[ Important? ] Building a better AD

I gotta approve on more loud statements now, having noticed how ERP folks have become more active during the past months. If you go to the capital and the first people who seem to want to get to know your character a little better are trying to lure you into ERP. At least it’s obvious and easier to back off from than when someone romances or just befriends your character, spends some time wanting to do normal things with them and then one night you’re asked to ERP. >_>
For a person who has been unlucky meeting people who value in-depth interaction (even in RP) more, it’s a really tough spot. Whether you do this to keep them around or you reject the offer, risking that you’ll spend another month or two just trying to find another person who would give it a try to develop something deeper, without ERP aspect. That occurred to one of my “romanceable” characters, but it’s even harder to find like-minded chars to connect with if you just look for friendship instead.

I’ve sometimes become even disencouraged from RPing my female chars for the fact how much they get approached for ERP, especially in capitals. Mind you, I aim to build “proper” TRP profiles and usually my chars wear covering outfits, unless it’s for an occasion. On male chars such ERP-motivated approaches don’t seem to be as much of a problem, but you also get approached much less in general too. Even in cases where said characters would be more casual and approachable, rather than repelling with either dark appearance or TRP profile that indicates your char is powerful etc… :confused:

On less ToS-related matters, I’d also like to see more united community at large to have better AD. During recent months, I’ve seen how divided this community actually is becoming; there’s lots of talking behind backs of people and covert methods to drive personal agendas, because of fear of “drama”, or intolerance for littering public chats with things some people may be aware of while some aren’t.
In past month within one community alone, I’ve seen people be like “I’ll never RP with anyone from _______ again because I disapprove of their guild storyline”, add some loose PCU references although those who were discussed about aren’t even affiliated with them. But the said guild was providing active RP for both their guild members and the hub they were stationed in.

A few weeks later, I also came into contact with a group of people who seemed to want to RP more together, to the point where we agreed to form our own group that wasn’t tied by guilds. While some of these people had said some bad things about PCU I hear quite often, like “they poach, invade our RP spots and create their own server rules” etc., I later came to witness few from this group form their own guild and basically do the same things they accused PCU for. Most disturbing being their covert methods of recruiting people into their new guild, which divided groups and guilds between those who were invited and those who weren’t, instead of offering the opportunity on the open, transparently. After realising these people won’t respond to confrontation, I just distanced from them and moved on.
But on general level how it’s silently approved on the server in fear of drama and “witch hunting”, it’s still a problem. Like even while people have their freedom of choice etc., nowadays you can’t call such out on the open or you’re just framed for creating drama and slandering. Poaching and covert methods of advancing personal agendas within groups are still a thing, and those can be toxic for the division and confusion they create. It’s hard to see until it’s too late to talk things out or work through more transparent and respectful methods. And those who are unaware who practise such methods, will just remain blissfully ignorant even if said people improved their ways to look better in eyes of public.

I have to highlight I haven’t been interacting with PCU guilds but casually, so I’m coming from more neutral place with this view. I feel that there is a point to PCU and non-PCU arguing should cease as non-PCU affiliated people or guilds aren’t inherently better with their ways. Little may I know what’s been going on on the server before and how much of what I’ve heard is founded on reality. But seeing how judgemental people can be towards guilds instead of individuals who do questionable things, it creates more pressure and fracture than unity on the server imho. And while casual RP is still accessible for many, most people rely on guilds for more action oriented RP. If you’re judged for simply being in guild ______, that too makes RP less accessible and builds more pressure, than RP friendly environment at large.

I will try to stay as objectively as possible in this reply. TLDR at the end.

A lot of things happen in real life but aren’t shown in videogames. Games that do are outright banned from sales, streams and so forth.

The biggest problem with the whole Goldshire and ERP thing is not that “two adults do whatever” in private, but instead that on a large scale a lot of people can’t draw the line. Goldshire adds to the topic of normalising such behavior.

The other type is non Goldshire goers. That’s the ones like you, atleast I hope so. You might think “I do ERP the way that nobody else is badly affected by it!”. Ok, I guess. If that is the stuff you wanna do. I won’t and can’t keep you from it.

Unfortunately there is a big number of people that won’t do that. I’ve met characters in all kinds of places that went up to a female character, asked them for a date and if the female character declined they send insults towards that person in /w. Or downright went overly aggressive IC. A hurt ego OOC. It becomes worse when the person OOC meets a younger roleplayer and then tries something, which (we had cases like that on AD) leads to predatory situations.

