Interview with Holinka soon

I haven’t watched it, but if that’s the way to summarize what was said, then I’d expect it to be closer to a done deal.

Solo queue is an attention-grabber for PvPers in WoW, in both NA and EU. When they first announced the solo shuffle (not when it was launched), it generated a lot of clicks and engagement.
And when they announced they were using it as an unrated brawl-type thing, they were very clear that they’re using it as a “trial run”, to see what people feel about it and what the engagement in general looks like for it, as well as using it as a beta test on live servers to check its functionality.

So now that Holinka has reiterated their stance on solo queue, that they’re “looking at it” as you put it, it means you can probably expect a big reveal later to get people’s attention back.

I’m betting it’ll be revealed close to when pre-order bonuses are announced, to grab PvPers’ attention in order to maximize pre-orders for it from that sub-group of consumers.

Then what for is “PvP insight interview”. That’s the point of PvP interview to give the insight

And Holinka literally gave insight on several topics.

We look at it or we think about it isn’t really an insight.

He said way more than that, perhabs you start to pay more attention as to what is said. He literally gave insight in their thought process when it comes to development.

Let’s be honest, what kind of insight do we need? PvP gearing system is clear. Rated SoloQ, well… ok, he could have been more specific. “We look at it” or “we think about it” is not really the same like “The goal … that’s our plan, that’s what we are working towards.”
No borrowed power (so far).
Regarding PvP tier sets… I kinda understand that they don’t know themselves yet. Half of the playerbase likes it, the other half not so much.
The rest is in development.

And he did, but I guess not the stuff you wanted to hear. He covered the general aspect of PvP, because believe it or not, there are quite a lot of people out there that play arena non-competitive, like BGs, WPvP etc.
So we got insight on the general aspect that he could talk about, like soloQ, PvP gear and acquisition, plans for future BGs/arenas, stuff on that kind of level.

I’m not sure what it is you’d want him to talk about, but if it’s something like why they don’t nerf RMP or delete resonator, I don’t think you’ll find anything but disappointment then.


I like the changes he is making for 10.0, but lets don’t forget that he is in company for a while now and he was the one who brought this “WoD” type gearing in SL, but only scaling part. Reason of it was just to please PvErs, since they were mad about PvP gear acquisition being easier/better than PvE and they had to PvP. So why he didn’t do full WoD type PvP gearing right away? Why we had to play with this system for a while, even thought people were asking for 1 conquest/honor set as soon as PvP vendors came out and they realized that it wasn’t what they were expecting? Who knows. At least they understood what PvP community asked for and I am pretty happy about it. Better late than never.

An insight in my opinion would be:

“So far solo shuffle seems to have quite good participation. From our data it seems that there isn’t huge difference between spec’s winrate so we are happy to announce that we are working to implement solo queue in the next expansion. .”

Instead he said “we look into it” etc.

He actually said that’s their goal and they are working towards it. Sounds a bit different to me.


Didn’t have time to watch the interview yet, but saw a tldr on mmo champ. Did Holinka really say he isn’t bothered with some pve trinkets being competitive in pvp?
If yes then what was the context?
Could anyone confirm the info and tell me if my fears are right?

He meant if there is a single ring or trinket that is bis for PvP it’s not a problem but he also said that trinket set bonus stays and also that conquest gear will have mythic ilvl. Someone farming mythic raid gear then is really unlikely.

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he confirmed rated soloq, new gearing system, says they think about pvp set boni and some though process behind their decisions. Dont see a problem with that at all?

what do you guys expect to hear from him?

he pretty much said its the plan to add it in 10.0.

maybe because we are not even in alpha? why would he give details about a system that isnt even in alpha yet and will change over time? He said there will be 2 different pvp sets, honor and conquest like in WoD. I think thats enough for now.

no. They never did that in the last 15 years and will propaply never do that.


They only thing that I didn’t like was PvP gear and how it works in wPvP. It makes no sense to me that they would handicap people who only PvP (moreso the people who don’t play rated) in a gamemode where people now actually have a choice to turn it on or off.

I thought this interview was really refreshing - Brian is great talker, and it was great to get an insight into the thinking that went behind some of the changes that we’re seeing, and also the justification for some things we aren’t seeing.

We’ve got to understand that WoW as a game needs to thrive as a whole (outside of PvP) for it to be succesful and continue to grow - so hearing some of thinking about why we can’t isolate PvP makes a lot of sense.

I think there is some really exciting changes coming, a real step forward for PvP.

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I didnt get to see it all but I hope they address the imbalance of racials in pvp already. