It is impossible to win as Alliance.
Honor level is pointless and has absolutely nothing to do with skill my honor level is 102 and probably 85 of them were from legion by doing the mage complete WQ instantly crystal so there’s that.
I grind it for mount.
lucky i go premade this days haha i fun kill noobs haha
I mean if you try hard , you can win.
Just won 1500-0 on arathi basin against russian horde.
Eu alliance team.
been on silvermoon my entire life, never found a single rp guild?
I have my alts there. 40-50 level.
Over 100 AV battles…victories? about 5 TOTAL.
From as big a sample size i can get…I’d say it’s quite factually accurate to say that alliance are just Unable to win the AV event. They just can’t, seems pretty unlikely anyone can argue that fact.
You play random bg:s only with op friends. Dont come here to brag your winratio when you cant q even 1 Random bg alone. You are bragging this same s###on Facebook group also. Russians are so s### that they need premades to win random bg.
None of my friends on btag queue solo to bgs , they ask for bg invite inside the community I’m in.
The russian shadow priest never queue solo as well. We are in same community with him on horde.
Btw checked your guild tab , I have like your 5 guild mates queueing with me. They never queue solo too. What situation are you talking about?
Btw I shared 1500-0 arathi basin and silvershard mines win with my friend on facebook.
He is horde on stormscale. He said I queue solo to bgs and nobody cares what I say even though I’m 2700 rating player. Group of +2200-2400 always win.
I’m 2196 (2v2) cr on my char other people are as well. It makes difference.
Community invitation to our community , last few days many arena , rated bg players joined too. You can grind rating with them too depending on your skill. I invite people from it to bgs.
wtb less greens more purpel players
Randoms always queue there with greens they dont care tbh.
Community I’m managing owner is hota. Oho says queue solo. Because he also knows there are only greens.
Community owner of mine is hota and never seen him queueing solo to random bgs too ever since I know him.
When my friend read oho , he said haters gonna hate , he either doesnt have pvp achievements. Or he is angry that he lose to you all the time. Because his winrates are very bad on his dreanor chars.
I asked to be more modest why do you always refer to your supposedly Top pvpers friends? Speak for yourself;) tell me at least one who goes with you in the group ? It’s a random BG, all don’t give a shet on Hota
Yeah kinda , I talk to you almost everyday in the game tho. Funny part, you already notice how modest I’m when I talk to you inside game right?
Absolutely, you’re different
I have 7-8 people in your community as btag , you can ask their opinion if you wonder too
sad part it does not help like you still lose premade russian group
It’s getting to the point where you just think why bother wasting time. I am a casual player wanting some fun, but when you enter a bg and see a russian group which seems to be at least 50% of the time, and then you check out their hp with battleground targets and realise they are generally all well geared, there’s only going to be one outcome, however hard you try or however skilled you maybe. Players are just AFK ing taking the deserter buff logging something else hoping they get the next game with a balanced fun chance of winning.