[ Important? ] Building a better AD

Blizz can literally pull up a of log your ingame actions and locations, anything, at any given time


No. I am genuinely curious. Do Blizzard actually ban players for running around/near a group of RPers for 1-10 seconds?

You got your anwser from Tehya and Vixi.

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I remember a great post on the US forums about this, someone was claiming that they got a false ban for afking in Alterac Valley in Classic, and that they were doing quests.

Blue poster came in and explained that they had extensive logs showing the person running off to an empty building at the corner of the map and just moving in circles for the entire duration to not trigger the auto-afk kick.

They see pmuch everything.


Oh, where does it state they can see your in-game actions, location, etc. anywhere other than chat logs? curious.

It’s been confirmed thousands of times by various blue posts. Anything you do on the client is registered and tracked.

It’s how online game works.


Exactly this.


I mean yeah Horde has always been smaller on AD but AD is a fairly massive server so I’m thinking you’re not entering reality if you think that entire faction’s RP is <50 people (ie. a fairly small number)

Your post was some thinly veiled PCU bad routine on an alt where you even clarify that you agree with the OP:

ie. the two problems this thread was originally posted about

If you want to post your big altpost about the PCU, the PCU has its very own thread which would probably be the place to do that instead of sprinting into some thread which effectively says “public ERP + being griefed is bad and too common”

Off topic but I will say people always make this post at us as if I’m supposed to be shaken by the fact but the truth is while we’re happy to RP with almost everyone given they’re not doing the things detailed in the OP, I’m also pretty much happy to hear that PCU bad crowd is moving away from areas we RP - that sounds like an ideal outcome for me and I am not invested in their happiness at any level

Yeah and the gate-keepers are based. We should absolutely be keeping the gate of this server - not in the sense of petty elitism towards new RPers that should be fostered / helped or basically anyone potentially anyone interested in giving this a go but in the sense that this server doesn’t need guys who camp RP on mammoths, guys who exist only to cyber and nervous altposters

Horde has been a much smaller faction since even when I started on this server one thousand years ago - in fact comparing then to now the Horde is pretty popular in terms of RP at least

If this is some snipe at the PCU, we’re not actually a Horde-only community … sorry that you had to find out this way bro = (

Wasn’t your original point “report and move on”? Pretty tyranical

Dude I think you seriously overestimate the power of a report. We have had people camp events on mounts / with toys etc for (unironically) five hours at a time who were reported to no effect

This entire thread is born from “just report it” as a measure not working. Do you think we would be posting if we could instantly have any griefer banned? Come off it

Why? If Blizzard added the simple [people you ignore vanish from the world] function that many MMOs apparently run already, I don’t see how that could really be abused

This is such a non argument

“If x griefs and is banned, what’s to stop RPers doing [something else entirely]”?

You can add this [what if something else happens lol] clause to any situation

They generally assume the RPers are wrong

If someone mounts up and stands on top of RP on purpose + with the intention of disruption, the amount of time it takes is arbitrary. The intention is what matters

I mean like … stuff IG doesn’t happen via arcane magic but via lines of code (I assume …) so when you press a button to mount up or press a toy that is something that must go through Blizzard’s system as a command

I think it’s not so crazy that they could see that information


If this is true then that’s good, BUT it still doesn’t answer my question which I might need to ask Blizzard themselves (impossible) on what THEY consider to be harassment/disruptive behaviour.

Maybe it goes on the individual GM who’s reviewing the case, but it just doesn’t sit right for me knowing that a random player (who may be new) can get banned for being too curious/running around RPers for a few seconds.

The ToS and CoC covers this very nicely honestly. Essentially, don’t mess with other players fun or anything that is in common sense/acceptance considered disruptive.

There is really no devil’s advocate or armchair lawyering with this. Anything you do that is at the negative expensive of another player aside from killing them if they got pvp on, is considered disruptive. Doing this more than once/for a few moments, is harassment in their eyes.

First time offenses are always issued a warning. And if it’s a heavy violation, a short suspension.

Bans and longer bans only comes in if they ignore the warnings, which details in great detail what they did wrong.

