Improving the Alliance - the Best Alliance



Yeah, they do. Shadowmeld is insane in m+.

For pvp orc racials are insane.


Warcraft history, alliance’s magical thing was the arcane, from the elves (originating from the night elves) and priesthood, the horde’s magical thing was warlocks and shaman.

the alliance was the more civilization orientated faction, the horde was the more destruction orientated faction…

This was largely the case until TBC when most of the alliance high elves, now blood elves went horde.

sure the horde has these things now, and they’re better than the alliance versions, at least what is shown for the playable factions is (which is ensures the horde will be more popular - it’s got both alliance and horde assets, and does the alliance better than the alliance thanks to the blood elves and now nightborne and lack of development of the alliance counterparts) … i mean you can still consider all the elven stuff alliance based, but but if the visible stuff for players is more prevalent on the horde, it is where they 'll go.

Only blizzard would think that destroying the night elves and making them homeless is adequately compensated by giving humans Lordaeron = more humans, and even less of everything else, when it’s the everything else peope want to see the most of, especially after 14 years of constant human improvements and trickles /handouts to every other alliance faction.

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I felt a disturbance in the force, this happens when someone says that they like mechagnomes.

I don’t agree with you about that “it is too late now”. It is extremely easy to reverse the situation. You give Alliance a cool new race with best racials, and give Horde Mechavulperas with trash racials and balance will come soon after.


You’re not going to correct the faction imbalance that way. Yes, the reason people originally switched to horde was because the races had better racials for high end pve content, but that was corrected long ago.

The reason the faction imbalance exists NOW is because it’s self replicating. There are more people on horde side doing high end content, thus it’s easier to get into high end content horde side, so people switch from alliance to horde because they want to do high end content. There are plenty of people (and many of them have stated it on this forum) who switched to horde for high end content even though they would prefer to play alliance (because they prefer the races, racials, zones/cities, etc). They’ve made it clear that making high end content more accessible to alliance players would encourage them to switch back because they prefer alliance.

Thus, the only way to correct the faction imbalance is to enable cross faction pve.

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It’s not a hard and fast rule, and while it is a factor as I’ve noted, it’s far from the only one.

The horde had significantly more powerful racials for that reason in classic, and more of the top players went there, some followed, but enough people were into the alliance theme to stick with it and were able to compete despite the disadvantage.

It took really promoting and building the horde, pumping it up, giving it cool stuff, giving it alliance stuff and better than the alliance had too - which naturally helped migration over - i mean if the horde has the best bits of the alliance, and all the aspects of the horde, well, unless you just hate the horde or hate elves (which was a minority amongst the alliance) who wouldn’t move.

Ofc, loyalty was why a lot stayed behind, and while night elves were not presented as cool, nor as magical nor as beautiful or nature blessed as blood elves( all the things alliance players , especially those who play elves love), they were enough to cause some to stay.

I reckon this would be exactly the case if reversed. If they made the alliance once more the most attractive place for elves, magic, civilization, beauty through it’s elves and draenei - playing on it’s strengths, and pumped the alliance up in addition to a slight racial advantage, it will cause some to shift back.

Give blood elf players (who are former higher lovers) a compelling alternative in the void /high elves)…give those night elf fans and other horde fans who switched to nightborne , something super attractive in the night elves , a vaster and bigger scope of the full kaldorei - to tempt them to consider going with the alliance night elves instead - and some will switch. Some would stay out of loyalty, because even with a better version n the alliance, the version on the horde is still pretty good too and that won’t change.

But they’d at least now have something cool to look forward to and immerse in, cool customisations to pay out the various fantasies of the night elves (Highborne, priest, illidari, druid, sentinel) and void elves (whether high elf, void wielder, dark void magician, archer, crazy dracula vibes etc).

then can you imagine if the dwarves got pumped up to look and feel more like the Erebor dwarves in the Hobbit - now that’s really cool, that would be an attraction too, while a lot of people love elves, not everyone likes pretty, magic and fancy - solid/grand/but iron captures them more

these are the things that the original concept and feel of the alliance was based on, they need to shine because they are attractive, and they’ve been shining more on the horde, should they shine brighter on the alliance, and be attractive, they’d draw players, with good stories and cool portrayals.

You want to see more of Tyrande being cool, but not just her, let’s see the amazing wonders the night elven mages did in the pre-sundering era, let’s see the Moonguard be cool in the story, the Illidari night elves doing cool stuff for the night elves, the druids, let’s see both Moon Priestesses shining with their Elune arcane magic, (instead of just sentinels) and show the sentinels really being so cool)… make it attractive, the aspects that people love shine. Zin’Azshari and Suramar are beautiful, how about the night elves build a combination of the two that is stunning, and add to that an incredible forest that puts Val’sharah and Teldrassil to shame, then have the crowning citadel of the new city not be the mage academy, or the embassies and other grand villas, but the Cathedral of the Moon , like the Cathedral of Eternal night.

