Instead of fighting against HvH

Because chance of getting actual fix created for ally is pretty much none, its pretty much uselees to even try because MUH MAJORITY DONT HURT ZUG

They should have solved this before launch, now its too late. maybe they will try to do something before wotlk. but I doubt it.

Blizzard can do one and only thing perfectly. Remind you of your remaining game time.

We’ve suggested plenty of things that are better alternatives than HvH (long term).

As it stands (overall) horde racials are better for both PvE and PvP (yes I know you’ll say but stoneform so good).

In Classic Alliance had a numbers advantage overall (not in PvP) due to meta slaves playing Alliance for Paladins (easy does it).

  • What has happened in TBC Classic is that anyone that wants to PvP goes Horde because of all the advantages and few drawbacks.

  • Anyone that does both PvP and PvE will also go Horde, same as above.

  • Those that only PvE stay Alliance but soon realise there is no future for the Alliance faction in TBC Classic and eventually quits the game because there is a lack of players (same as retail from what I understand).

By adding HvH you simply remove the downside of 1 and 2.

How can this be fixed? Well, it can’t with HvH in the game other than removing factions (won’t happen) or allowing faction change for Alliance (so that all Alliance players have a shot at playing the game in later phases).

HvH will simply discourage anyone from being Alliance because Horde has all the advantages.

They cant even get things right, having you track someones honorable kill count… and you think they will do anything right? :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe they will try to do something before wotlk

Ye. They’ll nerf EMFH in WOTLK :rofl:

Well something I suggested long ago

You don’t need vast majority to change, 5-10% of totall population will be more than enough to break the trend.

Uhm, isn’t this exactly the HvH is aimed to prevent but specifically for BGs? What are you smoking dude.

TBH, I would not be surprised, mate. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Nah probably not. They’ll make too much money on faction transfers.

Another person who thinks forcing people to play one faction or forcing a faction equalisation will work. All that will happen is they will stop playing, and Blizzard don’t want that.

and they don’t understand the matching system at all either.

There is also a major flaw in point 4, you cannot have both factions on one PvP realm.

Because they dont want 90% of the alliance players to be humans. Not to mention, in classic and in vanilla 90% of alliance where humans anyways.

I’m being sarcastic over the horde players long time ago saying every bg they play are against humans only.

Yea that was in WoD right? Didn’t actually play then but I heard every PvPer was human before they nerfed the racial in Legion.

yes and its an example of a player caused problem, similar to the current tbc classic. but alliance never made a denial biased claim that the average wow player tends to find alliance faction more attractive as how some horde players do currently in tbc classic to cover up the real problem and issues that’s destroying the aspects in few other points

No, you see Alliance always had better racials it’s just that people only started rerolling for PvP racials in WotLK. In previous expansion people choose their race for purely aesthetic reasons.

Wow had 70% of its player base playing alliance when wow was released when it came to aesthetic reasons. what are you saying? pvp was all about premade, you play horde solo que you’ll get roflstomped by ally premade , you play ally solo que you’ll get roflstomped by horde premade all day long.

I didn’t incluse the /s but it was implied ^^

yea i pointed out if it was for aesthetic reasons alliance had more population, there was no influence on those reasons like today. while in tbc classic, horde has more population for over rated racial reasons, similarly to faction imbalance against horde in wod. In which again, is a player created problem from outer influence.

Very simple proof, just activate WotLK races for the Alliance … and then we’ll see.

And the Horde can then prove that they won’t cry a river then.

And another proof against that is activate wow Classic races for alliance you will see 70% is human without Emfh.

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