[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Might be interesting.

Yes, I’m RPing with them and sometimes with the Mountains and Plains as well. The Spiritwood are currently with me in Thunder Totem. :slight_smile:

He’s one of the council and the only guy left from the previous leadership

The Valley of Strength ie. the district with the seat of the Horde’s power that also houses the majority of it’s trade

Gee, I dunno but there’s probably a reason you could maybe fabricate. FTR I don’t really care if you RP in Orgrimmar or not though personally - it’s just a weird double standard that I contest

Happen with Sylvanas so why wouldn’t it happen with Baine


Also with Lor´themar, as per the new short story which states he spends much of his time in Orgrimmar as part of the council.


I also want to add that Baine was the one that welcomed the Vulpera into the Horde to begin with so clearly he holds some political power within the horde and orgrimmar.

Trall, Eitrigg. Both could run Orgrimmar.

A trade that can also be done elsewhere, like the Valley of Wisdom. Aside from the Hold, there’s nothing that VoS has that the other districts don’t, even the valley of Spirits.

What double standard? If VoW has everything that VoS has and is obviously a Tauren district (which is also void of RP for some reason), then there’s no reason to go to the VoS.

And then there’s also the fact that Orgrimmar isn’t the only city out there. I’d rather focus on Thunder Bluff and Thunder Totem than on Orgrimmar, especially VoS.

The point is the Baine is a big deal in Orgrimmar

Which kind of contradicts your original suggestion

That my group must RP in these zones as some public service but others don’t have to bother

Of course we are doing some stuff in that direction but the daring synthesis between PCU bad and PCU please help is funny to me really (though not really the topic of this thread)

because the tauren community is unfortunately like ten guys in total. Forsaken RP was the same when I rolled Perroy (in fact for some reason the “player leader” of that group back then was a tauren DK ironically)

Yeah that’s cool as I said I am truly not invested in you RPing in Orgrimmar if you don’t want to do that


I’ve already made my statement earlier.

Not going to comment on the rest, as it’s obvious that our opinions on this matter differ completely, so let’s just leave it at that.

hating the undead is mega-based and should apply to every horde member :slight_smile:


What about the Forsaken members of the Horde? Are they meant to hate themselves?

Don’t make us send your character back to the shadow realm anti-Forsaken dog …

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i guess everyone but the forsaken hate the forsaken

Literally all of the other council members are hanging around Orgrimmar, away from their people, so why wouldn’t it make sense for Baine to be?

They probably could, yeah. But lore suggests they’re not.

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Hey there argents,
I want to throw my five cents in and talk about the overall topic a bit as well and please take what I say with a pinch of salt cause as with most things, its simply my opinion based on my experiences and doesn’t account for everyone.

Us vs them mentality

And I think thats a big one. A lot of issues I have personally found roleplaying sometimes come from precisely that. While I respect people taking pride in what they do and like and that by all means isnt a bad thing, we have to understand that with it also come some negatives at times.
One thing I saw people complain about several times was a feeling of elitism. Often that is rooted in the fact that we all have different worldviews, concepts and envision our roleplay universe in different ways.
Sometimes we overlap with ideas and its fine, sometimes we clash, which is also fine cause frankly diversity should be a strength and not a divider.
It’s together that we can pool from a wider variety of ideas and its letting them flourish as long as people dont aggressively use it to disrupt others when we’re at our best.

Types of roleplay

We enjoy a healthy variety and depending where you look you find them to varying degrees. We have the horde side which enjoys event based rp moreso than casual whereas roleplay hubs like stormwind and darkshire flourish more on alliance. Partially that is surely based on the difference in player population but also because of how accessable it feels.
There is a wider area to roleplay in and with more people comes a bigger variety in overall characters to interact with.
I feel personally that because of that alliance is more attractive to people who casually want to experience roleplay without already having a lot of prior experience with the community and without having established relationship with people or guilds they know they can bounce some rp back and forth with.
Its a thing I would like to see flourish on horde side a little more myself.

How to make it 'better’

We debate and say better, but better to some isnt better to everyone. Precisely why we should seek and open discussion as a community that is already pretty divided based on our own views of what roleplay should be like.
Bottom line is that regardless of horde or alliance, we should seek to be inclusive because the more people we attract, the more alive the world is going to be which further supports the feeling of immersion some people are longing for.
Capitals full of people , wanderers to bump into as you walk the main roads between cities and a few taverns with drink and stories to tell as you make stops inbetween your journey.
It’s certainly a possibility but in order to achieve that, people do need the feeling of being included in rp and sometimes some encouragement to be able to try it.
We talk about the silent watchers that sit around and dont know what to say or perhaps don’t talk because it takes a lot of courage, having to deal with the thought of being judged for the very words you type the instant you do.

All I would like and I say this in good faith is, sometimes a little compliment or words of encouragement go a long way. Building a positive atmosphere for not only yourself but the people you play with and making sure that people feel confident and positive enough about roleplaying that they will do so again in the future.
Unless you’re in the middle of an important plot or short on time, do say hi to some people some time, get talking.
Don’t be afraid to rp in locations little other people are, or even solo rp your travels sometimes if you dont have other people to tag along with, you’d be surprised who you may bump into by making the big world feel a little smaller knowing there are people like you out there.
Be inclusive and mindful of roleplayers, even if there is something you may not fully agree with. Unless you’re dealing with inappropriate content such as e-rp in public channels, griefing etc., do give people the benefit of the doubt and instead of silently judging them, try having a civil discussion instead and then decide after whether or not youd like to engage in roleplay with said person or not.
It should be possible to have a conversation and to use constructive criticism or pitch in ideas without them being taken as an offense if you word it politely.

And that’s basically it. I hope you’re all having a good time and I hope to see more of you out there. Thanks for giving it a read if you decide to.


This is a good post for the most part. :ok_hand:

If you have problems with a community, move it to the respective thread or contact them in game.

Keep this thread clean for constructive feedback and discussion on how to clean up the servers from OOC griefing and the ERP problem.


it is interesting that you take issue with a group on account of them taking a stance against griefers and groomers

I wonder which of those two you belong to.
Thankfully it’s usually just the former when classic alts are involved.


I do very much want to “gatekeep” griefers, harassers, abusers and so on. Hopefuly everyone does. Let’s stop using this word in such a condescending manner, as if it’s an inherently bad thing. It isn’t.


It’s almost as if it was some bizarre internet buzzword de jour that people used to excess without understanding what they mean by it.

Why would you Possibly ‘gate’ something? I mean thats bad and exclusive. Said no Farmer ever. Or Castle owner. Or City Mayor. Or anyone with a house key for their front door.

I mean why would you have means to keep malefactors away, that’s just excluding them.


Since there is a blue reading this thread from time to time, i have an idea:

A rule-set sticky.