[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Can upvoting be vague? It’s a forum, people have different views and will make them known whether others asked or not too.

Back on actual thread topic, Goldshire needs drowning in disinfectant. As for Bastick, it just feels like someone is yanking the PCU’s chain tonight, hence my comment to your vague-post, Perroy.

Yeah, that’s what they should do

Bastrick my friend I don’t care about cyber as a concept - you can do what you want outside of the game. I just realise it’s awful for this realm’s community and at the very best causes drama and creates a seedy atmosphere

If you and your partner (or whatever) want to do that stuff yeah maybe discord / whatsapp etc are a more fitting place


Yes, you are rather obsessive, but not really what people wanted to discuss in this thread really. Now, back to the matter at hand, public ERP and especially Goldshire.

Goldshire bad mmkay.

Context matters. This thread is obviously about the game. Bringing up what happens on other platforms is whataboutism.



Yeah I think it would be sick if we returned to the topic because this is going in circles and in the OP I specifically request that people keep the discussion to publicly explicit cyber ala Goldshire because of course there is (sadly) still contention about ERP as a whole

If you want to keep debating in another thread I will be there instantly because I love to argue so let me know


This is what I mean by deliberately trying to cause trouble. Go away.

You are so precious, you take me answering a post of Perroy’s with a polite answer as me being obsessive. I rarely post these days and I have had no issues with anyone in various threads, then you try and accuse me of being obsessive? Can’t you see you are the one with the obsession? It’s not healthy, now please do as requested as either start a new thread or move on.

More condescending baiting.

Can any of the ‘radical centrists’ / erp apologists explain to me how it’s difficult to grasp the concept of erp not being appropriate in a game played by children?

You have multiple avenues open to you outside of the video game, why is it so important that you /sit your virtual avatar next to someone else while you write bad erotica and jerk off together?


I can still do romantic RP tho right? >.>

Yeah sure why not lol

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Arms himself with a set of candles by moonlight with a servant playing a violin.

I grant you my permission king.

I’m the overlord of love =D Except when i’m cleaving heads… but we don’t talk about that.

Oh hey one last tidbit regarding cyber erp, etc, what about s*ut mogs?, you know, bikini armored elves etc, same category?

I think for some races it’s fairly obvious that that is how their culture dresses and for others it’s a bit weird but it’s usually fairly obvious to see the difference in if someone wants to portray a certain kind of character or if they’re just dressing for the Goldshire shtick

Either way it isn’t covered by the game’s rules obviously so I think there isn’t much to discuss beyond personal opinions

Not bad on thier on nor against the ToS, but they can be red flags I suppose.

Hard to take serious on the field of battle.

BuT mY mObIlItY
