[ Important? ] Building a better AD

How dare you come at me with your logic and reason.

If it was kept in private no one here would even know it/be able to discuss it LOL!

Move off-platform to discord et al, coomers.


I still really don’t understand why no one ever responds geniuenly to the “why does it need to have to happen on a 12+ platform?”

It seems like that point is forgotten all the time. Do it on another platform that have diffrent rating/rules.

To put it into a real-life equivelence: Nobody is telling you you can’t look at dirty pictures, but maybe don’t do it inside the local school cafeteria. Why not go home, or to another place that doesn’t have children/teens?


Me and my partner have like… 3 romantic paired characters. Romance RP is fine. You can absolutely explore character relationships, and what that means for them emotionally, and few people have issue with it beyond when it’s an obvious vehicle for sleaze.
It’s cool. It’s just… maybe it’s best to assume that two characters in a relationship are intimate without the need to act it out, eh?


Might be a little bit late to the party but i do want to point out a few small points.

  1. The fact that people call us a hive mind is a bit silly. We in the PCU have our set of rules and expect everyone to follow it. To call us a Hive mind is the same as calling a Society that follows the law a Hive mind. Do we think the same? No, Do we act the same? No, If we all did that then it wouldn’t consist out of multiple guilds with diffrent people.

  2. Is about the ERP. Yes i get it, there is Bikini armor and such in the game. But there is a diffrence between the Appearance and the Act. The armor is the same as wearing a bikini on a hot day. Does it cover everything? No. Will people see it? Probably. Does it excuse sexual content? No, Because just because its revealing does not Define it “COME AND GET IT!” just by the way they dress which is a highly immature and frankly disturbing thing to do. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

  3. Before anyone calls me a brainwashed quir boy in the holy church of Perroy himself. I will admit i was a person who did ERP in the past. Not in the same sense as in Goldshire mind you. Just in the sense of relationships in RP cause back then i didn’t know any better, These no ERP rules made sense to me when i started to understand where it came from by asking “What about the age of the other person?” and “What could be the concequences of these scenes.” If you want to do it thats fine, i won’t demonize you for ERPing the first place so long the one you do that with is of the right age and you keep it private away from WoW. Not in whispers. not in Parties. Not in the game.

  4. about the Romance, yes thats fine so long its not openly sexual.

Do not mistake people saying “Don’t do that” as elitism or the want to police people and boss them around. We are all striving to make a better server for our community. We aren’t some Regime that is gonna gun everyone down because of breaking the rules. History has shown that doesn’t work…

To strive for a better argent dawn we have to put up standards and rules and activly enforce them not to oppose our will against others but for the benefit of all. After all we are all people with ideas and expressions for the universe we RP in and welcome anyone in who is willing to give it a shot so long they take note of the rules that are set in the ToS and by Community standards. Not bias standards. but ones that large majority agree with. In that case, No ERP.


I realise I am -checks- 16 days late to this, but at this rate I think that’s not the worst idea? (Obviously keeping EU and US separate still, because oh… my word…)

But if it would be what it took to increase moderation of the Obviously Bad Stuff then… sure?

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It would simply be a powermove that benefits all.
The roleplayers are now together, offering larger potential of stumbling onto other RPers and thus increasing the sense of community and living world everyone loves.
Blizzard has fewer RP realms to moderate with maybe increased rules :flushed:


So it doesn’t include ERP, then (since that is against the ToS)

They should probably bow to the rules of the game they’re playing, though

At what point did you think that posting this with the implication that cyberers are an oppressed group would be really witty


“cyberers trying to groom kids in a game for ages 12 and over are like the jewish people during the holocaust” is certainly an impressive take, Haerelwen.






Just so bad no words


But that violates the ToS.


Congratulations, your first post ever is the most embarrassing thing I’ve read on these here forums in a while.


Excuse me what the heck?


Moral and intellectual bankruptcy


If you are gonna commentate and say something on the matter, At the very least make a arguement that has a point in it and not say that “Do whatever you want so long its the terms of service.” Without actualy providing “Why” Its not against the Terms of Service.

Also to make sure your arguement gets across don’t make these silly P.S biased jokes because lets be honest. its not helping your case and makes you look like a a clown who doesn’t know how to debate.

Also bow to -our- rules? I mean i get it you don’t want to follow anyone and be your own boss but we all have to follow a set of rules cause lets be honest, Personal codes get twisted a lot in the benefit of the person.

Long story short. Give an actual arguement and not a hallow claim and a jest.


Who in their right mind compares wanting to groom minors to being a victim of the holocaust?

That’s sickening on every possible level.


This is why we try build a better community.


Also to make a post a bit more on topic again. While this technically isn’t something we as players can correct ourselves, bringing up here as a suggestion for a change might be benefitial, or it would atleast be nice to hear the rest of you guys thought’s about my suggestion. It’s regarding the In-Game Code of Conduct.

Specifically this part:

" Communication

When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions."

To me personally, I think it is incredibly straight-forward, and from what I have seen, most people agree. However in alot of these discussions surrounding ERP, I’ve seen quite alot of people trying to armchair lawyer this by statements such as: “Well, what if I say that what you write is vulgar, then its not okay either!” or even more common: “But erp in itself isnt vulgar or offensive, its subjective. I don’t think so” etc.

Naturally, I think these points are completly irrelevant, but since so many people seem to absolutley stonewall/try to play Devil’s Advocate with the wording, my suggestion is to perhaps also directly specify that “sexual language” is not allowed, even if it’s already understood by most people.

What do the rest of you think? It might not change much, and we still need to obviously continue to stand against this kind of thing, report it when we see it & need more focused moderation from Blizzard’s behalf, but I think it would be a change to make it more obvious even towards those who are being willingly obtuse?