Interview with Holinka soon

Maybe you are right according to Blizzard standards he already said a lot maybe I shouldn’t rate them like other gaming companies.

Again, that did not need a 30 minute interview. That could have been said in the reveal or when they were doing the segments with the different teams. The interview was a waste of time because if you want to use the whole ‘it’s early stages what do you expect?’ card, then it should have been done when they have more to tell us. Demand more from your developers because it’s a cycle that’s repeating itself: ‘it’s only alpha they’ve got ages left!’s still only beta there’s still a few months left…Shadowlands isn’t finished just yet…it’s pre-patch something might happen before it goes live…oh, I wish x y z was here’.

He did not CONFIRM that it was coming in 10.0, and that’s where Brodanyo’s ‘he spoke like a politician came in’: politicians can say we’re working on doing this this and this, but never do. He should have said yes solo queue is coming in 10.0, or no solo queue will not be coming in 10.0 BUT we are working on it.

You people realise that if solo queue isn’t featured in 10.0 then you owe me and Brodanyo apologies, right? :slight_smile:

they are still human beeing. Holinke has some restrictions of what he can say, but keeping in mind that having a chill talk with some devs is a good thing. We are or should be empathic ppl (some here atleast) while the other treat them like they are some robot machines supposed to consistantly produce products and having boring fact base question answer format with no atmosphere

negativility all the time is just generating a toxic atmosphere. No wonder Blizzard doesnt like to communicate with most players then

of course he could write everything down what he said and made a blue post about it too but the interview itself was fine. He explained his thought process behind their decisions and difficulties, some changes for the future etc. Totally fine for an interview propaply 1 year before release day.

i ask again what did you expect him to say? What do you missed?

you are just complaining for the sake of complaining. The expansion will be released next year most likely. Just relax a little bit. There will be more information in the future.

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I find this interview really good.

Returning pvp gear to a WoD model aside, what I liked the most is Holinka reinforcing my personal opinion of what this game should be.

It is not World of PvEcraft, nor a World of PvPcraft. There are thousands of games focusing exclusively on one or another, and this is what makes WoW special. They should be intertwined.

In case anybody cares, would like to reiterate on my remark about PvE and PvP being intertwined.

Doing PvP should absolutely award the best gear for pvp, and there should be no things like Torghast required to stay competitive. But if some1 has a cool PvE trinket, I see no problem with it being used in PvP, as long as it isn’t absurdly broken.

Some1 who makes effort in both aspects of the game, especially on the highest difficulty should reap some benefits. This is still an RPG.

And as for people thinking, ‘‘I will never get this trinket so I am at disadvantage’’, think the mentality is all wrong. It is not the end of the world if you don’t get a powerful trinket from a mythic raid because while it may cause you to lose a couple of matches, it won’t matter in the grand scheme of things unless you convince yourself otherwise.

I mean…it definitely did matter in bfa. Tank trinkets, spear, claw and drest literally won games… Even hc versions were mandatory

Well yes but with trinket bonus and PvE trinkets being adjusted like now there is small chance you will see people playing with them.

Yea the trinket bonus is a good thing and seems they like it too.

I think it will work the same way as it did in wod. If you engage someone with pvp on their pvp ilevel scaling immediately activates too. Their hp for example goes up as well as other stats.

Will we have more frequent tuning than we currently do?

Can you please stop adding trinkets into pvp that define how games are played, notthe other way around?

Will we have rated soloque for 3s/RBG’s by 10.0? Yes or no?

Will you look into removing / changing abilities or passives that promote degenerate gameplay? (E.g. void volley, fast MD, Subterfuge, Craven, spellwarding, grounding absorbing more than 1 spell, Sharpen Blade effects).

Could you reduce the impact cooldowns have on the game and increase damage and throughput regular abilities deal outside of them?

Those are the main things I’d like answered.

no they wont do that we learned from that in the last 15 years.

okay actually a good one. Bahjerra should have asked that but since they are mates he most likely didnt want to ask these kind of questions.

he answered on that

there were always “degenerate” spells in WoW this will never change because most spells dont get added into the game with 3vs3 arena in mind. Its the sad truth but thats the case.
In case of stupid pvp talents you could ask that but i dont think the pvp talents you mentioned are that “degenerate”.

not really a pvp specific question.

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