Make it cool, make them cool, attractive… add to that racials, and now you’re talking.

Don’t just give up and go, uh, we can’t do this, it’s too late… that’s b/s.

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It was more than that, for all of classic horde had better racials, the horde started becoming attractive when the blood elves were made playable, pretty, beautiful, doing magic, civilization, beauty - kinda the things that are hallmarks of the alliance, better than any alliance race.

Many alliance players flocked over… draining the alliance numbers, boosting the horde ones… there is a reason why blood elves are the most popular race. It’s not just becasue of paladins, one and all tend to make the comment “the only model i can stand to look at”

The reputation was also bad, tha’ts all been reversed, the horde has several options for pretty models too, it’s got cool elven civilziations, magic of all sorts… it’s sorted. And h eavily favourites amongst the fans

Time to restore the alliance now, and it will take more than racials. It will take promoting all the great things of all the alliance races they’ve let gather mould, sent over to the horde, not shown much of - there is a lot of good stuff here. As well as racials, good stories etc - like I outlined.

You just need to make the alliance attractive enough to tempt those horde players who flocked over back. once you do that, some will switch, and some won’t but you won’t lovse more alliance players to the more attractive horde, you’d gain some from the horde without nerfing it.

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Warcraft history also talks about the Ogre’s Arcane Mastery.

Well, thank god the Forsaken will hopefully return to Lordaeron soon. :relieved:

So is that all the factions should be now?
Horde is in this bubble and can’t move out of it under any circumstances and Alliance is in this bubble, but they can have scope to move around because -nelfs-.

You are aware that this isn’t World of Alliance-craft.
The Horde will be developed in sync with the Alliance, as it’s always been.

Quel’Thalas update for the Horde will happen at the same time as the Draenei Isle update for the alliance.

You’re not going to want to play the alliance if they have things you don’t really like. Toying around with stuff you have no interest in won’t draw you. They have to hit at the things you like and make them shine on your rivals, that will catch your attention. Suramar was a perfect example, a night elf city, night elven magic users, the horde elf base went crazy over it, imagine if that went tot he alliance, it would have drawn substantial players back.

While void elves made playable pleased the alliance crowd somewhat, they didn’t draw any horde players there cos they had blood elves (as i predicted), but they got alliance players hungry, so that’s good. Void elves failed to be more attractive than blood elves. (but that can change with some substantial development)

(Imagine, they could have given the horde Nightbonre and the alliance taken Suramar and a portion of the nightborne by simply converting them to original night elves with the arcan’dor cure… that would have made the alliance really attractive leading into BFA and softened the blow of Teldrassil considerably, the horde would have got an exiled alliance sub race (nightborne), the alliance an exiled horde sub race (void elves), but with Suramar and a significant night elf boost, would have helped immensely with the destruction of Teldrassil and made it easier to to show the alliance having much needed attractive gains to appeal to the whole playerbase) Can you imagine?- Anyway, that’s done -

I 'm saying, make the night elves , void elves, draenei, dwarves, really cool, let the alliance have some really covetable new allied races, lovely city etc… pump em up, I’m sure you’ll be tempted.

Yes, they u-turned on everything. Can you imagine that… at least have the courage to see things through… it’s not hard to improve things enough that players would think that overall they ended p in a better plays despite the catastrophic losses of the war.


Warcraft history -i.e. of the series, not o warcraft lore history - but you aren’t seriously comparing the ember of ogre arcane presentation to the bonfire that is night elves , or the raging flame that is the high elves, draenei and humans.

You should read the rest of the paragraph and the next, I think I both answer and make my view clear.

I am aware, but are you aware this is a topic about improving the alliance and making it sufficiently attractive to seriously tempt and even persuade some of you hordies to play blue seriously - and for that to happen it’s gotta have things you really like, and really want.

Currently, there is nothing on the alliance that you desire or are tempted with… how can they, despite all their lore and potential, most of the things their races can do aren’t part of their playable faction or are in the horde’s hands. You have no desire to play them over team red. I mean you probably dabble on them to see the other story, but they don’t interest you particularly, and what they have is just not enough to seriously tempt or hold you.

This is what has to change… at least enough to shift some of you over to the blue side.

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if you ask it too loudly .ion will just suggest to close the game and make a new one

you cant improve alliance .there is no appeal for a faction that blood elf left :woman_shrugging:

All you say is:
“This is the Alliance” regarding cities and arcane.

