In regards to the recent campaign

And DMs who have done this have had said guilds turn up anyway just to be a massive thorn in the side.

Im not sure considering the catalyst in question came from a red player in the first place

Kinda odd they werent blacklisted but the entirety of blue side is evil now

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At the end of the day itā€™s all preference based and limited by oneā€™s experience and exposure. I will confess I am pre-emptively bias towards RPPvP campaigns in general due to the above reasons and many more besides, as well as a laundry list of campaigns I tried but ended up crashing and burning in spectacular fashion but I canā€™t deny plenty find them entertaining and hey, you do you.

As for doing full PvP, while the war games UI has been removed because raisins you can still use command lines to start one up. If you want a skirmish use a 10v10 or 15v15 map, if you want a bigger battle use a 40v40 map. Iā€™m pretty sure BG instances wonā€™t lag if you go full PvP mode. Did this once between a few guilds and we had a fun old time, we just PvPā€™d with the only rules being ā€œdonā€™t walk through the frontlineā€ and ā€œIf you die, youā€™re outā€.

That said itā€™s unfortunate that the world servers are :poop: nowadays. I remember very clearly that lag was tolerable in large campaigns before WoD, but since they went whole hog with CRZ and sharding (Even if both are disabled in the area the servers are clearly still using the same tech as itā€™s applied in new areas) even Stormwind has a constant 3-4 seconds of delay on everything you do and actual WPvP makes the server snap in half.

Fortunately this is now more apparent to non-RP realms since the new invasions thing encourages WPvP and more and more people are reporting the same issues, so maybe weā€™ll see a fix. Or maybe not because that would mean making better world servers which would mean spending money which Activision hates doing now.

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Said literally no one.

just another server event on argent dawn seinfeld.mp3

If you ignore the bit where the organizer said that she wouldnā€™t be taking ā€œAlliance publicly for the time beingā€, yeah. Noone.

ā€œBlues will be subject to pick and chooseā€ =/= ā€œAll blue RPers are terribleā€

Be real now.

okay so its a big generalization but itā€™s not entirely unfounded

there are definitely horde players who absolutely despise the alliance side for some unseen grudges

This sole line is enough to state that the creator percieves the grand majority of the alliance community as the same people who disrupted the campaign.


just make your own campaigns

with black jack.

and hookers.

definitely refers to the blues who were actually an issue, not to alliance as a whole, else chook wouldā€™ve just said ā€˜lol all blues can get h*ckedā€™

Most of those grudges have to do with the attitude of several Alliance guilds that treat Horde characters (and at many occasions players too) as mobs to be grinded down to fuel their guildā€™s narrative.

Not sure if itā€™s the case these days, but it was very common not so long ago. Thankfully most of the GLs who did that no longer play now or no longer run guilds. It still left a very bitter taste in many players who are still around.


this is a very common issue when RPing with/against guilds that perceive themselves to be ā€˜the good guysā€™ across several MMOs. Afterall, the good guys always win, right?

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Indeed, my friend. Indeed.

I canā€™t name a single Alliance player who had that assumption. There were grudges and storylines IC, so players prioritized other players over another. That of course led to both side trying to ā€˜winā€™ their respective story, but why is that a bad thing? Each character has their own story with their own morals and goals to achieve in it.

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Same thing that makes ā€œvillainā€ RP unfeasable as well.

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Instead of banning the responsible users from any future campaigns by the creator, Chook has decided to do a blanket sweep of entry to pretty much the half of an RP-PvP event because some people acted mean against some other people. and whilst commending the good players of the faction is a nice touch, it does not rob the rest of the message of its meaning. It concludes with a massive generalization of the entire alliance and shows more than enough insight on what Chook thinks of the allianceā€™s majority of players.



I can name many players (from both sides) but naming & shaming rules and all that. Letā€™s just say that they were really fanatical on the typical mindset of ā€œAlliance is Good, Horde is Evil, ergo Alliance must always win because Horde is Evil and just mindless faceless savages!ā€.

And that is just one example.

But as I said, donā€™t know if this is still a thing on blue side (havenā€™t seen it the few times Iā€™ve RPed blue side lately) and I know for sure the GLs who followed that mindset either no longer play or no longer run guilds.

Organiser can allow whoever they want into a campaign?

What point are you getting at?

If chook made a list thatā€™d be called naming and shaming

That didnā€™t happen, youā€™re still able to approach chook and arrange something if youā€™re not one of the h*ck-ups, Iā€™m sure.

again, no, the phrasing is very clear about just a few people really being the problem.
