Improving the Alliance - the Best Alliance

Rework the male night elf model and the population of the Alliance will skyrocket :stuck_out_tongue:


I say plug the remaining night elfes into the anima mill, nah, the whole alliance, so their lives may have a use! It’s Elunes will!

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Which is funny, as the Zandalari Male is a heavily modified version of nelf male - and it’s so superior (even the OG Zandalari from MoP).

Can’t argue there, many of the issues with the night male model people have highlighted, with gait-movement-to neck seem adjusted well enough on the znadalari model, and we know it’s the same model used…

I don’t get it, people have been calling attention to those night elf male issues for ages, and yet, just been ignored, , but for the zandalari they fix it, without adjusting the original itself.

Ofc, the Zandalari are the original, and nelves are the devolved form of the Zandalari.

It just works

THat isn’t what was meant, the night elf model is used for both the nightborne (ofc) and the zandalari (male only) - it is also used for Medivh, the pre-tbc thalassian elves and the Botani. - yet only the NElf male has the hunched neck.

Not anymore, he has the human model now (even in TBC areas, in retail).

Huh, never noticed it since I dont play them.

Honestly, I might actually consider going night elf instead of lightforged draenei in 9.2.5 if they’d just revamp the male night elf mode from scratch and make it more like it is in the art. The current one is…well, disappointing unfortunately. Which is a shame, as night elves are one of my favorite races. :frowning:

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Here’s how to solve the faction imbalance, let us make humans that look like Anduin instead of middle-aged gym freaks.

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Sadly that will never happen, I wish it would though. Wow’s models are…unique… most of the time I think blood elves are so popular becasue they are the most… conventional looking…

Maybe things would be different if they did liike a teenage/young adult version of the races, well at least for

Humans, Night elves, Draenei, Dwarves, Orcs, Trolls and Tauren.

Thalassians, Gnomes, Pandas, Goblins, Vulpera won’t get one.

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