons like that

Being able to use tents / some of the toys in the toybox more easily would be really big for RPers

True but I don’t really have any insight into the US side of things, IDK if they care for / suffer the same kind of problems on their servers (they have two active ones, I think?)


The tents especially are a huge obsession that I’ve had since I learned of their existence. I even made a youtube video about it that I posted over here, but I was too much of a coward to put it up on r/WoW. That place terrifies me.

The tents is especially awful since they’re perfect for enhancing any type of RP that needs camping equipment, but they’re imprisoned in Draenor because ???

But… I guess we’ve always got the Vulpera for tents…

(edit: I posted the video on r/WoW… I’m afraid.)


Yeah, that’s the main caveat. A few hours a month isn’t going to cut it. But equally I doubt there’s enough interest in a more permanent situation there with Stormwind so close by. Maybe a weekend-long event so there’s some consistency over a few (peak time) days.

Obviously it’s easier if something more formal from Blizzard was in place but we should probably not bet on it.

I actually think we should bet on it. I think this attitude that is like - “ahhh, it will never happen, Blizzard will never enforce the rules they themselves set out” is part of what’s caused some of these problems. The assumption that the guys running this game don’t care to improve it lets them off the hook - when in reality I’m sure if there’s enough call for it they would be more than happy to take a look at what we’re saying (as the blue response/sticky seems to suggest)

Of course that’s not to say that we don’t need to be pushing the boat out with player-run community initiatives - I think it is a two-pronged thing really. We as players have a responsibility to make this the community we are to be a part of but Blizzard has a responsibility to handle the parts players cannot


I think another thing that needs to be looked into is private player created channels. I wish stuff said on Discord could also be considered as that’s where a lot of toxicity and rule-breaking comes from and where they go when they get actioned in WoW in the first place. Player created communities and player made channels should be subject to WoWs rules but as GMs have stated currently are not.

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Slightly on this topic, we’ve gotten yet another blue post in short time here on the forums on another post. Should we take this as things being a bit more paid attention too in general for now?

I don’t think I agree with that at all. It’s unreasonable and unrealistic to expect something so far removed from Blizzard’s ToS to be subjected to it. Discord has it’s own ToS.

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