Old School Dawn [Interest Check]

I think you’d benefit from providing a small list of example events that you would like such a community to run, accompanied by short paragraphs that explain how they deviate from the current style of roleplay.

People will no doubt disagree with you and provide counter-arguments, but this will help you refine and define what sort of roleplay you would like such a community to provide.

For example, you recently posted this thread:

While I think that seems like a reasonable and interesting event (even if it’s not relevant to my interests), it also strikes me as a social gathering, the sort of open event that occurs nowadays that you claim has no lasting impact. Could you explain what would be different about such an event and how it would provide a more old school experience?

If that particular event is not connected to your desire for a more old school roleplaying community, could you provide other examples that are? Like Corpseburner said, your examples of going on an adventure to kill a dragon and hiding from patrols are still events that occur, just within guilds, campaigns or friend groups, rather than naturally and organically occurring in open communities without preparation. This is because such events are typically better with planning, preparation and an audience that the event-runner is familiar with, so they know what to plan for, what to include and what to exclude.