One would have thought that trying to RP as much as possible in the open - yes, basically like a street comedian, exactly - so that others actually see your RP and some perhaps join it later would be rather obvious, because otherwise you don’t get enough new blood coming and the whole deal declines.
But it is just easier to strike poses and blame people who don’t RP for all sins, call them all kinds of names, then pat each other on the back for standing up for the cause in these forum threads, so that’s what is happening.
From my perspective of a player who doesn’t look for RP, I see almost no RP going on, comparably. The realm is 99% similar to non-RP realms if you just play normally. I said as much a couple of weeks ago on the forums and the response was - “wow, how could you be so blind, you should have looked in all those well-known places where people RP” with the Cathedral square in SW being the only mention.
I thought, fine, the amount of RP you meet while playing normally without looking for it is pretty miniscule, but maybe it hides, fair enough. And since then I tried going to the Cathedral square and in general fly around all quarters of all cities and hubs to see what’s what. Sum total of doing this for a week - yes, there is some RP on the Cathedral square almost every day, other quarters of SW are much less lively, there is next to nothing in Org, all other hubs are dead. RP in the world - well, you might get lucky, eg, in Duskwood, but mostly you won’t be. The 99% figure of the realm feeling the same as non-RP realms stands with the single exception of “yeah, there might be something in SW”.
But most of all, why would I even be looking in these nooks and crannies? Isn’t it in the interests of RP people for me to see what they are doing? So that maybe I get interested and maybe help in some way later? Or join their guild? Speaking about the general “me”, the non-RP player, of course, not the specific me posting. Nooooo, it’s simpler to keep yapping about the evil, evil OOCers and whatnot.