Greetings Argent Dawn I recently decided to actively roleplay my Kul Tiran here and I am interested in checking the interest in quite a wide concept of Kul Tiras roleplay.
With focus both on military aspects such as defending the three zones of Kul Tiras but also lend aid to the Alliance where it is required as they just rejoined the Alliance.
The possibilities are endless with excellent ships to harbor out and fight!, markets to be held and different religions to explore such as Thornspeakers and Tidesages.
The idea is to bring life to Kul Tiras and bring Kul Tiras to the rest of the Alliance at times.
The overall idea I had in mind was a guild that function as some type of group within Kul Tiras and then also add up a ‘‘Community’’ page to extend the roleplay possibilities to other guilds and non-guilded members.
I was also wondering if there are current guilds in Kul Tiras or other communities that does similiar things?
All in all this is merely a interest check / lookout for other guilds possibly in Kul Tiras.
If I decide to make the guild / community I will be making a new thread with all the details.