If the above is the truth in your minds then a tank/a dps should strictly stick to their designed roles - meaning - a tank should keep aggro, a dps should only dps. A tank should not use any deffensive, dispell or any kind of self heal. A dps should not use any deffesnive, dispell or any kind of self heal.
Since you’re a healer, you should only heal then. Meaning, you cannot be mad if tanks/dmg dealers will not use anything mentioned above.
Defeating any pack of mobs in dungeon or dealing with any kind of boss in any content is a group effort. If you see, there is no urgency to pop healing spells you should be willing to contribute to this effort with some portion of damage. But I guess, some people will be just standing there, doing nothing.
Not so stupid. We’ve had the ability to switch specs since Wrath. Bosses pose little danger to a player these days. It used to be a case where even certain mobs could one shot a non-tank. Why do you think hunter kiting was so popular.
DPS have better heals than healers and so do tanks for that matter. It sued to be the case DKs were the only heal tanks but now Blizzard uses it as a crutch and gives all tanks heals. I’m currently playing a prot warrior and I have one sizable heal and lots of little ehals and a bubble!
I get the idea but this would just lead to a myriad of other problems. It’s just going to further complicate stuff.
It is, it would kill wow overnight.
Bosses pose a severe threath in all content that’s meant to be challenging with appropiate gear. If you’re talking normal/hc/tw dungeons then of course it’s not dangerous. It’s made so that all players can complete it, even 8 year olds. No group mobs in m+ dungeons can be handled without tanks, it’s just not possible (unless you’re severely overgeared).
You’re trolling, do better.
No, but all tanks has some heal accessible to give the spec some independency.
They haven’t, unless your endgame is LFD/LFR which are meant to be failsafe content.
This is not what we advocate by not wanting to dps as healers. We want to heal 90% of the time, interrupt/dispell 9% of the time and mayyyyyyybe deal some extra damage 1% of the time. The current situation is vastly different, where it’s possible to spend almost half of our gcds on damage abilities because the rest of the group is so awesome at avoiding damage that there is nothing to heal!
There have been many solutions showcased on how to achieve that while still maintaining ever-increasing difficulties like in M+. If you’re regular on the forums you have definitely read some of them throughout the topics.
This is something that needs explanation. Some DPS specs can provide burst-healing that is incredibly overpowering. The fact that as Enhancement Shaman in 617 PvP gear I can score 3.8 million Healing Surge criticals when as Resto I barely even see it reach 1.5 million is absurd. Of course I can’t do that continuously as Enh, but the fact that such instances can exist make balancing a nightmare both in PvE as well as in PvP.
It is possible to give tanks some independency by switching all their self-healing into shielding, which is what a tank should have as spammable abilities in the first place (like Warrior’s Ignore Pain). Instead of giving tools to the tank that, for example, let it recover 10% of its maxHP per second, make the tank able to shield for that amount so that a good tank will be maximizing the amount of absorbed damage. That way the healer’s “job” of healing the tank doesn’t get diminished, the tank has better ways to counter tank busters, and the tank’s hp bar doesn’t go back and forth like a yoyo causing the healer heart attacks.
This isn’t a single-player Action game where you are the sole responsible for your health bar.
Too be fair, the only thing that would make a healer have ro heal 90% of the time is incresed rot damage. Something like making all pulls like the DF dungeon HoI in s2/s4, but you’ll have to tune it much harder as that still only took maybe 70-80% healing focus until you got to keys far above portal levels. It would absolutely obliterate low key healing.
It kind of needs the stars go align for it to be anything worthwhile though, but yeah it makes it a pain for balancing and they could as well just nerf it and give another defensive to compensate.
Off topic, but I’m 90% for it. It raises healers to god mode status (even worse than tanks in DF) if the only way to recover any hp is through a healer. I do agree with the sentiment of making tanks more like prot warrior to give the healing power to the healer, but you need some self healing to handle situations where the healer fails and you’re off to 4-man the last 5% of an m+ boss.
It would require a major overhaul of prot pala, guardian druid and blood dk though, which is another pain point.
Nobody is asking for it to be, but we’re advocating for everyone to have some influence on wether they live or die instead of putting it in the hands of one man.
Yes, and I have again made suggestions in the past of how to implement rot damage that increases with difficulty but which at the same will not cause panic to a group where the healer dies early in combat or to healers with less experience in such content.
I’m of the opinion that no non-healer specialization should have significant self healing. Something along the lines of 20% of their maxHP once per 30seconds is ok as long as choosing to utilize it has a noticeable effect on their damage output, ie. they used it as ah “oh damn” moment and know that there will be some penalty to it.
In general I am not against the idea of having every role be able to perform tasks of other roles; I am against the idea of being able to substitute another role for some time as if nothing happened. If the tank goes down I’d like other roles to be able to step in and hold their own for 30sec or even 1 minute. Similarly for when the healer goes down, or when all damage dealers go down. But this should come at a penalty that must be “paid” once combat is complete by forcing a significant downtime.
Do note however that under my suggestion, tanks would not be absolutely reliant on healers. They would still be able to keep themselves alive through extreme damage absorption. But unlike the current state of the game, once they drop low they will need a healer to recover or stop to eat food. The crux of the issue is balancing these values so that having a healer keep everyone up is optimal but not the only valid solution.
Exactly. But again we have to acknowledge that when in cutting edge content, a meta will always prevail.
Haven’t read those threads of yours, but I’ll see if I can find them so I can form a proper opinion of it’s functionality. Sounds great if they made healing harder though.
Agreed, for example enhancement and paladin (unless they use procs) sacrifices damage for it.
Fully agree, but 1 minute is a bit too far. 15-30 seconds is more than enough, maybe 1 minute if you rotate agro between the four survivors.
Sounds great, but there still needs to be some hefty damage spikes too to add some reactive element to healing in that case.
Agreed. Most effective way to combat meta would probably be making alt gearing/leveling much harder though, so people can’t swap classes that easily.
That’d be an awful change for other reasons though.