[Interest Check] The Clarion Calling [Gathering Event]

Onto the esteemed and valiant Knights of Alterac, Stormwind, Kul Tiras, Lordaeron, Stromgarde, and Gilneas:

You are hereby cordially invited to attend a courtly gathering on the eve of [x], at the eighth bell [location]. This evening will be cradled in traditions of chivalric values, where the clash of arms gives ebbs to the warmth of fellowship and virtue.

Our charge to protect the weak and innocents of the realm, has not gone unchanged.

Beneath the banners of our noble kingdoms, knights shall lay down their shields and swords to find comfort. The evening shall offer not only a banquet of foods, but also the exchange of tales of valour and quests. Knightless Squires are welcomed, at this gathering, they can perhaps find a mentor.

The Clarion Calling

Hello, I had this idea to create a gathering for players who are interested in roleplaying as knights, and integrating with other knights across the Kingdoms. The premise revolves around choosing a tavern, a empty hall each month, and going from there, hopefully in turn building some fun RP where players can share quests or adventures down the line, I know I would be more than happy to DM afew plots. Also on the side note, this can be used as a place for individual squires who are looking for a mentor to perhaps find one. This is really just an interest check to see if anyone would like to see this sort of thing?

(Text is all place holder)