Due to WoW classic me and a friend recently came back to WoW (or at least are planning to). We quickly discovered, however, that we prefer to play BFA instead of classic.
We would both start from 0 again and both really enjoy world pvp and bg pvp. We are German-speaking and so are some other friends. However, we were thinking to start out on an English server because of the following assumptions. Could you please be so kind and confirm or clarify?
The overall English population is 2x higher than German (based on EU realmpop).
Sharding and also BG grouping is only regional.
Therefore the BG waiting times are shorter and the world for low-level pvp is more likely to be filled with other players of the different fraction.
Also, the choice of the fraction should not matter much for BG waiting times and world pvp.
I’ll start off by clarifying your questions first, and then in the end add something you might find useful if you are looking for a hardcore World PvP community of fun people.
It happens that sometimes there are Russian teams versus you in bgs, but that is a rare occurance, so you will usually be matched with EU players for the most part.
Queues tend to be anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, but this depends on the time of the day you play.
It all depends on which realm you choose for the WPvP, as some realms could be potentially dead on that part, which leads me to my suggestion…
I am leading a very very interesting world pvp concept guild on a realm where PvP thrives (Argent Dawn EU). We are about 50 people strong atm, but still looking for more active guys to join us. You can check the recruit link here