Instance grind 110 - 120

Hey guys sorry if this has been posted before. Looking for people who are 110 looking to go to 120 as part of a group. I don’t mind running instances or questing. But I will tank or heal. I am an old player who is just returning to world of Warcraft and i play mostly in the evenings. I have alliance and horde characters but I haven’t got a preference on what I want to play. if you fancy it then great let’s try and get it start.
Thanks for the listen.
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I have a 113 Horde hunter and 113 Alliance druid healer (I'll tank expeditions though) that need levelled up, and I don't want to level them alone either. They're 113 but neither have actually started any of the Horde or Alliance zones questing wise yet, so that shouldn't be an issue (i.e I won't be ahead of you anywhere on either side). Add me through bnet since the servers are different Jessica#22124
sure sounds good. I’ve added you anyway.

Just add me Ish1#2729

I have 6 more 110 alts on horde site to level up to 120. 4 out of the last 6 I level with dungeons

if interested in joining a community, where we are many altoholics with lots of different levels, also most on in evenings/nights, check us out in the post below:

Wasn’t updated in a while, but we are around 40 members now, so its a good chunk of characters across both factions and all levels.

I have a few characters between 110-116. What are the plans after leveling to 120?