Interview with Holinka soon

I have already said what was good about that interview, can all you people who are applauding it tell me something else which was confirmed to be coming in the next expansion which improves the quality of the game for PvP?

If you call my high standards and holding Blizzard accountable ‘toxic’ then that’s a you problem.

And as you already can see he replies within five minutes and goes on about how he is NOT toxic and that it is our fault. My point is that I don’t know how much value you get from discussing with them.

Sigh… I don’t know why I am even trying but here goes:

And to be fair, I don’t know how to explain to you how you are (imo) toxic, delusional and possibly even narcissistic. There is no reason for you to go personal with people on these forums man. Everyone has their own opinion. If the interview was a waste of time for you sure - but obviously other people seemed to gain something from it.

If you are not happy with your life maybe you should go see someone and talk with them about it. How does it help you to come on these forums and spew out random stuff, that just brings down the entire post?

“Nothing is wrong with me, the issue lays with all of you”.
– Tee

The irony of you calling me toxic and saying I go to personal insults when I ‘can’t contribute to a discussion’ and then saying:

Again: I have already said what was good about the interview. Can you tell me something else which has been CONFIRMED in that interview to be coming in the next expansion which improves the quality of the game for PvP? Or are you going to be hypocritical and do everything you say that I do?

Did anyone ask how talent tree of classes like dh will look like, since they have 2 spec? If druid has 3 spec to offer skills from besides your main what’s dh tree looks like?

Yeah man this is why there is no reason talking to you.

I am not trying to insult you. I honestly think you should seek some help. I don’t go around calling people sheep or the other very interesting things you said to me in another post.

I am sorry but, how delusional are you? When did I ever claim those things? Can you quote where I state that I believe the interview discuss topics which will IMPROVE the quality of the game?

You can’t put words in my mouth and then start discussing around that. Typical horde throwing false accusations…

Also speaking of hypocrite:

I thought the interview was pretty good, gave a lot of insight and sounds like improvements to what we have currently

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100% age thing.

Good interview.


So tell me what you thought was interesting about this interview without reference to what I have already admitted was good about it as you seem to think my opinion of it is toxic?

Are you 12? Roleplay on Argent Dawn?

I think that Tee is right they didn’t say that much. His answers were the most diplomatic and didn’t contain any details. It’s like that for years. I wouldn’t be surprised if Holinka got all questions before to prepare himself. Anyway I’d add 1 more thing they said. Posibility of PvP sets comming back. I’d love to see them and even they mentioned my idea of PvP set giving 1 PvP talent - different each season so they at least read forums.

Just started to watch the interview and Holinka says:
The goal here was always to come up with a rated solo queue system, that's our plan, that's what we are working towards.
Kinda suggests it’s coming imo.

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Not in the next expansion though, which is the entire point of the interview. Vague wording like that could mean 1 year or 10 years.

Yeah you don’t seem to understand it. So I am leaving it there. Good luck with everything mate.

Indeed I am! Everyone knows that the majority of roleplayers are 12 year olds! Especially in Goldshire on Argent Dawn. Nothing above 18+ going on there :wink:

I mean since the interview context is the next expansion, I’d expect it to be there. Maybe not S1 but not later than S2 for sure.

For the reason that you can’t expect one man to speak on behalf of the entire company, about a product they’re going to release in a year.
Who would offer guarantees on that?

If a game designer can not come to an interview FOCUSED ON PVP to speak on behalf of the company and make SOME guarantees, then what was the point of the interview? They should have done it 6 months from now if you want to use that as an excuse for the lack of information.

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I think you’re simply setting yourself up for disappointment mate


So are you by not expecting more from them.

I hope you can see the irony in that

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Bahjeera is a brown nosing hypocrite, of course he would never contradict Holinka, he made a career of doing bg videos with 2 or 3 healers carrying back and forth and him acting like he´s all that, same goes for arenas.
Dude never even helped the warrior community with constructive feedback or how bad the class was when it was needed, he´s always kissing blizzard´s knees, so I don´t waste my time on anything he´s involved.
As for pvp gearing, everyone knows MOP was perfect with pvp related stats and complete separation from pve gear.