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Yeah but luckily they can’t/won’t/will never happen


Which is in many ways the topic of this thread - ie. asking why certain things that most of the RP realm playerbase would agree is griefing (ie. standing on mounts, spamming toys, making “rp suxx lol” comments while doing the aforementioned etc) is so frequent / very rarely punished despite reports

I feel like you rolled into a thread you more or less agree with to repeat some PCU bad point you’ve had repeated back to you

It does, yeah, and that is really not great either. Sometimes you can put in a report, have a GM say “nah I won’t do anything” resubmit the same report and have a different GM say “ahh thats crazy I will get right on that”

It’s obvious there are a lot of copy-paste answers to complaints even when you make it to a non-auomated part of the report system

Man I am telling you that you would have to be a serious mug to report some random guy who runs up to you, watches you RP and then runs off

The complaint is about dudes rolling with names like darkgodqtx sprinting at high speeds through groups of RPers unimpede for up for hours

I think you have played up the people you’re arguing with as these complete nutjobs who aren’t able to percieve intention


The sole fact that a large amount of reports in their own rights do not result in players being actioned should say enough that some reports submitted don’t warrant punishment, whereas some others do. Granted, I think there’s been a decent bit of evidence to say that small details tend to result in a GM’s decision varying from one to the other, but I ultimately don’t think you need to be wringing your wrists + trembling at the thought of someone being wrongly punished for a false report

If you take a momentary glance at some roleplay while you’re questing, you’re not going to get banned if - for whatever mad reason - someone decides to report you for that, but if you mount up on your favourite proto drake using the Mr. Smite toy and stand on roleplayers for a good twenty minutes, yeah, chances are you’ll be actioned in some way. I in fact absolutely hope & pray that somebody would be punished for that


Not saying the entire Horde faction is around 50 players, no, I mean the more hardcore/serious RPers. WoW in general isn’t as active these days anyway, for multiple obvious and not-so-obvious reasons.

Sadly I don’t follow (nor care) about the… PCU (whatever it is) enough, I said I’m aware of who they are from Alliance players who’ve said that they no longer RP on Horde because of it. That’s all, it’s not that deep.

It’s the first time I’ve personally mentioned it, to be honest. If you consider that to be a good measure though, then more power to you/your circle, I guess?

Actually helping new RPers? if so, that’s good to hear. You’re talking about actual griefers (on mammoths) and public ERPers though, I was not defending them whatsoever, for the record.

I’m talking about the more curious/new players who might get swept up in some RP group’s bad books for standing near them and talking OOC. There’ll definitely be those types of RPers who won’t stand for that (as seen on this topic already) and report them, rather than reporting the actual griefers.

That was aimed at those who are clearly breaking the rules. That’s not tyrannical at all. Having this “LET’S CRUSADE!” stance is tyrannical.

Okay, that I wasn’t aware of and I am sorry that it actually even reaches to those extremes. I’ll admit that I wasn’t aware of griefing lasting THAT long, that’s yikes.

That could work buuuuut I can also see it being so scuffed, like… Imagine you wrongly approach somebody or yell/talk in a public chat channel OOC and then someone who is IC ignores* you to make you invisible to them, completely neutralising any chance of potential (and who knows, maybe good?) RP. I don’t know, man.

No person worth rping with does this so deliberatly. And if it’s a misstake/wrong chat most people are very quick to rectify that/let people know.

But personally, I’m not going to consider it a big loss if some memelord spamming a bunch of stuff in yell is no longer going to be available for rp with me.

That’s very strange considering your intro into this thread was an internet badass snipe on the PCU.

is “why is blizz doing nothing about griefers and groomers” a LET’S CRUSADE stance now?


But you made the topic about PCU. Rather odd, no?


Hey, I’ve been around for years and heard the odd bits about “PCU” without knowing what it was, until somebody explained it to me and then a few others (over the span of time) have mentioned how they’ve been “exiled” by them, so you can’t blame me for taking a jab there, but I will admit that I wasn’t aware of actual griefers spending a lot of time spamming toys/mounts on RPers without disciplinary action taking effect, in the moment of time anyway.

Like I said, I weren’t aware of the extremes. When I spoke about “trigger-happy RPers” I thought you meant people who just walked around you for a few seconds, like that one guy said he’d report a player for doing that, which sounded extreme to me.

Five minutes of research will let you know that these people are generally not trustworthy and got “exiled” for doing things against the rules of the game, such as public erp and other iffy things.

Source: Personal experience & observation from 11 years on the server.