Increase conquest generation by 5x for catch up

No doubt. I 100% agree with your logic and I agree with you a lot of times. You are one of the reasonable ones here but as long as Ion is the GD nothing is going to change. He is stubborn and he thinks he knows the best. Our complaints to him are just bunch of noobs who aren’t rank 1 and that’s why we are complaining. For him everything is working as intended. PvP isn’t meant to be major progression route and I’m 99% sure that if Ion could he would remove gear from PvP but since historically it was different he cannot.

Thank you, appreciate that.

I personally am not even sure its Ion that’s enforcing what they are doing in terms of refusing acknowledge a system is damaging the game and adjust it. There’s alot that go’s on behind the development team that restricts them I think. They also locked themselves into this Covenant mess because their primary marketing campaign advertised the game around them. He is guilty of the throw away systems though, but he did acknowledge it’s a problem and wants to find a middle ground, he is right about what he said with just constantly adding to the game over and over, its unsustainable in the long run.

But I could be wrong… they could have all the power to drastically alter these systems and are just acting like stubborn teenagers over people not liking their design.

One thing is what he does and 2nd thing is what he says. Keep in mind that all of these interviews are prepared by their PR. There is whole team of PR specialists preparing most of his answers. The fact they acknowledge something as problem and “they talk about it” doesn’t mean they do. I studied diplomacy at University. When you hear in news that two leaders met and the meeting was full of great ideas and conversations but they didn’t sign any international pact or contract it means it wasn’t and they just argued. It works the same in the business environment PR specialists are just taking care of the fact that he has to say something but nothing at the same time to look good.

In Blizzconline interview they said they want more feedback and community to be more vocal about solo queue and then they will do something about it but then Ion declined it. It means that they never were keen on that and they said it only to keep everyone hyped during Blizzconline and too keep positive reception of all announcements. I’m sure that Ion plays a big puzzle in the whole situation. Why? Since before he was GD the whole direction was different. PvP was treated as more important part of the game and there weren’t these many systems that everyone hates. Chilton and GC cared about feedback. Do you remember how fast Cata heroics were changed? Do you remember how they completely redesigned Stampede and Mage mechanics when they were broken. Nowadays they do some stupid tweaks mid expansion and keep completely broken stuff because in PvE it’s fun.

Other problem that I can find in WoW team since Legion (ex-Diablo III: Reaper of Souls team members were then assigned to WoW and Ion took over) is reuse of simple templates all the time. Basically rifts worked in diablo - they are implemented to everything. Mutations in Starcraft 2 coop and M+ are literally greater rifts. Titanforging like thing was in Diablo - apply it to WoW. Then ap based borrowed power - used every expansion. Mission table - same. World Quests - used in every new zone every patch. There is a scheme - add new zone and put new WQ on it so people will quit doing old ones and do new ones. Torghast has bad reception - then apply mythic affixes to them.

Actually the capping time should be about 10x times the speed it is atm.

This late into the season it should definitely be increased. How it should work is. If you miss the first week, you get 2x for the first week and normal for the second week. If you miss weeks 1 and 2, you get 3x for weeks 1 and 2 and normal for 3. If you miss the first 3 weeks you get 4x and normal for the 4th week. And 4x is the maximum. So if 10 weeks have gone by and youve only just got to 60, you can cap 9 weeks 4x faster and the 10th week would be normal amount.

Yeah of course, but also changing and trivialising the very thing they tried to sell the game on would damage it I think, so it’s kind of an awkward one… but they created the mess on their own, even though they were given tons of feed back on how and why its a very restrictive system. Its either own faults, I don’t think they learnt much BFA to be honest other than endless AP grinds are hated. Other than that what’s change? playing different specs is more ristriced than ever, catching and alt up is painful and time consuming… the only thing “alt friendly” is levelling it imo.

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reasonable speed at the beginning of the season. Light speed when you are behind.
What is the point of playing if you are at such a big disadvantage?
If they want to drive players out of the game, that is a genius idea. Or they just think the boosting will out weight the loss in subs

you know that worked more or less in bfa, but in SL this doesn’t work.
In bfa you got decent gear from end of dungeon, even +10 just was 15 ilvl lower (which is now maybe equivalent to 5 ilvl?) and +10 was free loot. If you were good you just go +15s to gear up very quickly as we had loot shower going on. Also we had tons of vers gear dropping in pve so you didn’t have such a massive disadvantage.

In SL on the other hand, everything is tied to the stupid vault which is weekly gated as well.
Almost not vers gear, 203 ilvl end of dungeon drops for +10 (if anything drops at all) which is not really much higher than bg gear…

You see the difference?

Because loses award honor,you have 20 people afk at the beginning in most epic bg’s.

First fight is most important in epic bg’s,and side that has least amount of afkers at the beginning,wins most of the time.

Random and rated bgs should NEVER award players for losing.

That just encourage people to join in with mentality ‘‘if i lose 10 games i will have enough honor to buy item’’

Exagerating much?

Not every epic bg but most.

Pay attention to wg and av.

Half of the team with similar russian names afking until vote kicked,or in av case,they all rush to vandar’s hall and afk until game is over.Most of them don’t even help fight vandar.

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