ATM Random BG reward the winning side way too much compared to the losing side. Many people leave if they see, its no longer winable, thus no point wasting time. I partly understand this, and would like to improve it.
Many other mmorpgs encourage people to stay until the very end, giving the loosing side around 70% rewards of the winning one. So its around 30% difference in reward, which should be an acceptable difference.
I think, to increasing the reward on the losing side will increase the number of players who wont leave the BG if they see that they will lose it.
Then players will just want to lose even more becouse getting 70% of reward in 5 minutes will be far more lucrative than trying to win in 15 minute game for 100% reward. No
I’d say it more promotes participation, not failure. You’re still earning better rewards by winning, so obviously you’re going to try your best. But at least you know if you queue up you will get something out of it and not just a waste of your time.
I agree with the OP that the rewards should be better (maybe not as much as they’re asking), but as long as you actually participated and didn’t just afk the entire round.
I disagree with this whole “You should try your best cos of the reward” You should try your best anyway, because thats just how I operate. If thats not good enough, you get to punch gnomes and dwarves in the nads.
This whole nebulous concept of “wasting time” - its a game, its really all a timewaste. The idea is to have fun. If your fun is intrinsically linked to the reward you’re kinda missing the point and thats on you, not for Blizz to throw more bling at you for that dopamine rush.
So the guy that stayed to defend farm gets screwed while the 7 people that chased the easy gank (and thus allowed farm to be lost) benefit? No thanks.
Wouldn’t that kind of thing make people not care if they win or lose? I don’t think rewarding an afking or one looking for a fast loss is a good thing.
The Korrak AV event showed how bad it can get if one side just wants to lose fast constantly.
I suppose this is a result of Blizzard locking PvE-based stuff like Essences behind PvP, a content type PvE-oriented players really do not enjoy doing, and should not be forced to enjoy, either.
Agreed, that’s why if the rewards were to be amped, only those who actually participated should be eligible. This could be based on damage/healing and holding objectives.
I frequently end up defending a base and will call for aid if I get over run, but some BGs that can be very dull and boring. The system wouldn’t have any way of knowing if I was afking or actually guarding and not getting attacked.
I’m going to have to agree with Dejarous here. Make the reward gap between teams too small and the average random-BGer won’t be incentivised to win.
Actually there’s reward in battleground if you are loosing.
You usually need to loose and get a great performance in the battleground to get it.
I merely got it 75% of the time, but when i die very often in a battleground or i perform bad i don’t get the steel strongbox.
I noticed if you joined a game already started and you loose you got way more chance to get the Steel Strongbox.
Here is the reward if you perform well meanwhile you have lost :
it usually give between 129 - 71 golds too.
The reward when winning ( whatever your performance ) :
it give between 229 - 171 golds.
So my opinion on this is i think the reward is fine, but i think the malus of leaving a battleground must be highter than just 15 minutes because people leave like ashran in WoD without malus and they can reconnect to an another character or doing an another thing since 15 mn is nothing in term of " punishement "
You get absolutely nothing from winning a bg or losing. Why else would people be leaving more bgs than ever before. Even when your team wipes on the first fight people leave lol
I’m not going to waste 15min a bg where I gain nothing from it . Even when you’re winning it’s boring especially on the horde side you wait 10min in queue just to end up with the enemy that’s given up on the first fight…I came to pvp not win a quick game…