[ Important? ] Building a better AD

I know you aren´t talking about youself, since it´s quite clear you aren´t, nor have been member of PCU, in which case I don´t understand why you are adamant in your stance that members of PCU are not comfortable RPing on Horde because of stuff PCU does.
Unless your comment about “your little community” was targeted towards RPers in general, in which case:

  1. If you aren´t part of AD community nor an RPer in general, I don´t see why your opinion is in any way relevant when it comes to this topic.
  2. I really can´t be bothered to care about people who are fine with rampant griefing from OOCers, but become these scared little souls who need safe space as soon as other RPers start being vocal about this issue because “they just want to RP in peace”.
  3. There are many stories from members of PCU who lost RP “friends” as soon as they joined PCU guild and many screenshots of people who outright state in their TRP that they will ignore any member of PCU guilds, so I would be careful about putting the blame on us.

You can assume until your heart’s content but you still won’t be accurate, because I am neither a griefer nor groomer. Let’s say I am playing devil’s advocate here because I do see all sides to this.

Indeed, although on World of Warcraft, RPers on RP realms do already get special privileges regarding RP rules enforcement, so why bother pushing harder? have you/the OP seen an increase in griefing, or something? And can’t you guys just report them for it like people are already doing?

I am failing to see the point of this war-cry-like topic.

I’d feel ashamed, personally. The WoW forums is the last place I’d want any form of recognition on, let alone a “badge of honor” for posting too often.

Now that IS griefing, yeah.

What RP rules enforcement?

I have been around on AD for long enough to know the rules, and I’m not exactly adamant in my stance against any of you, it’s more of a concern with false reporters because many times have I come across a player who seems very emotionally-unstable (in-game) and is bound to join the report frenzy bandwagon.

Let’s hope that Blizzard do actually take action against false reporters, though. I know it’s confidential information but I don’t exactly trust Blizzard these days.

I mean players contributing to enforcing the RP rules through GM tickets or right-click reports. I did it myself a few years back when I was genuinely being harassed by somebody, so I am just wondering… what more do people want in those regards?

Ah, the enlightened centrist on the matter of groomers and paedos having their vile grasp on AD.

Tell us more about your ascended fence sitting.

Because the rules aren’t being enforced to any decent standard.

All this aside your issue seems to be that we are a big community and to that i can only say


You keep assuming that and injecting “groomers/paedos” into replies to me, why? psychological-projection, perhaps?

How do you know that? are you on the inside of Blizzard? like one poster has already stated;

Gee, I don´t know, enforcement of those rules? If there´s a griefer in the middle of Cathedral square, people report them and yet they stay there for an hour, rules aren´t really enforced, are they?


That’s more of a nit-pick at Blizzard’s customer service, rightfully so. You already know how it is these days, GMs don’t exactly roam around in-game anymore, so it’s all automated and will obviously take time to take effect.

Because it’s literally what you are doing, my guy. There’s no “all sides” to people having crazy cybersex on a game for ages 13 and up. Nor is there an “all sides” to griefers.

Surely you agree?

Goldshire is still an inhospitable wasteland of public degeneracy.

So long as this is the case, the rules are not being upheld sufficiently.

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Simple, as soon as they do that it is disruption and technically harassments. Any kind of prolonged stay, even if it is a couple of seconds that doesnt include quietly grabbing a quest or checking the mail, is bad.

They can do that on another server.


Which clearly shows Blizzard isn´t enforcing their own rules.
And we just got to core of the problem and also answer to your question. We want Blizzard to enforce these rules or give us options to curate our own in-game experience, so when someone griefs RPers, there are ways to stop the griefing.

You’re twisting my comments, “my guy” typically. Since when did I take the side of griefers/groomers by stating that I’m playing devils advocate on this topic regarding reporting/false reports?

I’ve already said, multiple times, that I’m against actual rule breakers. Keep trying, though.

Obviously, but the fact that players remain there (and on Moonguard US) means that Blizzard aren’t doing anything? like I said, things are being done, it’s just an automated system nowadays.

Question Blizzard customer service, maybe?

That sounds good in theory but it will be abused, so it’ll never happen.

Your presented case was a person trolling around RPers for a solid ten seconds. Don’t worm yourself out now.

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Okay, and if the player does get banned for harassment for running around a group of RPers for a few seconds, what’s stopping a group of RPers from falsely reporting innocent players too?

How will Blizzard know (without video proof) that the reported player was guilty or not? do they just assume that the RPers were right?

It’s so nuanced…

You’re kidding right?

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You mean like current reporting system can be?
For someone who is posting on Classic character, you seem to be oblivious to what happened in Classic recently (and that those who did it were punished).

Means they aren’t doing enough

One of their ever so helpful answers in the past on a similar issue has been “if you don’t solve it yourself we’re just gonna ban everyone tangentially involved”

Suffice to say my faith in direct communication is limited.

I dunno pick whichever of these that you like

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Blizzard have extensive ingame logs that can pinpoint exactly what the player was doing, where, how and for how long down to extreme detail.

You don’t need to be afraid of false reports ingame if you didnt do anything wrong. If you were punished, you did something wrong.