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Just a small tweet I made after attempting to RP in Nighthold with my blood elven guildies (:wave: HBM :wave:). But the phasing screwed it up. Some blood elves were within the non-hostile phase, some were not for no reason et cetera.

After some thinking, we split the raid into party groups with Nightborne as leads and tried party syncing. However, when we activated party sync function we still remained phased.

The whole area is terrible to organize any RP in, despite being a very pretty zone. :anger:


The problem with that is they are both. I do get your point though. What scares me more are the non-obvious ones. They don’t have a chase-lustful bar, they don’t have any explicit content in their TRP profiles, they don’t have anything suggestive in any way, shape or form. Then you roleplay with them because why not and quickly notice their only goal is ERP. So I sort of agree that it’s good some are downright that obvious but it still is absolutely weird and should be banned. Blizzard would have to step in here. Oh boy if they only wouldn’t have fired 800 community employees

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Of course banning them is better, but could they? It’s an addon exploit, and I can see that being banned outright instead, making us all suffer. It should be a full ban of these people and nothing else, or we WILL get those sneaky ones that pollute the community without our direct notice.

Edit: A ban won’t even solve the problem, and it’s naive to think so. The word will spread and they’ll adjust.

Blizzard has full access to addon logs so yeah sure

So you’re saying “don’t ban anyone ever because there are ways around a ban” or what

I think it’s fairly naive to think a bans etc wouldn’t have any impact and comes off as concern trolling. NooOooOoo don’t enforce the game’s rules, it won’t work for these nebulous reasons …!

As opposed to people just doing overt public ERP


Tell me one instance where banning/making something illegal something doesn’t result in secret societies that are almost impossible to police. :slight_smile:

This is far from the same, of course, and no where near as dangerous, but yes! You are very naive. What else can be done? I don’t have the answer to that. All I know is that I would much rather know who they are and where, than to enjoy roleplay with someone for months only 0m find out that their character has a futa prick.

I’d rather ERPers be ashamed and doing their stuff in secret, afraid of ban / public shunning than openly spreading their vile view of RP in public with people forced to turn a blind eye to them.


Sadly that will never happen… They will find ways to do it :c It’s always the same when it comes to topics of a sexual nature. People will find a way to satisfy one of their most powerful and basic instincts.

…in their favourite universe.

Ultimately, I refer you to my initial response to you.

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I think there’s a very vocal group publicly shaming it, so it’s hardly accepted in the open. Most guilds have a “no erp” rule too, so it’s no secret that it’s not welcome. Not to anyone. I don’t know what would be the ideal solution tbh… A filter maybe that auto ignores people? I know it was suggested already, I think.

Their thinking won’t shift, let me tell you. The opinion of random nerds on the internet will mean WAY less than the ability to w*nk.

The idea is that THEY get removed. Banned. If they get caught, they eat a ban, simple as that.

But the more powerful impact of that is that the people who are not part of the ERPers, nor the vocal groups publicly shaming it. That they would see that ERP tends to get punished, so they’re more likely to NOT do it, and get their rocks off on more appropriate sites.


I don’t know… Maybe? WoW is so popular that I can’t imagine they would WANT to go anywhere else. OH! Private servers…

So you’re unironically just against anything being illegal because that makes it “impossible to police”

I don’t think this is a reasonable argument to make at all lol

In the case of World of Warcraft, though: Blizzard have access to logs of every interaction on their platform. They can police anything pretty easily

It’s not an "either / or " in this case and I’m sure you’re aware of that. People secretly cybering is unfortunately common even now and is something that will happen regardless of if Blizzard begins to look into the more overt stuff more harshly

You’re conflating these things in a way that isn’t really based in reality


On the contrary, mine is ENTIRELY based in reality. Maybe you need to go outside more and play less WoW.

On that note, I’m not saying banning shouldn’t exactly happen, but I’m saying it won’t likely solve the problem. It never does, because people never stop trying to get what they want. And it’s my personal and selfish opinion that I’d rather they didn’t hide, so I could more easily avoid them.

Very strange and defensive response

It will solve one part of a larger problem

Do you not see how this line of thinking justifies literally anything


ok but id rather make it as difficult for them as possible


Blizzard enforcing actively their ToS. :eye:

An actual team of gamemasters IN THE GAME that teleport infront of the person, catch them in the act of public erp/trolling/interrupting roleplay and sending the person straight to hell the login screen with a big pop up that reads “Your account was suspended”. Have one of them run around at Goldshire and cleanse anything that is of sexual nature. 1 person is enough. Hell, send me there and they don’t even have to pay me.

Mine is based on the ToS in WoW tbh.

