Increase conquest generation by 5x for catch up

Where as in PvE the only thing that 1 shot are boss mechanics that can be avoided unlike pvp.

Pve>pvp stopped caring about it they will never fix it. 9.1 will be a testament to that

rating gear gap has to go or lowered hard, or make it on single items like unlocking elite gear so you have:

  • honor gear on 1 itemlvl
  • conq gear on 1 itemlvl
  • elite gear on 1 itemlvl, but close to conq and pieces are unlocked with entering a new rating bracket like the tmog now

this combined with the new 9.1 scaling would be ideal pvp gearing for me personally

Or make Honor gear scale to 1 ilvl and conquest to another one in PvP and keep upgrades so “raiders can PvP to get gear for raiding and M+” as Ion thinks.

Even tho I have no stake in this, as I’m fully geared and don’t level alts, I honestly agree.

I feel bad for the other guys, if I queue a 2’s for fun and get queued against people with <32k hp, that are just trying to get gear and climb.

I’ve mainly played Mythic+ but I got really demotivated due to people and there not really being anything worth pushing for, more than score and to get enough score to boost.

So I stopped playing. I had rerolled twice and ended on a Warrior that I solely tanked M+ on. I quit the game and havent played for 2 weeks or so.

Now, to the point.

I got the urge to PVP and play Arena/RBG on my warrior. It has literally No pvp gear and 0 conquest gathered.

Then it hit me. To cap conquest and be relevant in PVP, it’s gonna take roughly 430-450 WINS (counting 2v2 - 25conq per win, not accounting for the daily 35conq win).

But along this journey you’re probably going to quit the game 15 times due to encountering boosts and generally not dealing any meaningful damage due to being PVE geared AND taking massive amounts of damage due to the same reason.

Thats just one issue. Then we’re weekly capped with Soul ash and also throttled in PVP since you need to have the relevant legendary.

I had kept my sub, but after going over the actual requirements to get into PVP, i canceled it.

Unless more catchup mechanics to meaningful things gets added, I’m probably not coming back to the game even for the next patch.

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i feel u bro, like 2-3 days ago i lvled my alt hunter, i found an lfg partner and at 1500 rating we are facing 2,7k ppl boosting others (not always ofc) and 40k hp ppl who are bad and climb higher, we have positive win ration, but i can’t imagine what a new guy has to go through

welp, we are like 100+ games now both in 2s and 3s and i’m like 3k conquest already, 8 more to go…

Conquest to 50 per win in 2s and 75 in 3s, alongside a hefty daily win bonus would help tremendously. You shouldnt get the Gear in a day or two of casual play but taking literally an entire week of non-stop nerding is just bollocks.

It was bearable to gear my Druid into 226 with daily BG, skirmish and epic BG win alongside a couple of Arena Games a few months back but now its impossible to get onpar with others when you just hit 60.

50 per win is still 200 wins. But more realistic is 50% winrate, so you’re talking 400 games. Along the way you’re gonna face booster groups which would drag your winrate down even more.

So in reality while gearing/capping you’re looking at a 40-45% winrate.

So the amount of games you need is still 450 to cap.

The conquest capping needs to be scaled by Percent of the total current cap. 8-10% per win.

I’ll say this once:

PVP should NOT be centered around the gear. Gear-gap in PVP is NOT good. Just like you wouldn’t shove a pipe in your wheel while riding a bike, you dont enjoy being gimped in PVP due to a massive geardifference.

Even 210>220 is a MASSIVE difference.

11550 conquest to catch up right now:
Gladiator Trinkets , Wrists, Cloaks, Rings x2, Necks = 3 150
Damage Trinkets, Boots, Gloves, Shoulders, Belt = 3 500
Chest, Helms, Legs = 2 625
Two-Handed Weapons = 1 800

= 11 900 (minus your legendary)
So you need a WHOLE CAP to gear yourself right now

that’s 231 wins in 2s and 154 wins in 3s with 100% win ratio, being realistic let’s cut down the counter to 50% since you start fresh and at 1500 there are boosters already

  • you need almost double the amount of games - i don’t mind playing 500 games, i’ll do it, ok… but why… why the struggle to do that? what for?

Again, you should not get the gear instantly. You should just get it at a reasonable speed.

Honestly, if you like this Game you dont go into an Arena with 197 Honor Gear, but also do other content types to get higher item level in preparation.

This whole “Just jump into BGs and 1 day later 24/7 play Arena” mentality is very crappy for years now.

nobody needs bg for anything, every smart pvp levels as necrolord then picks up the desired covenant:

maybe just for 2 trinkets, that’s all, to hell with battlegrounds

Fotm hunter? :slight_smile:


yeap, fotm hunter ;]

PVP is very gear dependant. You’re not relevant without PVP gear. Even if you have somewhat good PVE gear, it’s not gonna help you much in pvp. The lack of versatility will drop your win %.

Anyhow. Grinding the conquestcap should be % based as stated. As it is now, it’s just insane. You shouldnt have to do other content if you’re just into PVPing. You dont have to do other content if you are into pvp, but when you’re this far behind on an alt or a new player, you jump into a firepit covered in oil with while trying to gear up.

The only relevant gear in PVE for PVP, is from +14 or +15 M+ keys, where the itemlevel is reasonably high. So you have to farm gear to get enough itemlevel and RIO to get to those keylevels.

Are you following along? Do you see the issue now?

Say it with me:

PVP should be skillbased and NOT gearbased. Having higher stats on better PVP gear is fine, but it shouldn’t be behind a massive grind.

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Like 40% of the pvp community

Yes fotm BM Hunter. Spec that does the same amount of damage as Affliction Warlock but single target having all instant spells kiting you in a meanwhile.

Easy 2,1k :slight_smile:

If you just double it from 25 to 50 per win that 846 games to cap drops to 423 with a 50% win rate. If you were to have a 100% win rate that would be 212 games for an 11k cap (even though unrealistic). 423 with a 50% win rate is not that bad at all for 11k, considering you’d get a full set before you even reach that number.

Probably should consider that before throwing out some random number like 5x.

Nobody will throw any numbers. Ion and his crew calculated average time spent to get the same ilvl from PvP, raiding and M+ and they will stick to it because otherwise “PvE progression will disrupted” and PvE players might feel forced to PvP. You know how fixated over raiding Ion is so nothing is going to change.

Yeah I know, that’s why I personally think separating the 2 gears with a stat exclusive to that content should return. if PvP gear is to easy to obtain PvE players are forced to PvP, if PvP gear isn’t very good or takes such a long time to obtain PvP players are forced to PvE.

This system always causes 1 side to suffer by being pigeon holed into content they dislike doing. But of course… Blizzard knows best, and you WILL like their content and systems, and if you don’t… guess what, we think its working as intended so its not changing, we think its a good design, even if you tell is its not, we’re Blizzard and we only design greatness so it stays.