In-Game Combat Log Range Decreased

I wonder if this affect battle ground addons

WTF, so that was a thing? Auras not even being casted, and buffs that armour gives could be seen. I have no idea how people could defend this stupid addon in the first place if that was so haha

It seems you do not understand what the text logs and raid parses are.

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Because it was there - you could just set up a separate chat window to show the combat log filtered for hostile aura gained and have the same info. All the addon did/does was present it in a more user friendly manner.

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Oh yeah, I know that argument, a miniscule amount of players could do what SPY did so efficiently haha, sure it was there but it would have taken longer to do and been way less effective

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I suspect not - a BG addon would get the names from the score board, and cordinate with other users ( in a premade all of them ) what CDs has been used at at what time stamp

It is so funny same things happen and happen again.

Blizzard only listens salty crybabies for years. Thats why game has been developed in a very bad way.

Whats next? Free faction change for 80% horde servers?


A true player use no add-ons.

Looks like you guys are the salty cry babies now…
Literally, this nerf has made the game and wPVP better… you can’t put up a reasonable argument that we’ve made it in any way worse can you?

If you can I’d love to hear it.


Yeah, this sort of thing led to retail.

At the very least allow players own combat log actions and those of the same faction to be recorded at 60 yards still…

this hotfix all in all is poorly thought through and seems to be a rather tunnel visioned attempts against a singular addon which will loose most of its purpose once battlegrounds release…

Not really, retail is all about making the game easy mode, the nerf of this addon is taking away easy mode… going in the opposite direction


I meant in listening to the crybaby minority.

Look at this topic. They nerfed it and your kind is still crying. So funny Blizzard never satisfies you. A crybaby is always a crybaby. Now go “faction balance” topics and cry there :slight_smile:

Hi there mr. hypocrite… you say salty but what is your reason to cry here then ?
Anyways wPvP will be the same even after this change it only affects addons not behavior.

wPvP will reduce once Battlegrounds release and that is all there is to it…

starting these sketchy “hotfixes” changing classic more and more based only upon salty tears from you and similar simpletons is exactly what led to what retail is now.

Nah we’re happy… this was an argument, both sides were ‘crying’ one side won…

So do you have a reasonable response to what i asked or just the standard ‘you’re a crybaby’ response with no constructiveness

No, what led to retail was making everything easier, this doesnt do that… i was merely using his rhetoric against him as while you guys cry about it saying the same about us makes no sense haha.

Again, how has this made the game any easier? Sure blizzard listened to us… which is good for a company to do its in no way related to how retail turned out.

You are beyond stupid or simply trolling…

  1. the addon you cry over is simply using the combat log which the majority of addons do, in short it uses what has always been there, before the addon there was just no visual display of each unique enemy listed but it is no different than any other addon…

  2. from 60 to 50 yards is no large change either and it won’t affect the addon by much either…

constructive response ? where is yours… i gave a response that reducing enemy player logging to 50 yards was fine but not allied players and own actions…

all you do is cry/troll i have not seen a singular thought through response from you aside from trolling or crying…

What does anyone gain from reducing the functionality of what is core to over half the addons out there ?

and the reduction let me say it again 60 to 50 wont affect the addon much if at all… what would affect it would be battlegrounds…

The reduction is more like from 200+ to 50… thats a big difference.
Man everything youre trying to attack me for youre doing exactly the same haha.

The addon that so many people say could be done without it, sure if you have superhuman speed and reflexes you could probably manage to do almost a good a job as it…

So please tell me how nerfing this isnt a huge plus to the wPVP we encounter… i havent seen one argument for that apart from ‘you’re all crybabies’ - with all the happiness over this being nerfed it looks like you guys are in the minority here

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wrong… 200 is the cap in retail not classic, you can register death from 200 yards tho but abilities & dmg is capped at 60 and what the addon uses is data showing target lives not that it died… the death is only counted later as stat, it is even easy to prove this concept… have a lock cast curse of doom on a targer, now att u gotta do is ask 4 casters not in group to stand in a line and move apart so they barely can buff the target in front with a 30 yard buff, that is 120 yards or 126 yards at best depending on range the npc attacks the lock from. and you wont be able to find anything in ur log.

…sigh… when talking to imbeciles… next time at least do some research before embarrasing yourself…