Yes, but in most cases there’s an active punishment for it.

You don’t rob a bank in reality because you might go to jail for a long time. That is a fact for nearly any country in existence. People know that.

Are people punished for disturbing roleplay? Who knows.
Are there any consequences for public erp? Who knows. (There isn’t if not enough people report you. :eyes:)

Just the whole thing that they don’t have to fear anything due to a lack of consequences is oof.


Damn, same goes provably for almost every law we have IRL. Best just abolish the lot of them because you can never catch 100%.

Are you sure thats not what you’re arguing for because your entire train seems to be “if you can’t fully ban something its best to just leave it alone to fester in the open”


The push against ERP is almost more like a public awareness campaign. It will not get rid of it entirely, but more people will become not just better aware that it is NOT welcome nor even meekly tolerated as has been in the past, but may also find they become better informed and aware of the whys behind the call for more definite action. The more we talk about it, the more it can’t be swept under the rug with mealy-mouthed “oh no one is bothered by it really” comments. We are bothered.

There will always be very determined perverts, but that doesn’t mean just sighing and accepting their antics like a long-suffering sitcom wife.
Plus, if they ARE embarrassed or shamed by this? Good. They should be. ERPing in WoW is very embarrassing.


Hi, long time wow player, RPer here and there, never really considered posting on the forums, but I figured hey, why not. My opinion on this matter is that, while I agree that public ERP, griefing and all that is either inappropriate, or just toxic in terms of the latter- I can’t help but feel this idea of witch-hunting those who do ERP in private, or talking about it in-character is fast approaching borderline segregation of a lot of people in the community that don’t deserve to be harassed or just plain ignored for a choice that has nothing to do with anyone but the two consenting people involved.

I will however state that, while I believe in this, I do recognize that it is important that those in question to the activity are, well, adults in the respective countries of origin, and aren’t bringing it into a public space. Now, I’m going to try and not ‘hate’ here. But, while I understand the ‘PCU’ is meant to be a train of guilds coming together to well, have fun or work together for good RP, I feel the need to point out that as a bystander, on neither side I’ve never wanted to be less involved in the grander RP scene.

And this is for two distinct reasons, both sides for or against seem to be turning almost cult-like, zealously defending or aggravating each other and the other because, if I ‘do’ have a difference of opinion- from my point of view its highly likely i’ll be harassed, bothered, or otherwise ignored by a large group of people that likely know very little about me, as a person or as a player.

But the blurry distinction for most as it seems to me is, you do/did ERP once, and therefore you are bad, and hence i’ll be avoided like i’m a leper or a plague rat. To me, I see some good intentions, but as the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I fear that as time has gone on as I’ve observed these posts gather more and more traction that it will further derail and cause friction in the community, to the point where it may even turn to cyber bullying or something of a similar nature.

What I worry about the most however, is that this sort of ‘hive-mind’ mentality that I have come to recognize is, frankly, frightening. I compare it myself in my head, to things I have witnessed in the past, such as religious groups against the ‘sinners’ and so forth, there is likely a few better examples to compare, but that is the first thing I can think of relating close to this. I’m not saying the PCU should disband, I’m not saying it should remain either. All I am saying is that with everything going on in the world, and as things are in terms of culture across the world-. I find it to be strange and almost sad that things like this are still such a prevalent issue. I see many words of hatred between those on both sides.

And perhaps i’m just imagining this ‘side to side’ kind of thing, maybe it isn’t so bad. But as far as i’m concerned, its getting to a point where people seem to forget why we are on this server, to have fun and roleplay these amazing fantasy characters in this amazing world of warcraft, not to police each other, hate each other, argue and grow distant from those we have very minute differences between. Its obviously difficult to fix, and I dont think it ever will be fixed, we can only do so much.

But my personal feeling on the whole matter is simple. Do as you like, treat others as you would like to be treated, don’t be quick to judge and try to see the point of view of your fellow player. Because in the end we’re all here for the same reasons for the most part, and while I understand seeing and hearing certain things can be frustrating, or borderline disgusting to some, the path that i’ve seen people taking so far will only put the community on a lower descent to an even worse situation.

Sorry for the long post, TL:DR, Borderline cyberbullying, Cult-like activity, Descent into worse situation, we’re all here to have fun, treat each other with respect.

Thank you ^^ And sorry if this upsets anyone.


Erp doesnt belong in a pg-13 game. Im just here to have a fun and immersive roleplaying experience, preferably without stumbling into people cybering.

Honestly, its a bit cringe to go to such an extent as comparing the pcu to a cult because they dislike seeing what you’re into behind closed doors.