Well, it’s also been the Horde.

Arcane was a big thing for Ogres on Draenor.
Like you say for a lot of night elf stuff - we just haven’t seen it truly take off, yet.

Their was a whole island that was cut from WoD, which was dedicated to the Ogres.

You’re confusing the reasons why the faction imbalance was created with the reason why it’s maintained. To fix it, you need to eliminate the reason why it’s maintained. None of your suggestions go any way towards doing that.

It was created due to racials.

I mean, no doubt if Blizzard hadn’t tweaked the Dwarf Racial, we would have seen another faction imbalance, only the other way.

Maybe racials should be removed from all PvE and PvP content.

I guess you only argue “this isn’t world of elf craft” or 2alliance craft" on topics that dream big on alliance or night elf improvements :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to see you say the same things on conversation that talk about improving things for blood elves like a rebuilt Silvermoon - you weee, you’d always find me supporting that, because I’m not two faced, and while I advocate for the alliance a lot, I don’t hate the horde, and care more for game improvements, I’m siding with the alliance loads because they’re in a worse of place and it’s frustrating to see their potential not fulfilled…

But I’d cheer horde improvements on in horde centred topics, especially ones for the Blood elves bro, they don’t need me to champion them, they’ve got you and a host of die hards blowing their horn, so I’d go for the underlings atm. Funny, I’m on your side when it comes to the horde, but you cannot be on mine when it comes to the alliance.

I guess I just have a wider view of the whole thing. I don’t begrudge you though, I understand the human sentiment. We are all human, though we can improve to reach our potential

Indeed, it now is too, and I say as much remember, several times

Wonder what they could have been like. Not sure what was behind the whole ogre arcane thing, arcane is supposed to be really hard to figure out - that’s why it’s magic. It’s hard to reconcile those really dumb looking faces (no offense) with high intelligence capable of such things… but maybe they’d have got a model upgrade.

I mean, I’m not being racist persay, ogres do look like big dumb brutes - nothing wrong with that, you have all kinds of races and styles, you just don’t expect that kind to be wielding the arcane but then things like this can be an attraction to players). I can understand it happening after the two headed ogre… that’s such a funny concept though.

Interesting point, it will take both to turn the tide though.

I think it’s a combination of factors…

The trend is maintained by the perception horde is better, horde is cooler

It was also perception that allowed the alliance to have the majority in the first place. alliance were the winners, the good faction, the nice (fancy faction too) , while horde had a negative rep, as being evil, monsters, losers - i mean we kill monsters right?

The improvements changed the perception.

The horde was seen as fancy and attractive because of the blood elves
Cool because of all the cool stories, developments, action scenes and portrayals
No longer the bad guys either, the horde was honourable, at first the underdogs, oppressed, trying just to survive (have a right to survive) then also the pull of having turned away from evil. We’ve all done bad stuff before, who doesn’t recognise and feel they can make amends. And drawn to those who successfully turn around, right?

This was pulled off quite well because they made the effort, they tried hard, did it well and it worked. All these contributed…

And the exact same thing the opposite way will work. convince players the alliance is attractive, and cool, this will take time - they’d have to see it, see the alliance as no longer being lame too. have things to offer them that they like and good too.

The question is, are they willing to actually improve and promote the alliance… I don’t think they are excited about the alliance at all, they’ve put themselves there by constantly promoting and building the horde, they’ve developed an interest for it largely, but if you want to help your game and improve it, start looking at the alliance, many great things about them to do cool stuff. From improving existing races, racials, stroylines, to the coolest new allied races/races etc.

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We are aware. This is world of horde-craft.


Yet Blood Elves weren’t the cutting edge race until Legion.

Need I remind you that Trolls and Humans were the best races for PvE and PvP respectively. Especially from the Wotlk - WoD period.

The Horde was always set to be different from the Alliance from the word “go.” It was a group of misfits and outcasts that were not liked by the Alliance.

From this idea, you can see where each race has time to get it’s story.

The Alliance was always set up as “Humans and Friends” and everyone around them turns to Humans. Even in Velen’s vision, it was Humans and Draenei who would face the Void.

Not my fault Blizzard can only write for the Humans.

I mean, even 25,000+ year olds are commanded by a Human.

I know isn’t your fault. But for this reason we make this kind of topics.


You might as well create a “sack Christie Golden” thread, because so long as her and Danuser are in charge, Alliance will always be “Anduin and Jaina” and the Alliance world revolving around them.

That is the core Alliance problem.
Lightforged Draenei and their Human leader, is just icing on the cake.