don’t you understand yet? I am completely at a rating, I play for fun. I wonder how you were taken to our community. After all, your rating does not mean anything to me. The main thing for me is that my comrades know how I play =) And my advice to you is to be more modest
Yeah I play for fun like you too. Thats why I queue random bgs. Otherwise I would log in game check rated tab if there isnt anything good I would log off.
Thats why we play. For fun.
Oh really? I’ve played 2478 battlegrounds as alliance, and won 1437 of them. That’s a 58% winrate. And in most bgs i have a 60-65% winrate. So yeah, Alliance do win. And I mostly soloqueue.
at least alliance have a short queue. They’re unbelievably and factually bad at pvp, so don’t expect to win any matches as alliance. And you are lucky to, i don’t believe those stats though. Then again, it’s more likely that those aren’t epic bgs, where alliance suck the Most.
When I read this terrible situation it makes me thinking if I’m playing on different faction…
Its nothing about randomness or bad tbh. Its what effort you put in on a random bg.
I accept some games you can lose against premades or random people whatever.
But if you are losing every other time. You should think twice. Because alliance might be playing 1 less player when they are 10 players on the game.
What stats don’t you believe? The only BG i have a sub 50% winrate in is Alterac Valley, where I have to admit, alliance is atrocious. Like really, really bad. Cause they go Galv every single bg for no reason at all, while horde cap all our towers and kill our boss minutes before we can even start theirs.
Haxxman Dont know what stats you have. I dont talk about epics But I had you like 5-6 times in my team on 10 man bgs when I queued. And all were win.
I was with my 5 players community people.
That’s cool ^^ Yeah I almost allways soloqueue, but still win most of the time. Everything above 50% is good, since that means you win most of the times, still ppl complain all the time about alliance being bad and whatever.
I also play solo queue on 90% of my games, but my experience is the opposite. Since I play both factions, I can say with certainty that it’s much easier to win on my horde chars (even though I maintain over 50% win rate on Alliance).
The experience when you play on Horde is much different. For example, on my Horde games I don’t even have to try as much, when on Alliance side I have to tryhard with gliders/potions/target calling the healers etc. Not to mention how ally randoms rarely listen when you tell them what to do.
Premade experience is always the same, when you queue with 4 other people it isn’t hard to win game on any faction.
Okay. Maybe it’s a you issue. I’ve played 2.5k bgs as alliance, as i mentioned. On most bgs i have a majority of wins, so I really don’t see the problem.
It would be a me issue if I won fewer or the same on horde side, which is not the case.
I just cant bothered to queue horde on my horde toons even.
I have 2.4k -2.7k exp arena friends from alliance. When I log over horde I can only play with community people. All those rated friends on alliance.
And I lose none on alliance most days.
Yeah like I said. The only thing bad about horde is queue time.
why would you play bgs? lol
To grind honor levels for that mount. I grinded 477 honor level in 1 year.
btw your current win rate in seething shore is quite impressive ^^! I wish i could achieve the same
Its so damn intreresting indeed xD 294% winrate
1500-0 silvershard mines win as eu alliance just now.
rest bgs were most 1500-0 win too.
And me? Yesterday I lost Seething Shore 0 - 1500. Everyone was enough geared but when we were on ship, paladin said stay together. And shaman opposed spit up, if you want to lose this then you should stay together. Then they started to insult each other. I don’t know how do we succeed to lose this 0-1500 but … I think I am terrible on random bgs.
Less than %30 win rate.
Yes seething shore 3 players on 1 spot must be.
And shift+m open your mini map. If new azerite will become available , leave group and go new azerite spot.
Staying together is free 100 points to enemy.