Incursions killed the game for me

I had so insanely fun with SoD. Until Incursions. The world is dead. All the wonders of SoD just disappeared. I can’t even muster to log in and I refuse to run this stupid content.
I just wanted to leave a post as feedback in case anyone is looking.


i loved incursions and couldn’t care less about the 20 years old content.
wish they didn’t nerf the xp gain tho


They didn’t even add an exchanger for gathering professions. For a solo game it’s not at all playable, at least you’ll be given quests for collecting professions.

i’m glad it’s more group content to level up with friends.
it’s still a bit too high value compare to old questing but it’s definitely a good addition.

There are many other things to do if you don’t want to do them, and why wouldn’t people use the quickest method to level?

If you don’t like extra content in SoD then why are you even playing it?

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Incursions are retail philosophy. Grind something meaningless in a brainless manner so you can reach the endgame quickly. No regard for story, adventure, variety, or fun.

It has no place in classic/SoD in my opinion. That’s not what we’re here for. I mean, what are we discovering here?

The worst thing is not its existence, but that people are basically forced into it for their runes.


Incursions must die obviously, but the problem is - they know that. They add it for a reason - to give retail instant level up grind without adding retail. Because on phase4 or later it would be hard to level up another 60lvl char, and you will be required to because they have no intentions to fix PvP balance, and to avoid the frustration and stopping paying them money - they created this level up retail lifehack. Retail-minded players gonna like it, classic-minded players gonna hate it, that’s why they moved it out of the world to a specific locations for bots to farm without interruption of classic experience and the rewards are pretty bad to skip it for players who want to play real stuff.


I like the daily aspect of them but the way blizzard basically abandoned them with hoards of players exploiting them for gold has left a sour taste.

And they obviously shouldn’t have been a part of the leveling, duskwood and ashenvale incursions should not exist at all or be level 50 only.


yeah, i was a bit upset too. i usually go tank, because tanking dungeons is my personal fav. activity. that is the way i enjoy it. phase 2 was just a blast for my needs. sometimes running dungeons even if i dont need stuff. kind died


They ruined the entire game with these incursions. Also, warlock portals are extremely stupid gambling. Better quit for mental health. Clench your teeth, like on the pain suppresion icon, and wait for Cataclysm Classique

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You’ll be happy to know there is a daily in hinter/feralas that gives you 1k rep for doing one single mission.
So long for the grind.
Thank me later

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Incursions could be just fun endgame content for some good endgame items - it’s ok. But they shouldn’t give xp, or at least xp should be much less because you also get a tons of gold and rep (which gives - rune and good preraid 6 sets already on honored which you achieve just leveling there). So it is fastetst levelling method and you also recieve almost full preraid set for most classes. So no point to level anywhere outside of incursions it’s a problem.

Ideally they should be designed as silithus - to obtain some BiS items if you want it, but they shouldnt be leveling content in classic.


You like running around in circles over and over again doing pick up quests? This is good gameplay for you?


They could have made it so much better if they made it like other events. Like each 2-3 hours. They made it so you dont need envelopes in ur bag to get quests and actually made it an event.
They could even made it so you kill/collect and when you do so a % meter will show up. When the % goes up to 100% a raid boss spawns that players has to group up/raid up to kill. When boss is dead you get cool rewards or items that you can trade for xp/gold or whatever. Then the portal closes and you have to wait 2-3h for next time.
Hell even the stv troll on stv pvp event felt more like an pve event when people raided to kill it.
And the worst part of this event. Is that runes and some prebis items are locked behind it + u get lots of exp and gold for it. So you feel forced to do it.
Which makes players gather on 1 spot in a big map. Whats the point of having the rest of the map if only 1 spot is highlighted.
Also the fact that people say who want to do 20 year old quests.
Instead blizzard could have added all the tbc quests that was added to vanilla content (none effort mode) or they could have added their own quests around the map or updated sone old quests.

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Been done before, result was not great

Thank you for your valued opinion.

Judging from the number of players found in the incursions, you seem to be in the minority.

Please stop talking nonsense. Incursions are based on Silithus combat/tactical/logistics badge farming that existed back in Vanilla. It has almost the same way of acquiring quests and running around Silithus completing them for rep rewards.

Yes it WAS a million times better or even more (before they nerfed it to the ground for no reaseon) than doing the badly designed 20 years old quests which I’ve done over 100 times already and meanwhile playing the biggest time-sink walking simulator.

At least this was efficient and fast.

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On what expansion?
And why didnt it work?

So you rather have a go around turn you brain off and not being social event rather them updating the quests? Or adding new quests?