[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Don’t know if the specifics of this have been clarified, and less related to dodgy profiles, but harassment, I did once have a good chat with a GM about how we should report it, and what classed as griefing particularly when it comes to the opposing faction.

I’m assuming it was based on official guidelines of a sort, because the GM seemed very aware of the problem this causes on RP realms.

The first thing is that they said it would be much more likely to get looked at if you use the Category ‘Cheating’ on the report box, but importantly you should always include right at the very start of your text “This is on an RP Realm” before details and such like. The logic they said, was that this is a zero impact (or close to it) problem on other realm types, but if you state right away that it is specifically on an RP Realm, they know someone is basically abusing the rules, to disrupt play.
It basically invokes the “Unequal Impact” clause many laws have, which is that on most realms a GM would look at it and go “Working as intended” and close it.

By specifically flagging it as a RP concern (I know it says your server name on reports, but that can easily get overlooked in place of the issue listed) You are letting them know that what is a frivolous report -is- actually a serious one because of realm type.

Toy Spamming, Mammoth parking (obviously abuse in /s or /y or interestingly /e) or simply jumping about being a goon to disrupt play can be reported and actioned, they said. Whether in a Capital city or out in the world doing an RP event.

You can report players of the opposite faction as well as your own.

But, what they did say was you need to have more detail if it is happening in an enemy city.
If Joe MacPaladin face blazes through an RP conversation at top speed on their mammoth to get to say, Lor’themar to try for the achievement, that is blatantly not harassment, and the report will be dismissed.

If however Joe MacPaladin face and his hard of thinking cronies are hanging around Roleplay, even -in- an enemy city to their own, or running into taverns, dancing on tables and spamming toys, then they have no excuse of trying to complete any quest or achievements. They’re not going for Midsummer quests, they’re not doing the Rogue quests, nor going for the Black Bear, so you can report the enemy faction for attacking your city -if- you can prove they did so with intent to disrupt Roleplay.

So yeah Flag as “Cheating” and “This is on the last RP realm”.

-Hopefully- this might yield at least some results.


I had the same answer from a GM when asked about the rp names reporting. They strongly advised to ALWAYS include that this player is on an rp realm, followed by a short “The name bla bla violates the RP server naming rules.” And write the name into the box as well as a time and date when this player was seen.

The reason behind this was basically that it helps the GMs to quicker access the necessary logs or find the person without having to search through stuff first themselves.

So here’s hoping.

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Last time i reported an OOC name was back in Wrath, i saw a mage called “Myspellpwns”, GM was like “Well they arnt hurting anyone so whats the problem?”

Kinda put me off trying again.

On every ticket they told me “We don’t take screenshots because they could be edited”. So videos might be worth doing.

Which loops us back to one of the core points of this thread - what do we do when no amount of evidence is permissable + the report function does so little that a guy can spend an hour griefing and walk away to do another hour of it without any intervention at all

Like what is our recourse for that? It would be sweet if the blue from earlier could advise us on that


This is way too much work if you going to hunt non-RP names down. A simple “is not a RP-name” should be sufficient enough.

Why can’t we just tell Blizzard to only allow people in by doing a test or so? The test being randomly generated towards roleplay questions so that you can’t just look up a guide or so on YouTube or the internet.

Failing the test 3 times results in a permanent removal of AD in your realms of choice. Even old accounts would have to do that test. If you fail and have 2000 characters on AD, tough lucky buddy. Better start leveling on another realm or get some money to transfer.

Or do a 3 offense you get kicked out rule. Get muted 3 times or even worse, banned from AD, your access to the realm is gone. Forever.

“But I have all muh chars there!!1”. Ok but… Maybe don’t get muted/banned?

I hope Blizzard will enforce severe punishments in the future for disrupting roleplay. Knowing Blizzard, if someone appeals to it, they would give them the bot reply of “We don’t care”. That would be such a great win.

Well at least we’re not classic RP/RP-PvP servers where you ask people why they rolled on an RP server to grief RP and not follow RP server rules you get auto-squelched.

