[ Important? ] Building a better AD

I´d hardly call around 250 people “little community” and I don´t think there has been a single person who left because of our stance on griefers and ERPers (unless they were one of the two).

Every once in a while, thread about RP pops up on WoW Reddit. I´ve seen non-RPers there ask stuff about RP and whenever topic of the discussion got towards policing and what´s reality on RP servers in regards to griefing, they expressed surprise when explained how little Blizzard oversight there is, or even at stuff we often accept as normal, such as sharding/cross-realm existing in new zones.

It´s an anecdotal evidence, but I´d say it´s better than statements based on zero evidence at all (such as claiming people won´t start RPing because of this). I think it´s quite eye-opening when people who only know RP from pictures on social media or from words of streamers like Taliesin react to reality of RP servers (that some RPers claim is good and shouldn´t be challenged) with disbelief in regards to how bad it is.

Getting griefed and being told “that´s just how it is” is far more damaging for new RPers who come here bright-eyed and eager to RP than campaign to return this RP server to its intended purpose.

Me too, first person who I´ve seen saying something like that was half-dragon child RPer.
Seems PCU is doing something right.


It’s also interesting that you’re not understanding my post or didn’t even read it. My “issues” are trigger-happy RPers who report any slight disturbance in a ruthless way. Especially if said communities can take advantage of the report feature and mass-report individuals that they do not like, for whatever reason.

For example: If a player randomly runs up to a group RP event and fools around for even 10 seconds, then runs away and goes on with their day, who’s to say that at least 1 person in that group of RPers reports the player, and then gets their group to report them too, under “harassment”? No warnings, no chances, nothing.

It can be abused, and the more serious RPers are already fragile enough (no offence guys) when it comes to their immersion being disturbed. AD is a popular realm for all kinds of players, regardless of it being an RP realm.

Oh yeah, somebody who doesn’t blindly agree with the OP’s stance must be a groomer, right? I’d be offended if it were true, but hey, if only we all made outlandish claims with absolutely no evidence to back them up.

I could say the same about you on a DK alt, too. I just don’t stoop that low.

That’d be really cool instead.

Yeah, but Tehya has a 6637 post count instead and literally anyone who’s anyone in the RP community knows all of their alts. Unironically.

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By “gate-keepers will disagree” I’m talking about the trigger-happy reporters, not those who’re genuine about it and keeping AD healthy. I’m not talking about the extreme and obvious kinds of griefing/harassment/abusers, etc. They’re easily stomped out already, and since they are, what more do you want?

People are already being reported and action is already being taken, so… ?

On Horde? are you sure there’s even 50 RPers on Horde these days? and I am not talking about me in any way, shape or form when I mention players who’re not comfortable RPing (yes, RPing, not ERPing) on Horde because of the tension and bad vibes.

Also, I’m not arguing/debating here, I am simply discussing. If you’re all going to down-vote spam my posts, then what’s the point of this topic? what is the point of a discussion topic if there’s nothing to be discussed other than a one-sided discussion where everyone just nods and agrees with each other? Is that really what these forums have become?

There’s at least 50+ at any given time, unless you mean to tell me that both the PCU and AAW crowd have 500+ alts combined.

Ah so you’d report that person right away if that example manifested?

Having a high post count doesn’t validate their opinions more.

My point is that Horde is already “dead” in comparison to Alliance, so in actuality and reality, maybe you guys should be asking yourselves why that is the case, rather than trying to increase your stance of aggression towards those outside of your circle.

Yeah, because it’s a reportable offense.

No, being a member of the community is what does that.

You’re wrong again instead. As literally any roleplayer on this realm can attest to.

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So if a OOC player runs around a group of RPers for 5 seconds, does that count as “harassment” too? 6 seconds? 7 seconds? 1 second?

Where do you draw the line?

This is why you guys can’t be taken seriously.

And being a member of your community doesn’t make their opinions any truer.

Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal.

Then that person deserves to be perma’d for griefing RPers.


Maybe you should edit your previous post instead of contradicting it.

Epstein Was Ganked

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Like I said, this is why you guys can’t be taken seriously because in an ideal “world” that does not work, whatsoever.

There’s so many variables to it too;

That player could be new to the game
New to RP realms
Curiously seeing what’s going on and probably even wants to see if he/she can get involved (even though that’s near impossible)

Out-right reporting such a player is simply tyrannical.

How about trying to be a rational human being and at least warning the player first?

Not even sure if you guys are trolling or being serious at this point.

I’m asking you how long does it take (in seconds) for it to be considered “harassment” from your perspective, hence my 5 second example instead of 10 seconds, since you said you’d report the player if they were running around you for 10 seconds.

Great, isn’t it.


Behaviour that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect, and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.



This doesn’t explain specifically what counts as disruptive behaviour, though.

Imagine if a group of RPers decided to walk up to one specific player (who was completely innocent) and mass reported them for disruptive behaviour, that player would get banned unfairly and nothing can be done about it. Not even an appeal, unless the victim was miraculously recording, or something.

So my point being: Trigger-happy RPers reporting players can be an issue as well. Especially if the players weren’t truly harassing/being disruptive to warrant a report.

And I quote.

You quote nuanced text.

Like I said, this can be easily abused by trigger-happy RPers.

And then Blizzard will suspend them for falsely reporting, if the report is deemed to be faulty.

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And since when have players been banned for false reporting? Do you have any evidence of this? Just curious.

We don’t because that violates Blizzard’s own policy of not discussing penalties with anyone but the penalized party. They will also generally not tell you a thing if they do end up suspending someone.

Suspensions, temporary ones. Blizzard hands out bans pretty much never.


No i was in fact very generously leaning in my phrasing towards the former, the griefer.

but if you prefer to identify as a groomer instead that’s up to you really

everything can be abused.

it does actually let me know when you join the quad-digits gang.

when they whip out the mammoth/clefthoof and start jumping around, or spamming toys, etcetera. It’s really straightforward, honestly.