It’s called being realistic. The empirical evidence is against you. It’s up to you to prove me wrong. I hope you do, I really do, but we’ll see.
Consider how long the issue has existed, how deeply ingrained it is.
Then think about how long this has been up for…
It’s close to instant. Initiatives take time, nay saying it and being negative isn’t remotely helpful. And you can help what little tauren community there is whilst doing things that could support the notions here.
nooo why hasnt an issue of the greater part of 2 decades been solved by a month-old thread!
come off it LOL
Well, im not against you guys succeeding. I’d just like to see things change, even if just a little bit.
But you’re not doing anything to support the notion either. Since it’d benefit us all, it might be useful to make actual suggestions. Be involved with the change we all want to see, the more people on board, the quicker things go.
Being “realistic” isn’t helpful, it’s demoralising and not worth bringing in.
Can you detail the ways in which you’ve done this? You’ve played a tauren for many years yet the tauren community remains one of the smallest and I believe your own personal attempts at creating guilds to combat that have ultimately not succeeded
The empirical evidence is against you etc etc
That’s how you come off right now - kind of a tone deaf post. Apologies that a forum thread didn’t instantly remove all ills but it’s more a message to Blizzard + a place to discuss than an instant fix. An instant fix can only come from Blizzard
I’m already supporting your efforts. But I can’t do anything to help. Like I said, I’m already doing my part elsewhere.
I’ve failed to improve the situation. All I can do is help keep it from worsening, which is what I’m doing.
As for the rest of your post, are you guys trying to populate the OOC-infested areas with your guilds? Because that’s something which can bring results.
Your use of language says you don’t support us. It comes across as quite indifferent.
What are you doing to support the aim of this?
Like I said, I’m doing my own part. I think we can both agree that each race having a stable community ultimately enriches the experience on the server. I’m not going to help you cleanse Goldshire or OOC areas, but I wish you good luck with that.
Is what you’re doing visble by the wider community?
Also, having more areas to RP in means more concepts can be played out freely, which would enrich things for everyone. No matter what you do, tauren RP is going to be a small niche.
Yeah and I wish you good luck with freeing those areas. And Tauren RP being a niche doesn’t justify letting it die.
I still RP a tauren. We held a market in Thunder Bluff to draw people in to the area. Nobody is letting it die, but it won’t grow for a while (especially during drought season).
What are you currently doing to foster tauren RP and growth?
I’m helping plan the next moot, and am supporting the Spiritwood Tribe and the Mountains and Plains with my Tauren.
“I called the police to ask them to stop all crime in the world. Since they didnt come back to me within 5 minutes to confirm this to be done now, I think everyone should stop reporting any crime ever again since its pointless. Nothing can be done!”
The Tauren must have conflict IC for the community to enrich…
You cannot have a community composed of individuals constantly agreeing with each other and picking the same peaceful wise archtype…and expect it to thrive…
There are plenty of different and conflicting views IC among Tauren RPers. There may not be any infighting, but we are definitely not all uniform in our opinions. Some of us despise the Horde and the Forsaken, some dislike the Forsaken but love the Horde, some would not hesitate to kill any alliance or night elf who attacks us, while some would rather resolve the conflict through talk.
So yeah, not every Tauren RPer is the same, nor are we all pacifists. It’s just that none of us is a bloodthirsty warmonger.
They all love the alliance in their own ways
I respectfully disagree. Tolerating someone and loving them are two completely different things.
Yeah true lol