Increase Black Lotus Spawns – History Repeats Itself!

Right now, raiding can cost upwards of 300g on Spineshatter. That’s equivalent to 7.5 hours of farming for a lot of players. Flask prices have gone up since the making of this post and will only continue to rise throughout the expansion. Back in 2019, prices reached 250-300g per flask on Firemaw/Gehennas. The same will happen very soon on the anniversary realms as well, unless Blizzard does something about it.

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It is not Blizzard requiring flasks in raid, but the players.

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Thunderstrike PVE is botted to hell, yet Black Lotuses are crazy expensive.
People probably buy gold, from the bot sellers selling Lotuses to afford lotuses etc.


if they added 1 spawn that has 33% chance to be up that was positioned under a mob u can’t solo very easily or between two so u need to pull a death lash + a bunch of small adds it would be fine. This would add a way of avoiding bots when farming. Gold sellers would start dumping lotus after a few weeks as half the player base gets there weekly flask without buying from them.

Flasks have been a part of serious and even semi-serous raid guilds since TBC launched many years ago. Saying that you don’t need it is not a argument. Go back to retail.

Not in Molten Core, get a grip.

Plz Aggrend one more change I need pleeeakkk :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

No they won’t because it doesnt increase amount of lotus on the server per week. If that amount is enough to make a flask for 20% raiders on server they still will be expencive to be affordable only for those 20%. Problem is low supply because of low amount of layers for big population

On PvE servers “Bots” can also control price for lotuses but they dont u know why? Because of transfer from hardcore with big amount of layers and low demand on hardcore itself because most ppl leveling and dont need flask. If those “Bots” want they can also do it on HC and PvE but they dont, because supply is enough. So supply is the only problem, nobody keeping the price artificially. If lotuses enough for 20% raiders on the server, only 20% will be able to buy flask anyway

Just put that one lotus in the middle of AV back, problem solved, they will crash to 20g a pop

Just my experience - on Spineshatter I saw Black Lotus four times, all at the moment of spawn. Each time, within 10 sec 2-4 players appeared rushing directly to the place (same people for one of zones). People camping these fixed spots all the time.

In my opinion, SoM Black Lotus change (when it procs with low %% chance from high-level herb node) will make the game much more fun.

Black lotus price at the moment skyrocked to 195g a piece on spineshatter =/ WTF? I hope blizzard will add more layers or do something about that. That’s too much
There’s a post on US forum about Black LotusDKP raids. Could it be that plague came to anniversary too?

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Makes sense, like Stones of Jordan in early Diablo 2. If gold can not be used as means of exchange, people will come up with other currency. Can’t wait for the post of outrage when first reset Gressil drop is sold for 2 full inventories of Black Lotuses :rofl:

Is the “retail player” with us in the room right now?

I play on spineshatter aswell as a mage.

I do not need the supreme flask, but I like to crit high.
But im so lazy to farm 300 g each week for a flask.

The prices are absolutly insane.

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