INSANE BROKEN TRINKET - [Cyclotronic Blast]

u f0kd it up. ppl uysing this OP retarded trinket in arena, doing 100-140k dmg in 1-2seconds


ye this trinket is absurd in pvp

Probably “Intended” to work this way

It’s been nerfed to 50% dmg in PvP.

Aaaand ofc kelduril defends it just as he done with his DH


They nerfed that ? still broken btw

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Not more broken than Harbinger or Leviathan’s Lure.

Delete all PVE trinkets on pvp . FIXED or geting 46k NO CRIT oblivion spear , 100k cyclonic blast bla bla bla


Yeah that punch card is busted sadly :O(


Another failure even tho they knew this crap from ptr complains… no words for this

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Best time to maintain 1600 while it’s still abusable.

Sometimes i ask myself about in what the f*ck is blizzard thinking on letting this trinket be used in pvp.

50%??? it needs to be nerfed 90% at least


It’s interruptible, stunnable, and has been nerfed by 50%. What else do you want lol.

It also takes time to even START the damage portion. You’re just salty the game requires you to do PvE as well in order to have the best items in PvP, which is something that’s happened ever since the introduction of instanced PvP and will probably never end.

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Because some classes have no burst window and they’re tired of dampening matches. It’s horribly boring to know you can’t get a kill for 5 minutes.

Because they were ment to be like that. If you don’t like don’t play. Also no burst window? You have meta up 24/7 l2p issue at its finest

I’m pretty sure he didn’t specifically speak of his demon hunter when he spoke of no burst windows.

I’m pretty sure he is since he was complaining already in other posts that he has no burst. Just check

Eh it’s not a burst window then he’s right, it’s his normal state he no longer has a burst to increase damage more during a timeframe. Poor him.

Wtb perma Vendetta on all targets on the map btw.

That trinket is nonsense and shouldn’t be in arena, agreed.

But since it is, you guys can just get it as well and start dishing out that sweet sweet dmg. That’s what I did at least.