If Goldshire would not exist and every single person who erps would only do that with someone they know IRL (as in for real), with a 100% certainty that person is over 18 and in instances, this problem would not exist. Atleast that is my guess.

But sadly we have the situation that random people just approach random characters for it and have no idea who might be on the other side. An adult, a child, a teenager, my grandma… And so forth. We even have the worst situation possible where Goldshire exists. People that aren’t supposed to see that stuff do. Not even talking about endangering children but adults who have a certain addiction as well. It’s over all just a huge problem. And people who randomly approach others for ERP in RP hubs are only contributing to the issue.

I am not hating on anyone except certain guilds that do some really bad stuff and Goldshire. I don’t hate on Goldshire for the memes, but because the over all place there is -bad-. Bad for PR, bad for the image of roleplayers and bad for roleplay itself.

Over the years on AD I have seen a lot of things. The thing you wrote here is dangerous. Not in the sense of illegal but in the sense of what some people do on AD to themself. I have met individuals who told me “Relationships in roleplay and ERP is all I can get” - from males and females alike. That is a huge problem. If you can see a difference between IC and OOC, then good on you. A lot of people can not and that is where the whole ERP thing becomes an issue. Not because of ToS because that is against it regardless, but against human decency and to protect another human being from falling into this trap.

Which is also extremely worriying for each individual. Not only for those that confuse IC and OOC but also for those that have a real problem with addiction. If sexual or over all contact to the opposite gender becomes a problem or if the obsession over ERP is far greater than anything IRL, then this person needs help.

I wish Blizzard would actually do something against people who publically ERP. So this issue gets less. But they don’t.

I don’t wanna know by how many lesbian characters your female character was approached by. Stormwind is kinda known for that currently. That is pretty sad though that you do not want to play a specific character(s) because of others ruining it. I can imagine it gets tiring very, very quickly. :frowning:

I’ve never understood that mentality. Except in incredibly obvious cases like Goldshire Lux. Obviously nobody wants to be associated with them and that is good. But a new roleplayer joining a guild isn’t really involved with anything. I would rather to have individuals disliked than an entire group of people although I experienced the “don’t talk to X guild” meme myself. My reaction has always been “I do anyways because I don’t have a problem with them, lol”. Goes for any PCU guilds too. People tell me “stay off them” and I am like “Ok but this specific guild or person hasn’t done anything wrong to me, so let me just do what I want?”.

It’s a bad mentality over all. Although I can agree that people who stay on AD for a long time have seen some really bad stuff from certain guilds and warn others about it. Nothing wrong but people should make their own “bad” (hopefully not) experiences with individuals.


ERP is on the bad scale of YandereDev for the image of roleplayers. Keep anything NSFW out of public sight and better yet not in this game and make sure you know the person to be 18+ and mature enough to handle stuff. Or don’t engage in it at all if you -know- you have some type of addiction or a problem to see a difference between IRL and roleplay. In that case a therapy would be appropriate.

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Just a few luckily, but those few are enough. Imho lesbian characters are okay, but ERP motivated advances from any type of character aren’t.

Yeah. But on the positive note, as long as ERPers remain on AD, a guild that openly associates and allows ERP makes them obvious to spot and avoid. You won’t waste time on members of such guild expecting “proper” RP or events with them. It’s different when someone gives you an image they’re interested in proper RP in a way that’s also respectful for others, but later you’ll find out they were after something else entirely. Just playing on your benefit of the doubt. But if we didn’t give it upon meeting a new person, we would be quite cold, cynical if not hostile community.

Doesn’t make ERP acceptable however, or then Blizzard should update their ToS. Not that ToS matters when it’s cringey but at least we could have more transparency and honesty from Blizz’s side.

True, some disagreements are bound to happen in any long term situation. And it tends to burn the more you’re invested in RP and those who provide you active involvement. It may seem laughable to more casual folks, but it’s probably because their passions lie somewhere else. It’s easy to mock or destroy something you don’t care about, but wise folks can live without even falling to that level.
Imho it’s okay to warn because in the end most of us got ability to choose whether we trust that info or not, and make our own judgements based on it. If it’s just badmouthing however, we can choose to avoid the “messenger” instead. I’m more concerned whether warnings stem from bad experiences, concerns or ie. envy and other ulterior motives.

