[ Important? ] Building a better AD

big true. Lord knows that 10 year old me was already playing GTA, CoD et al.

Truuuue lol

I was 13 when I started out serious with roleplaying. I can recall having several questionable encounters with several questionable individuals on my old server when I was around that age.

One of them tried to force ERP on me during a guild event. It was that bad and toxic. I was so uncomfortable, I faked a DC and told my parents about it. Never saw the person again but the weird encounter stayed with me ever since.

I really do NOT know why Blizzard does not ban these people. They have 0 place in this game.

Edit: Looking back at it, I should have reported the guy but I was 13 and barely knew stuff about the game and the support system. Sadly that is the only direct way to report people like this and sadly, way too often, these people receive no punishment.


You did the right thing by logging out and telling your parents though, even if you didn’t report it to Blizzard. I didn’t start playing WoW until I was in my late thirties and I wouldn’t have known how to report anything back then either! Sadly now is often a daily occurance on AD when I’m rping.

I think this is a bit of an odd post.

There is a lot of merit here, particularly about harassment of RP, and public ERP. I certainly feel like harassment of RP events is pretty much never dealt with.

But other than that, there appears to be an attempt to force a prudish and authoritarian ideology (my way or the highway) down the throats of others.

Wow is a game that should be young teenager friendly, and thus things like public ERP are rightfully banned. (as for grooming and sexual harassment, that isn’t okay in any context, it’s literally criminal). That being said, a number of the crusaders here also have a history of going after consenting adults playing out a fantasy in a private manner. Hell, the moment characters begin publicly flirting with each other they have a meltdown and proceed to harass the players for hours. As someone who doesn’t ERP, but can’t stand abusive behaviour, i’m just not interested in being part of the AD RP community anymore, and a big part of that is because of the abuse and harassment people in this thread saying they want to make a better community have encouraged and partaken in.

I think it’s also really revealing when people say ERP is not socially conducive because it causes drama. That’s life, people get hot for others, and when others ain’t hot back, you get issues. It’s why so many guilds tend to be very sexist, because many of the boys cannot handle being rejected by female guildies. The answer isn’t to ban romance or consenting interactions, the answer is to go to therapy and sort out your own issues.

Groomers get out.


Do you think this is appropriate in a 12+ game? Where some people are so demented and dont care to the point where they can take “yes” as an answer when asking their “”“”“”““Partner””“”“”" their consent age?

Que the “hmph. I put one opinion out in a public forum and people DARE post their own counter-arguments” post.


“don’t groom children with cyber in a game for ages 12 and over” is prudish to you?


if consenting adults wanna play out a fantasy they can do some on a platform that isn’t a kid’s game i’m thinking

yeah i’d rather not have a guild i’m in collapse because jack got the hots for joe

that’s what i like to hear from erp apologists ngl




So what you are saying is that it´s good ERPers are mixing IC and OOC?
Because if ERP was purely between characters, it shouldn´t cause drama between the players behind those characters (just like conflict between characters shouldn´t cause conflict between the players), yet it does.
How is that good for RP?

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You clearly didn’t read my post.

Grooming = bad

Harassing people that are consenting adults, or are doing IC flirting also = bad

Think you are going to need more than just some therapy if you go looking for romance and consenting interactions in a place filled with underaged people.

i did but you make conflicting statements so instead it seems like you do think grooming has a place in WoW.

no one’s getting harrassed en masse bc of this lol


Imagine feeling like ic romance should stem from blatant and unnecessary flirting

ERP never happens on a purely IC level, people do it do satisfy a kink.

Wow really isn’t the right place to look for partners, that is obviously dodgy considering kids play this game. BUT if you play wow with your boyfriend who also plays wow, and IC you RP a relationship as well and you enjoy flirting with him in public, it is not appropriate to harass people because of that.

This is a good example of why its hard to trust intentions of a thread like this (and why I don’t). You’ve pretty much ignored my entire post and just said: well you just wanna groom people.

That was a big assumption.

I’m more talking about if you know the person IRL, and you’re having fun in game.

Maybe these hypothetical kink satisfiers can do so outside of a Pegi 12+ game?


It’s simple. You leave that part out of the game, entirely. There are rules against it.