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Out of every defense in the book, the “It was just a joke guys honestly” is probably the weakest thing you could have ever said after trying to equate people supporting the ToS/CoC to nazzis.


“Children can Google anything, including sexual content, which means there is no reason why we should prevent people doing cybersex and grooming in multiplayer video games that are 12+”

They are free to do that ERP through medium that´s 18+. When people do activity somewhere where it has no place and is against the rules of that space, their feelings shouldn´t matter.

No thanks.
They are rule breakers and need to move off.


The closest thing they ever had to a community both deliberatly & vocally supported and advertised grooming minors & geniuenly illegal activities while also activly sending death threats to people & griefing roleplay on the side.

Great community.

commonly known as blizzard’s terms of service lol!


You did a fine job skipping the part about “this is blizz’s work”. Are you with PCU too?

You know what to do with rule breakers. Report button is there.

Glad you’re showing acceptance to why your posts are being flagged. Acceptance is the first step!

Edit: Deleted my above reply because I had to swap characters for a thing and posted on the wrong one!

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I do report problems.
But I am also able to state what ERPers are doing is wrong.

I’d hope more IG moderation and a return of RP rules will assist us in reporting problem cases such as griefers and ERPers.


Yeah agree



“It´s Blizz´s work to punish botters, so you shouldn´t do anything about botters other than clicking report button.”

How about no? Instead, we should do what we can to make the server better (a.k.a., make ERP unacceptable, not just in public, but overall, making players choose if they want to take part in many events/guilds or if they want to do cybersex), so Blizzard only has to deal with stuff we have no power over, while making it obvious to them something (ERP/OOC griefing) is a problem.

Who cares even if they are. ERP is illegal in blizzards ToS.

The feelings of other people do not mater in the context of enforcing the rules and the breaking of the terms. Don’t care if you are angry. sad, Oppressed or anytihn like that. if the rule is broken you suffer the concequences for it. Simple as that.

Yes we live in a world where people can find anytihng should they actualy look for it but that does not excuse it for being right. “Oh i watched a Adult film and there for i can do it as well despite my age.” No. Thats not how that works. Hell its the same as saying Minors shouldn’t drink alcahol despite it being in every store. (Hence there is a max age rule…)

You are completly ignoring the point that the rule of “No ERP” which is supposed to stop and is to prevent sexual content reach to the wrong ears and to the wrong people. Just because its more accessible does not make it allowed.

Also i don’t know if you notice but Moderating a Massive MMORPG is a extreme and very busy thing to keep track of. Much like the police, They can’t see a crime happening because they are not EVERYWHERE, Thats why its our responsibility to Report the rules being broken. The make clear that these things are not allowed and ofcourse these things do not happen in the first place.

All and all to me it seems you are more concerned about people “Policing” each other as if you are gonna loose all sense of control.

Oh and about the joke, There is a time and place for it and a context that matters.
Simple as that.

TL:DR it is our responsibility to make it clear to other people that certain things are not acceptible or are allowed and if such things are still broken we will report it appropriatly. What you think we gonna do? Dox every ERPer we see? That would be counter Entuative.


We can’t have the attitude that the GMs are over-worked, therefore we won’t bother reporting. Also there is a lot of apathy about reporting things that shouldn’t be seen or OOC actions disturbing RP.

I get a bit fed up of people over the years saying, “OMG you won’t believe what I saw in (insert location) last night.” When you ask if they reported it, you get an answer something like, “Nah, couldn’t be bothered.” This isn’t going to help to make Blizzard aware of these people so that they can have action taken against them for breaking game rules. We only rent our accounts in this game, but if you don’t report it then don’t bother crying about it.


So out of curiousity if they decided ERP was no longer against the rules would this argument effectively drop completely?

One argument of many. Reporting it wouldn’t be much use in this scenario, but it wouldn’t sway me to tolerate ERP. It’d still be a game that children play and ERP isn’t something I want to be a part of the RP community. Seeing ERPers doing their thing grosses me out.

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No, because it’s also extremely corrosive if you put the rules aside. You cannot count on only two hands the number of guilds that have split or fallen into drama because of ERP related grief. It’s clearly socially unhealthy.

Besides that, the chance of it being removed from the rules is nihil, because a greater part of the game’s audience is still underage and:

Groomers get out.


Lol. This is obviously a theoretical question, I doubt it’d ever happen, but the age rating would have to go up anyway if that did happen. Or at least i’d think it would, or should.

a useless hypothesis as they will not crank the age rating up to 18+ ever.

If it was an 18+ game however and ERP wasn’t against the ToS, yeah, i wouldn’t really care.

theoretical and speculative questions are best left for the realm of reason.

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Well I did say it was curiosity. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even if they changed the age and the rules, you would still get kids playing, lots of players on these forums have claimed they started playing WoW when they were ten or eleven years old, despite it being a 12+ game as it is.

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