In defense of transmog

a lot of the classic community thinks that transmog is bad for the game because it makes it so anyone can look good and regardless of their raid achievements and devalues those who do have their tier sets.
and i think this is wrong and transmog is one of the best additions to the game ever

  1. First of all transmog doesn’t give you any item you want , so if you have an set of items from the current raid , nobody can look like you unless they have killed the same bosses and even then it’s not necessarily the case , because it depends on if they chose to transmog them or not , and it depends on if the same items drop for both of you. It doesn’t remove the ability to show off your hard to get items
  2. Farming transmog is one of the most relevant reasons to go and do old content nowadays.
  3. Any transmogrifiable item you earn is a permanent reward unlike most gear, in classic you can place the gear in your bank if you want but even that is limited and you can’t really use them in any way shape or form, and you’ll be out of spare bank space
  4. It makes every character more unique in appearance, and gives each player a different goal, instead of seeing everyone looking the same
  5. It allows optional gameplay to exist, the mage tower and the brawler’s guild are good examples, because of transmog you can have very hard things that not everyone can beat but at the same time it’s not really that much of a big deal, and it even is content for casual players , i heard many in classic go out of their way to farm low level items and sets to roleplay or for other reasons
    (yes there are mounts and pets too but transmog is the best of them because a transmog set is 6 items so you can choose what you want or have them all).
  6. Transmog solves the problem of having one good looking item , and having another one with better stats it also was feels kinda bad having to replace your favourite item for something that’s more powerful but less good looking and/or doesn’t synergize with your set, but with transmog, you can have the good part of both!

I thought it was mainly jealousy cause the only way to look good there is the raid/pvp sets and otherwise you’ll look like a badly coordinated clown from the questing gear.


It is but the current raid’s items are still special and known, because they’re new, and personally, i didn’t get cutting edge on sire denathrius but i got jealous of those who had the weapons, you can be jealous of anyone who has something that you care about and don’t have, and the new raid items are always special because they’re new, and because they make other people jealous because they can’t get them.
in classic, some people go out of their way to farm low level sets and items to wear them anyway


well on my tbc classic blood elf ret paladin
i still have the berserker helm herod shoulder and scarlet legs from SM wings in the bank
and i think the ring for shadowfang keep dungeon quest from varimathras

So why tell us? Why not make the same case on the Classic forums? Has anyone in Retail been loud about the evils of transmog recently?


I’m afraid they’ll eat me alive or something, well as alive as an undead can be
but i don’t want to be eaten again i have trauma

not really but classic players read retail posts too, and i’m just trying to
i thought that transmog doesn’t exist in classic so why would i talk about something that’s not in that game and that they don’t care about


Transmog like account wide mounts just dumbs the game down. I have no problem if a character builds up their own wardrobe of items and then is allowed to change the appearance to something they obtained and or achieved in game. That way a player can work toward a certain look without having to alter stats for a less powerful item.

Time was we crafted our best looking gear and there were specialist skills and training just to do that. But like so many things they junked it all cus they couldn’t be bothered to maintain and upgrade the sets.

For me I would remove all account wide nonsense including Transmog. That way a player has the chance to create a unique looking set. Also a player doesn’t deserve to be called an Ambassador at Level 1 etc. You should earn your stripes each and every time.

Gear should be attainable with a specific look and again time was I would spend days working an area till an item dropped. Now they have diluted the whole process and the drops are not available. So my great volumes of item drops is worthless. It was this kind of challenge that made the game interesting. There is no challenge in this game. A kid of three could toddle there way to 60 and use Transmog the whole way to look like the most powerful char in the game. Pittiful really. And its why loads of players either play Classic or find games that are actually challenging… and not a walk in the park.

Two more things… motorbikes and looms. May as well chuck that into the pot. They should have two difficulty levels in the game, them that want to play properly and them that like being driven around, loom their dungeons and transmog all the way to 60. And on hard mode there is no account wide perks. None.


This for me, too. I don’t have very strong feelings against transmog specifically, but I do recognise that while it did introduce a new shiny hamster-wheel and minigame, it also removed an element of the game that was significant for some people, even if they didn’t realise it.

The separate identity of each individual character, however, was one of the foundations of the game, now gone.

You are out of date on this one. Looms are nothing like what they were.

Fair enough, but since Retail players don’t much care about their criticisms of transmog either, it’s all a bit damp.

Transmog made the game better so why not.


One thing i don’t like about account wide transmog is seeing other classes using lock set pieces for on a mage or priest,
but for other things, the rage i’ve seen lately about alts needing too much time to be played, kind makes me think again
there is always the option to start from 0 if you want to , leveling isn’t a competition at all

You mean off set pieces that everyone of that Armor type has been able to use since TBC?

no, if you make a warrior alt you can collect warrior sets but you can use them on your paladin

We talking about retail? because you can’t.

i might be wrong then , maybe i confused them with the offset pieces

yea as a paladin i can collect off set pieces but i’ll always be missing a piece of the set as they usually don’t offer the full set.

Aaaand its irrelevant.

Ye thats called special snowflake syndrome. Also it sure as beep absolutely beats having horrendous combinations of gear pieces like they do in classic outside of wearing full tier sets.

Paladins being one of the prime offenders here if not THE prime offender.

Not to mention not every tier set or armor set looking good even on retail so being able to avoid an ugly set is a massive plus.

but my banana suit…

Was more pointing towards paladins using cloth and leather. Like i still remember Rets in ICC running around in nearly full leather next to tier pieces and an agi polearm if they didnt have shadowmourne.


The sad thing is, the bananarmour would actually look great with proper textures and no fruit shoulders/helmet. Just golden gloriousness :frowning: