Increase max character limit

One of my friends is a serious alt a holic and she spends more time faffing about gathering transmogs and RPing on them.

I have no idea if that is typical or not.

I personally have no attachment (I think I said that earlier) and I only really play a handful of my 49 chars regularly.

Yes, by endgame I assume you mean mythic +, raiding etc., atm I’m not raiding, I stopped during s2 to give more time to vicious mounts catch-up, mythic + I just did a few +15 with a friend for the mount, apart from that I play casually, farm mounts, if I find something interesting to farm also pets, toys, also achis, and get some basic gear level on a few chars, nothing like the 6 475 you said.

I farm a lot of gold too by doing gold emissaries on every char on my account, so apart from a 472, a 464, a 454 and a 441 something, the only ones with cloak, majority of my chars are between 410 and 430 item level, good enough for emissaries, and an account full of frost dks is also suited to that since they kill mobs relatively fast for their item level.

The cap is an arbitrary number, so why a 100? why not 200? heck, lets make it 300?

Is there really a need for limits?

50 is fine, :man_shrugging:

Probably to prevent some form of abuse. How it could be abused IDK but I’m guessing that’s their reasoning.

I’ve seen these topics pop up a few times, with some people saying 50 is fine and there’s no need for more and others saying the opposite.

I personally regularly hit the cap when creating new characters on random servers, for bmah reasons or similar.

I don’t have an attachement to 50 of my characters, so I’m fine with deleting some whenever necessary.

However, I don’t see any reason why the cap shouldn’t get increased with now 10 more allied races and probably more to come. I can see why people would want every race and every class on max level and I don’t see how it would affect me in any way shape or form negatively.

So what I’m saying is, I don’t see any reason to be against increasing the character limit.

(except for monetary reasons on Blizzards side. As long as there’s a single person spending money to sustain multiple accounts due to the character limit, they’d be losing money)

All in all I find the attitude of “I don’t need it so it isn’t necessary” or rather “It doesn’t affect me in a positive nor negative way, so I don’t want this change, even if it affects others in a positive way”, that some people showcase, incredibly weird.



May I ask you to elaborate what with these two quotes causes you to facepalm?

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50 cap seems quite a reasonable number to be fair, do we have stats on how many accounts have a capped/nearly capped number of characters?

Look at the droprate of some mounts. Then calculate the average time needed to acquire said mounts if you kill the world bosses every week on 50 chars and you will have your answer. The game has many things where even 50 chars aren’t enough. If you want to blame someone, blame Blizzard and the abysmally low drop rate that they insist on adding to some timegated stuff.


Exactly this, it doesn’t affect anyone that doesn’t want to have more characters in any way, shape or form, so why be against it? Some people just want to play with different characters. I have mine because I like to create characters and stories around those characters.

Blizzard has significantly increased the number of races in this game but hasn’t updated the character limit since the start. It’s time for an update, specially if more allied races are coming next expansion.


How about a compromise? When all 50 your characters reach, say, level 50 or 60 (post-squish), 5 new slots unlock. When these fill up, you get another 5.

Serial levelers/RP fanatics/transmute alt owners get their slots and the people who don’t want more slots because they personally see no use for them don’t get their slots. Win/win!

Edit: That said, I also can’t see why people who don’t see the need for more slots are often so vehemently against the idea. Like
 Nobody is forcing anyone to level more characters. Don’t need a feature? Don’t use it!


460 should have been the amount of characters we could have!

1 for each race/gender/class combo!


is it 50 limit on ea blizz account or is it 50 limit on ea wow account ?

50 per wow account. So 2 wow accounts =100 characters on the same, To be more clear.

oh thats good.

Yeah but at the cost of ÂŁ50 a month. I would pay for more slots tbh, A one off payment though, not a monthly fee.

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I like this idea, that way people can’t create armies of low level characters but can level up as many as they want.


50 limit is not alot if u have no life u can hit 50 120 in like 2 month .

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Why not?

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I would love additional 50 more per account that way I could use most Race / Class combos across my two accounts.

Got one mainly focusing on Horde characters and one mainly focusing on Alliance characters.