Interview with Holinka soon

On bajheera’s channel, 00:30 CET.

Currently going on :

Edit : Video of the interview

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Looks like I forgot to put up a link. Thanks for the link.

Whole lot of nothing other than Bajheera boot-licking. 30 minute interview and the only thing of value was the difference in honor and conquest gear.

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It was actually a decent interview where Holinka went into detail about their thought process and plans. The gearing part is the most important part for me and alot of people anyway, plus I’m happy to hear more wpvp related stuff and soloq added. No more borrowed power, just logging in and having fun again.


The interview was great

I think you are overacting negatively very hard. Way too much


In 30 minutes the only valuable comment on PvP was the WoD like gearing. That could have been a tweet.

‘We are looking at rated solo queue’ means little to nothing.

It’s not an official Blizzard dev thing though so can’t expect the world, but ultimately that interview was a complete waste of time.

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Well I agree with Tee here. Holinka spoke like a politicial he was talking a lot but said nothing. Literally they could announce this gearing during expansion reveal instead of wasting our time. I was expecting something more game changing. Gearing and no borrowed powers are great but we will see how they actually design the talents. Hopefully the game will look way better than now because current season is a clown fiesta.


Not a single word was said about current balance problems …

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Except he said way more related to soloQ. It’s like some of you either don’t listen, don’t get it or don’t care what they have to say anyway. People have been crying on these same forums about wanting more dev interaction, what their thought process to certain things are and when they actually do that, people still complain. Welcome to the forums I guess. Perhaps they should start communicating on a more childish level with animations, let’s see if that can hold people’s attention. Sounds to me I watched a different stream, where 2 adults were having a conversation and sharing their thoughts and thought process regarding different topics. Probably an age thing.


Ye, duh. This was about the upcoming things for the new expansion. I think this is why the facepalm emote was added.

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Didn’t say anything about solo queue that suggests it’s coming or not coming, rather ‘we are looking at it’. Means nothing. Invalid.

There was nothing on whether there are going to be tier set bonuses for pvp, nothing on frequency of class tuning (he also lied and said they’ve done a lot of it) nothing on gear acquisition, is the conquest increase per week going to remain?

The only thing you can take away from that interview was the difference in honor and conquest gear. That is IT.

Stop being a complicit sheep and demand more from the people designing your game and we won’t have to play a severely flawed game.

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I guess people always complain. He mentioned the big parts of PvP aka soloq and gearing, class balancing or changes will happen anyway with each new xpac on top of talent trees. So what else do you want?


Solo queue the ‘big part’ that isn’t confirmed as arriving or not, rather speaking about it as a concept. As I said, all he spoke about worth noting was the gearing, so you’re agreeing with me, lol.

‘Class balancing or changes will happen anyway’ is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge dose of copium buddy.

Tell me an xpac where there were no class changes lol

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Of course there will be changes to classes when the expansion goes live, was that supposed to be some sort of ‘gotcha’? The question is will they acknowledge imbalances and make frequent balance changes and tune specs appropriately?

I thought it was an informative interview where I learned more about certain design choices and what their thought process is related to a few topics. The most important thing for me was the gearing part, glad that it’s finally been addressed.

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I mean how do I know? He could have said it, however would it be really worth? We know that this won’t ever happen so if we have to accept with the things we have right now these were quite good news and nothing more couldve been really added. I personally would like to see better rewards/titles for 2s but thats just me. Otherwise it was a solid interview


So what was the point of the interview? All we took from it was gear differences that could have been announced in the reveal or by a tweet, lol.

If Bajheera was smart, he would have asked more probing questions about the talent trees, the gear, sets and acquisition.

I am sorry but I don’t think you should take anything that Tee says too seriously. I think he just wants to make himself feel better by being toxic on these forums. He will also go personal when he doesn’t have anything to bring to the discussion.

Really interesting interview though, thanks for sharing with the rest of us! :slight_smile: