In defense of transmog

to be honest i like the option of looking good or not. everyone can either wear their quest/raid/m+ gear or mog something else. its a choice i appreciate.

i dont give a flying pterodactyl what the classic community thinks about transmogging to be frank.


What old content? The content that drops best in slot items all the way through the game?

No it does not. Especially not with the very limited amount of good looking gear.

How? What is stopping you from doing the exact same activities without a transmog collection?

There is no such problem. It does however create a problem where you can’t see what kind of gear the enemy player is using, and adapt based on that.


lol, respect i guess but you’re only doing classic pvp , you’re living under a rock

Transmog is one the most immersion breaking system ever made. It breaks the immersion when you are smashing a mob or another player with a walking stick that is actually Sulfuron. If you want to use katana you should wear one instead of a shinai (bamboo stick). And vice versa. As in real life.

On the other hand, everyone should be able to wear one (katana for example), even though you couldn’t use it properly. But that is another matter and those artificial restrictions are applied to the game for convenience.

You do realize that realistic gameplay is not what makes games good right?
death stranding is a good example of that

well , i can see where you’re coming from but how many people are still using that in tbc right now? probably not as many , especially by the time black temple comes out, but in retail if you had an old iconic weapon you can still use it’s appearance ​to this day
​it doesn’t have the effects and everything, but it’s better than just throwing it in the bank

Personal transmogs would be fine with me. But anything account-wide NO THANKS!

Noone is stopping you from playing retail instead of classic. There you can transmog your gear all you want, and you can have the superior pvp experience us rock dwellers are too bad to enjoy.

No, it is not.

Oh i play retail, not classic
I’m here however because transmog is one of the most criticized things in retail by classic players

why is it not ?

Is it? IT may be one of many, but one of the most? Anyway, this thread belongs in the retail forum, not the classic forum. It has nothing to do with classic.

Why is it?

No, keep this crap in retail.

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No thank you, If you want transmog you play retail.

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