[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Yeah, it is - but there is a time and place for it. Its very concerning how some people do not realize this, and show so little understanding towards how it can affect others, just because “loool didnt affect me haha !!”


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damn, guilty of another blush blunder…

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Honestly this comment spikes a serious concern in my mind, both to the fact you got groomed in the first place and the culture that somehow thinks it’s normal or okay.


Well, for the most part, I’ve seen most people say they dont like it because it breaks the rules, this is fair, so is the reasoning that kids could be traumatized as a part of it, this is also fair, but if two people are doing it privately, and both are known to be adults, no one else is affected, or see’s it, where lies the problem?

Other than in goldshire.

You worry me.

Rofl I didn’t get groomed. I knew what was going on.

Okay coomer…

What is a coomer? Seen that word going around.

How do they know that the other is an adult? And if they do why do they have to use the chat of a game where kids are to do it? There are 18+ platforms out there. Use those.

It’s a guy who works at Valve


you’re part of the problem by normalizing such activities on platforms unfit for it (look for example how youre going on a crusade in this public thread). “haha im gonna keep using wow until blizzard has a way to ban me for sexual whispers!”


Only a response to vague-upvoting

This sounds very obsessive. So is the routine bait.

Lol. Okay so if the platform is the problem then sure, i’ll concede and say maybe there’s a better way. But that’ll probably only lead to people using either discord, TS, or an addon for it.

Addons are moderated and monitored by BlIzzard (see: TRP3).

Discord / TeamSpeak / … have their respective moderators as well.

Quit making a straw man argument…

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What, how is that a strawman argument, people ERP on discord in whispers all the time XD

Addons still have to adhere to the ToS

there definitely is. go to discord or literally anywhere else where its allowed.