Hey everyone,
We’ve been here before. Back in 2019, Blizzard had to step in and increase Black Lotus spawns due to monopolization and extreme price inflation. You can see their official post about it here: Black Lotus and WSG Adjustments Incoming.
Now, history is repeating itself. A small group of players, using multiple accounts and even flyhacks, are camping every known Black Lotus spawn, ensuring they control the entire supply. The result? Skyrocketing prices that make it impossible for regular players to afford flasks without either:
- Buying gold (which ruins the integrity of the game)
- Treating farming like a full-time job just to keep up with raid costs
This isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a major barrier to raiding for a large portion of the player base. When Blizzard increased Black Lotus spawns in 2019, they recognized the exact same problem we’re facing today: artificial scarcity caused by a handful of exploiters.
We need action again. Increasing Black Lotus spawns (or introducing alternative ways to obtain it) would help balance the economy and make raiding more accessible for everyone—not just the botters and market manipulators.
Blizzard, you fixed this before. It’s time to fix it again.
we have the increased version tho
just award after successfull dungeon run like BRD, DM or others, so that new players can also find groups while old ones farming for their raids.
but it wont happen, because gdkp is banned you are either going to kill same mobs 200 times / day or buy gold 
And the swipers again turns a topic into “oh noes gdkp is banned”.
Random spawn timer would fix the problem. Then it can’t be farmed by bots like now. Also all boght recepies need to be on a random spawn timer. Atm on my server alliance, I can buy the recioy for mooncloth bag for 3-4g. However, since I only got 267 in tailoring I look up the runecloth bag, it’s 40g. For a smaller back pack?? Even the recipi for robe of archmage cost 13g. I also look up the recipi I planned to use to lvl from 280-300. That is also limited supply and cost 22g to obtain on AH. Bet the sellers are all bots, giving regular people no choise to either pay the gold sellers huge amount of gold to obtain it, or go withouth.
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Also, make those recipes unique, so you cannot farm alot, keep them in bank or on the AH. Will not get rid of all bots but it will be harder to farm alot of same recipee.
Agree on this, noone needs more than 1 of them. Alternative, recipies that can be bought in limited supply from vendors could be BoP, or atleast bound to account.
Large portion of player base does not need flasks to raid.
no recipe should have limited quantity thats bad design promoting degenerative behavior
I agree with this thread. The situation is out of control. On the wow subreddit there’s almost daily threads about this.
Change it like it’s now in SoD please!
Well, this wasn’t a problem 20 years ago. Back then the playerbase wasn’t quite so egocentric and wanting all the best withouth puttin in the effort. We played for fun, even in the rais it was for fun, the loot was just a bonus. I was in the best ally guild on the server (1 horde guild was 1 week ahead of us most of the time), back in vanilla and TBC. Still we all played for fun. Today people are to egocentric and play for pixels and take a video game way to seriously. That its the reason wow isn’t like it’s use to be, it’s not the game faults, it’s the player base that have changed. Not sure if it’s the people that have changed or if it’s new people coming in creating the toxins, but people are not like they used to be.
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yeah buying a recipe from a vendor isnt much effort they fixed all limited recipes in tbc not sure why not in classic its just dumb
For anniversary or era or sod?
in tbc classic when it came out they fixed the limited recipes to be always there for everyone
ofcourse we will turn the topic in gdkp. Whenever I raid in classic era, with 1 bwl + mc I am able to farm enough gold which can cover my next 5 raids’ expenses.
On the other hand, whenever I raid molten core in Anniversary I basically lost 30 to 60 gold and get 0 in return. Hence, to continue raid in anyversarry I need to farm 4-5 hours / week and most of the good spots are infested with no lifers + bots + hacks.
The problem is as usual and forever the loot system. Gdkp was kinda solving the problem ( in good groups which are not forcing people to spend huge amount of gold on garbage items ). But the real problem is gold required to play the game on top tier.
Blizzard should put all consumables on NPCs and make them extra cheap, so there won’t be any need for RMT.
Because GDKP banned a modorate player who only raid logs now HAVE TO farm 5 to 10 hours to only raid molten core without flask. Or maybe that player need to host his self botting accounts or I dont know maybe needs to buy gold ?.
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Yes but layer population cap is increased since that change, its why supply is not enough. All prices for limited recipes, elemental fire, flasks and else is so high simply because game wasn’t designed for so much ppl for 1 layer. They should lower layer population cap and make more layers. Overpopulated layers is not good. It is the real problem, why price for most of open world resources is so high. And it’s the main problem that need to be fixed, not only black lotus system.
Layer population cap should be designed to be comfortable for players (and it was, in past time), blizzard said they increased it because now they have techical possibilty for it, BUT, again, large layers aren’t good and comfortable for game even if they have technical possibilty for it. It should be not max techical possible cap, but cap that is comfortable for players and it should be lower then now!
On thunderstrike it’s “pretty cheap” (25-30g on average) but it doesn’t take a genius to guess that’s probabbly far more expensive on the PvP realm.
I mostly got them during the late night hours…
Becuase of hardcore transfers. ANd, again, layers. On hardcore layers dont shut down on night (because it can grief ppl), so its always the same amount of layers as in prime time (6). So very big supply of lotuses, on hardcore they are in low demand because most ppl levelling, so most of those lotuses transfer to PvE. On PvP no transfer from hardcore realms, and most layer shut down at night. SO supply is low its why the price high
You don’t need any consumables for clean MC, if you don’t want to pay, don’t pay.
Otherwise, don’t complain or do like the majority of Classic players, buy gold, don’t worry, Blizzard doesn’t care about that.