On a side note: Likely Covid related but automated squelches/silences are 24 hours now not 3 hours

Hm… The automatic report system in place punishes people if they get reported a specific amount of times (less than 10 I would assume). There’s probably more than 10 roleplayers on those realms.

Hm… :eyes:

I mean I really don’t think punishments should be this heavy-handed to begin with even if I’m all for giving solely OOC players a permanent vacation to other realms, and even if we did theoretically go with this route, I’d at least give them free server transfers

Then again, I’d not go with this to begin with - not to this severity, at least. With that said, the notion of “tests” or “quizzes” has been passed around before, and while it’s not going to get rid of everybody, I do think the average player that literally just plays the game for content and doesn’t care for things like story would just scoff and turn away at the gates (which is a good thing)

Yes, it’s leagues from a system that’d keep everybody like that out, but it’d cut down on a good few new ‘visitors’. With that said, it’s not something that’d make much difference about those already present; if they really wanted to access their existing characters, which they would, they’d find ways to answer the questions without failing them. It’d basically be a system that only affects people that want to start on the server and not those already here, and even then it’d only keep some of the new players out, not all of them

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I much prefer this, so maybe make it; “you’re caught disrupting RP 3 times you cannot access Rp realms anymore and you can have a free transfer to any non Rp realm of your choosing”


My concern about a questionnaire or test is it would be easy for a fully intended RPer to be locked out because of lack of lore knowledge or understanding of RP-on-WoW differences that could be picked up by way of immersion.

A disclaimer about RP realms I still support mind! A pop up that explains the spirit of an RP realm and lines up the difference in rules and expectations that can indeed be reason for removal from the realm if not adhered to, whereas on Normal realms they are not in effect.


Nah, it would be legit roleplay questions. No lore questions since Blizzard is retconning something every over expansion.

Questions like:

  1. What does In character mean?

[Multiple choice answers]

  1. What does out of character mean?

[Multiple choice answers]

  1. Your character is in the middle of Stormwind. How do you behave?


I’ve come across multiple OOC only people who bring up “gatekeeping”. I laugh when I hear that because apparently installing an addon and using the realm for its purposes is too much effort. :rofl:

Some non RP’er telling me “The server needs OOC’ers but trade district and some parts of Orgrimmar aren’t suited for rp” - My answer: “Yeah, because OOC’ers run rampart there, means the problem are the OOC’ers” - no answer.

Every single day when I hear an OOC’er speak about roleplay I lose more and more hope in them having an actual brain.


I think it was more the way you kept yelling you were blocking everybody who didn’t have TRP installed that riled them up to argue with you and protested you had to have TRP else you can’t RP. It was a trainwreck watching that chat on both sides e_e

I think this quiz stuff is way too OTT - new players don’t need a PHD in WoW lore to start roleplaying

I think they should have a pop-up (like I heard some RP realms on other MMOs have) telling you you’re on an RP realm + what to expect and just action people way more quickly if they’re griefing et al


I do get what you mean better now though I still feel a popup would do the task well enough of establishing the point and giving reports/realm removal more gravity and backing.
If one doesn’t read it and is caught out down the line that is frankly their failing.

I agree the idea that wanting the realm to retain its purpose and RPing community is being seen as “gatekeeping” is absolutely laughable. They can try their Twitter buzzwords all they want, we are asking for the one space for ourselves compared to the multitude of others though this has been talked about in depth.

To return to topic; events in the larger problem spaces of the main cities are absolutely something I will be in attendance of when possible but I really only play Horde. While Alliance are hit harder due to sheer numbers, us on red side should be getting on this too!

The issue has to be approached from multiple sides though.

RP side:

  1. events in the most affected areas to try and reclaim them
  2. try to reason with the creator of the TRP3 addon about the trials - perhaps send them some screenshots from Goldshire to show them first hand what the problem is.