Bottom line however, where we can agree on, we can’t know for sure without personal involvement.

Yep, same. Although I like to be cautious on guilds which have questionable reputation among the community, it’d be misguided to judge everyone associated with such guilds.

I still recall what went down with one guild stationed in Duskwood last year, leader did some bad things but as soon as it was brought into the light, people cut ties completely to the guild and its leader. The leader got bad rep, but as none else was involved in his activities (iirc), why should they be judged? And that was more of an extreme case.
People seem to hate for more petty reasons too, although everyone determines themselves what they’re comfortable with.

Now that I read the conversation between you and Bastrick, it provoked some thoughts. Indeed it’s dangerous if people act out their fantasies in game especially if they don’t draw a line between IC and OOC. But then, if it prevented them from doing something that can’t be undone in real life, which is lesser evil? Not that these people don’t need help or that they shouldn’t seek it. I wouldn’t be comfortable encountering such people either.

If people act out their less intimate fantasies out in game, distinguishing that IC is IC and OOC is OOC, that’s good. Communication is the key.

If people want to try playing different roles in different situations just to experiment how they’d see X or Y in their characters’s shoes, that’s okay.

ERP isn’t okay. IC and OOC melding together aren’t okay.

I hope you didn’t mean this literally… I just remembered the shoe guy from Silvermoon who whispered female characters.

puts on your shoes and experiments how your curves look now that he has new shoes :PPPP

Nah, that’s one awkward typo apparently. I meant to write “how you view a person or situation from your character’s perspective”. :'D

So I agree that a decent portion of what the OP stated here are legit issues. And it kind of got me thinking…

I got into RP fairly recently… And have tons of toons on different servers i’d like to play/RP, but would likely cost me several 100’s of Euros to transfer. One thing that came to mind i “RP” mode… same way Warmode would work. It would open up the RP community to so, so much more players, mindsets etc… I’d love to see a separate RP phase we could toggle on…

We’d still get trolled ofc, but for the most part I expect the people who’d actually do it, would be the ones interested in it?

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I didnt look at this thread for a couple of days lol, I’ve met people who can’t make the distinction between IC and OOC, more often than not including those seeking relationships, or attempting to fill the void for one. I can agree that I could see it being damaging to a certain degree for some, but then its a lot easier to take a step back from the computer. I don’t see it as dangerous though. I personally don’t play female characters in games, so I can’t fully relate to being bothered through whispers as much, but I’ve had my fair share of ‘X Gropes Y’ randomly at which I promptly tell them I’m either not interested or just plain put them on ignore and that is the last I hear from them.

Also on the topic of acting out fantasies, I can see why some would come to a you know, ‘fantasy’ game, to do it. I don’t think this is necessarily the right place if thats all you’re after, but it makes sense that they exist. I personally enjoy the idea of acting out a character’s life in full where I can. Its more fulfilling and enjoyable to me that way, can’t say I’ve ever intentionally forced that view or mindset upon anyone else i’ve interacted with because I tend to make OOCly clear so no wires get crossed ^^.

Don’t see them in the OP here? Maybe it would be great if we have a sticky topic to these communities in general for newcomers.

Yeah I forgot to do that actually, will do it now

Thanks for the reminder

edit: wrong char etc


How about we just go to the starter zone then whittle away at the OOCs then Elwynn will belong to the RP community again and not lollers. Remember the early days, when people to RP in Goldshire and pushback against the lollers that attempt to ruin our fun? in /1 we were all like “Go back to the foul pit from whence you came foul creature”! That’s what we need to do.

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Once Blizzard clears most of the blatant ERPers, that will be easier to do.


I don’t see that happening. If they cared, they would have done so already.

That’s why we have this thread.

We’ve had it for over a month and a half. Did it actually amount to anything by now? Is there RP happening in Trade District/Valley of Strength? Are there fewer ERPers in Goldshire?

Why exactly are you expecting instant results?
What are you doing to help?


trying to demotivate people on a forum, of course!


Because I wouldn’t call almost two months instant.

As for me helping, I’m helping the Tauren community where I’m able, and that’s enough for me.

Yeah definitely, I’m the evil guy who wants to ruin your efforts. /s

nah i don’t think you’re malicious, just think you’re a doomer.