In regards to the recent campaign

Can safely say that every alliance player I know doesn’t just view the horde as NPC’s. Some might get competitive when it comes to PvP but I feel like that’s a separate issue thats unavoidable when you pair PvP and resource gains together.

do one of the names rhyme with benholme by chance kek

I wasn’t making a blanket statement about the entire Alliance RP Community, just stated the most common source of annoyance for most Horde RPers and guilds in the past. The source of most “grudges” many Horde players still hold.

I’ll have you know that despite Ogrepowered not being intended as an RP-PvP focused event we ended up having lots of fun there!

Admittedly it also wasn’t at all as mechanically complex a campaign; added mechanics means added OOC abilities and incentives that aren’t always easy to account for. Especially when you don’t want to railroad the campaign too much and allow for a decent amount of sandbox wiggle room.

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Do we really have to get hostile because of me expressing my ideas? Is this how low the forums have fallen in a few months?

EDit: Whoops, meant to reply to Teh, but got carried away,

ok but why is that a reply to me

edit: ah alright that explains that, carry on citizen

Fixed fam in ten characters

Pardon, allow me to rephrase; 9/10 campaigns. The 1 in 10 are the good ones ran by Orcs, naturally.

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As I said, I’ve never spoken to an Alliance player who genuinely believed that. It’s all been IC pushing. I’d like to think my pool to draw from considering how involved I’ve been is pretty big too. It’s a shame you’ve run into players like that, but it’s not how the Alliance side operates in general.

That the organizer’s reasoning isn’t fair when it states “the Alliance”. Sure, disclude the people who did that, but it’s kinda far to bar a whole 70% of the server.

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but again, that’s not what’s being done. It’s simply not permitted to openly list who isn’t allowed on the chu-chu train, naming and shaming and all, so this is the next best thing. If you or your guild still wants to partake, I’m sure they can approach chook.

Did the foul use of the word ‘cretin’ upset you? That’s unfortunate, I understand, such language really is just completely unacceptable.

On the other hand I don’t regret it because as far as I’m concerned, outright attacking Chook for their choices as the manager of a campaign they made for YOUR enjoyment is a far more unforgivable sin than my use of the C word.


“In the future we will be barring these perps from entering the campaign”
which is greater than
“I have decided not to publicly allow Alliance to campaigns in the future”

It could be a big miscommunication but I feel like having to have to be told how to interpret it shows the message isn’t as well thought out as it could be.


Anyone organising an event has the right to determine who participates in said event, surely?


Is the key-word that people seem to be struggling with. All it means is that it’s just no longer an open invite blue-side, which is perfectly fine.

Maybe it was in the heat of the moment after getting a lot of OOC crap tossed at her/him offscreen. Looks that way to me at least.

That’s a good meme, but the actual point made is not wanting to run a campaign for the Alliance based on the Horde not wishing to deal with the persistent bad actors within the Alliance who tarnish it for everyone. Chook has said repeatedly that he is happy to run events with the people in the Alliance who don’t include or condone these bad actors (such as the Three Hammers, big ups boys and girls let’s do RP-PVP sometime).

The reason why the campaign came apart at the end is that several Horde guilds, frustrated with these individuals’ OOC conduct, left the campaign. We were actually going to leave much sooner but we stayed as long as we did as Chook is a friend of ours and we left after that because the vile conduct escalated.


Expression of criticsm is not a personal attack. Me going “This lil piece of …” would have been worthy of more personal attacks.
The example is not the same as “I disagree with how this situation has been handled, and this could have been worded better for this situation”. Quote me when I digress with the handling of the campaign as a whole instead of the specific situation that I’ve been discussing.

Edit: Fixed a lil thing.

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Of course. I’m not saying that Chyouka can’t tell the Alliance to go away and they’ll never join one of their campaigns again. I’m allowed to say that’s unfair though.

Same point as above. I don’t mind them making sign-ups stricter or having less of them, but a lot of people didn’t do anything wrong.

It ends up just making this strange bubble that as people pointed out above, isn’t free from bias. People can just not sign up, but we all play this game/roleplay to have a good time. Nobody wants to be discluded.

Sorry I’m not here to discuss semantics or argue with someone who sounds like they’re typing straight from a thesaurus, I’m just here to stick up for a friend.

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And as said, I’m sure those who did nothing wrong can just hit Chook up and arrange something. Chook doesn’t seem, to me, like someone with a lot of hate in them.