  1. report names and guild names
  2. report rp offenders
  3. try and make it visible for Blizzard to make the free migration off the realm possible

Core issues:

  1. the server is currently at the top of the server list because it has High Population and starts with A. This tends to bring more people here because they just click on whatever is first available and high population server seems like a good choice.
  2. Currently due to being connected only with other RP servers, AD has nearly permanent 25-30% alliance side WM bonus, this draws people in for free cash ins.
  3. the phasing that doesnt exist on AD brings in players who do not wish to bother with it - streamers etc.

This needs to be tackled on a game wide basis, making RP server dominantly about RP to make it not lucrative for oocers to be here, but this needs to be coordinated with Blizzard which probably means US forum spam and tweeting in numbers.


It’s hard to accept the truth. :sunglasses:

And it is the case that nobody will roleplay with you if you don’t have a trp. I’ve never ever seen a person with a trp and a person without one roleplaying. If people think gatekeeping is to install an addon, then their brain is melted and I can’t be bothered to argue with someone who doesn’t have a brain. Same for people who spam “BUT RP’ERS DO CONTENT WHY DON’T YOU RP 24 HOURS A DAY!!”. Just an instant block for stupidty.

If you’re an OOC’er, get off this realm. And honestly blocking every instance of people having not a TRP or them just being here “because of their friends” has done a lot. The recent Asmongold thing, I had like half the people blocked that were participating. It was great because my chat wasn’t spammed. OOC’ers contribute nothing, no matter what their excuses are. So they get blocked because there is the possibility of them griefing. A lot more people should use the block feature.

Although I do understand the problem of “what if they try roleplay?” - well, then they can do that and I can unblock them. Until they do that it’s the ignore treatment.

The real memes begin when you come across a person with a TRP profile that just stands around and you get approached by them just for them to stare at you. Figuring out 5 minutes later that person is blocked because they have an alt to troll and disrupt roleplay with. Glorious.

Never got my answer how the OOC’er population is important for the roleplay on Argent Dawn. Except the answers “lmao” and “If you don’t understand the problem, then there’s something wrong with you”. So I ask “what is the problem then? I can’t see it, but you obviously can. Might explaining?” - The answer I get: “Lmao”. Yea… No. Block and bye. Easy.

Probably. My approach would be effective yet I know how Blizzard does these things. Half-arsed and it will be hell to get through it. Especially with all the retcons and such. A pop-up or such would be nice. Blizzard would have to think of a way how to make it understandable for roleplayers too. Perhaps by involving our roleplaying community. Giving them advice and such. I am sure we have plenty of people who would love to help out to try and make a possible guide that is immersive and all in the game itself.

:tired_face: :pray: That the TRP addon maker isn’t a Goldshire resident.

I recommend reporting them for cheating in game. But state something like mentioned above. “Hey, Roleplayer here. This person is disrupting roleplay with their spam”. Or something reasonable.

This is probably one of the worst excuses from them I have come across.

How many viewers do Asmongold have on a daily basis? 10k? 20? Maybe more?

He has connections to so many streamers and people, hell, he IS the most famous WoW streamer out there. So how can HE not rile up people to ask Blizzard to give them ONE realm that has phasing deactivated?

How come we roleplayers (we aren’t actually that many, doubt we reach a number of 20k) get to rile up and get rid of phasing on our realm but PvP/PvE’ers can’t do that? Are they maybe too toxic to cooperate and bring their toxicity here? Hmmmmmmmmm.

Imagine if every famous WoW YouTuber/every famous WoW streamer would group up together and spam Blizzard together with their fans in the same timewindow we roleplayers did for 10+ years for cross-faction chat to be possible. They would achieve something. Even if it was only 1 realm.

Very much this, I agree.

Hot take: Blizzard needs to widen the ignore function realm specific so that players you ignore just disappear. This would solve a lot.

“How would that work in raids or pvp though?”

  • It would be deactivated there. Simple.

When we starting the purge, gang?

:beer: :smiley: :dagger:

Take a few of your members to an OOC’er place (maybe not GS though, more like trade district) and start roleplaying there. You can do that every day.