Increase ulduar HM bosses to drop 2 HM items

Odd seeing as there are pieces that never drop also for tanks.

Nobody would give a crap about your tldr anyway seeing that you can’t even kill algalon 10 weeks in. That’s a yikes right there

Maybe that’s how he enjoys the game? Who are you to dictate how the game should be played. Clown

Typical Classic selfish player :slight_smile:
Forcing others playing their own vision of the game and really thinking they are god and their vision is absolute

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No one is forcing you to stay, many of us have made clear that we welcome you to leave though.

And once again hello kettle let me introduce you to pot. You want to force everyone to play a version that you want, and then you claim that the people who have been here since the start and who have made it so you even have these servers to play on are wrong, its us who these servers were made for not for you (and I do mean you) not for me (as a single person) but for the people who have been playing and enjoying classic for years at this point.

That never happened ever.

If it’s only about loot then you’ve got it all wrong. If you get your BIS or whatever you’re after, you’ll just stop running the instance and complain you’ve nothing to do. Doesn’t your guild support each other and help guild members get what they need while enjoying the fun of the Instance? I know our guild does.

You’ve got all the achievements?

Yeah, sure, it’s pretty normal to do something you dislike for 99% time for that small dopamine rush at the end xD

Considering im now 9 or 10 weeks in with zero bis items, increasing the HM drop rate to 2 i seriously doubt i will be in full bis let alone half bis by the time phase 3 comes out. I would be perfectly happy having half bis and a bunch of 10hm pieces.

If i did get full bis somehow then i would level a new alt (which i did in p1 after i got full bis).

The only reason i play this game is nostalgia and the feeling of becoming more and more powerful as time goes on and visually seeing the damage numbers reflect that. Spending several weeks on the same content and getting absolutely nothing out of it is not very enjoyable for me.

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Completely unrelated comment 
 but these things arent mutually exclusive 

One of the things I like on RPGs, is gear progression 
 if I dont get any new cool item in a year, then part of the enjoyment is simply missing 
 yeah I can still enjoy the gameplay and I will still hop in to help friends, but I will still be pissed that I didnt get any reward 

Its one of the reasons why I hated retail for example 
 that stupid scaling 
 killing regular mob when you first hit max lvl took 10 seconds 
 coming back at the end of expansion with BiS gear, same mob takes 9,89 seconds to kill 
 wow so cool 

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It’s not because you want more loot and loot faster that you will automatically stop playing once you are full stuff.
Stop being extremist and inventing life.

Waiting 6 months to get all your BIS is not normal.

Instead making more items drop I would look into how this “random” loot works, because I’m pretty sure it doesn’t “shuffle” too much. I mean, if you raid at the same time, with mostly the same people with the same leader loot seems to be “set in stone”. I know some guilds never saw certain items drop and at the same time some items seem to drop every week (we all know THAT item). It’s not only WotLK, but also in TBC it was noticable.

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I enjoy the loot the way it is tbh.

Yes for example, there is no loot for Hunt in my all raids but full caster BIS instead.
At the inverse i have a friend who told me it’s the inverse, full BIS hunter and no caster BIS.

What? I killed Algalon 3 times now.

If you are talking about 25man then yea, as i dont raid 25man i only PuG it.

3 times since the release of Ulduar on 10 man. And like you said no 25 man. Opinion irrelevant

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Yea because a level 11’s opinions are sooo relevant.

Kinda agree that hard mode loot feels so out of reach even raiding in a guild that clears every HM every reset.
At this point almost every 225/232 item is getting DEd and even most HM items are also getting DEd with how many crap leather/mail armour there is.

If I happen to be back for it I’ll be more or less glad to clear it myself.

What I don’t like about raids is needing to kill trash for endless hours inbetween bosses. With this, a clear will be low enough time for me to stay focused till roughly the end :smile:

assuming I’ll be back for it as my sub ends mid April.

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You basically replied from the wrong character, would have guessed that you made the post lol.

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