Increase ulduar HM bosses to drop 2 HM items

we have an enha and a hunter, and way too much mail stuff drops to the point that 252 mail stuff goes for pala offspec and such. not my fault u run ur comp like this.
and you didnt address the fact that my offspec is getting fat loot

Careful, he might call you a typical classic player as a weird vague insult and put himself over all other players. All while heā€™s a bottom feeder who plays the same game as the people he claims to hate. What a :clown_face:

For people who donā€™t focus entirely on loot and parses trash clearing is time to chill out a little, goof off and chat.

Currently playing with 3 hunters in the raid is not problem, because loots just doesnā€™t drop :slight_smile: this is the first problem. And there is always 2 hunters btw so. Is the second hunter have to wait 4 months to see the second weapon 258 drop ?

Funny game.

You want to have bis gear in the middle of the phase. That doesnā€™t happen with Blizzard.

People need to understand that the game is based on a high level of grinding and making it more difficult so people can play more . If a phase is between 4-5 months and everyone gears for less than 2 months , people will stop playing because they are maxed and wait till the next phase and cancel the subscription reflecting in less interest and less money for the company. Basic marketing. That was the whole point of the game been split in phases. Imagine with so many hardcore players around , if loot was easier and all raids were released at once game will be done in less than an year after release . Game needs to stay hard mode.

He think most people will get full BiS at all. Wich is totaly unrealistic unless you are in a Top tier LC guild that funnel you all the gear first because you are one of the best players they have.

I think Iā€™ve finished P1 with maybe 2 or 3 BIS peaces. Rest being 2/3rd BIS option.

Itā€™s designed in a way to keep players playing and extending the content lifespan. For example Iā€™ve never seen TTT or Torch drop from KT during P1.

The funny thing about BIS is that you may never see it drop or you may see it 2-3 times in a row were even off specs are taking them. It always been part of the game.

bro there is not always 2 hunters. also for example both the freya staff is 100% free, dk polearm from yogg is almost 100% free as well, because u not gonna have more than 1 feral druid or dk. both are really good 252 weps for ur class that are literally uncontested.

Two items would be too much and still prone to rng but I agree right now it feels horrible.

I would prefer a hardmode currency instead and an extra vendor where you can buy items you need. This way every kill feels rewarding and you can mitigate rng. Being able to buy 1x hardmode item per 5-6 weeks feels ok to me.

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He cant comprehend for months now that ppl are fed up with his trolling.

This is exactly how it was in original Ulduar, even though the normal mode loot was 226 and the hard mode items were 239.

Modern day players need to drill into the idea that you donā€™t have to get full BIS every phase to play/enjoy the game. These items are intended to be ā€œbonusā€ loot.

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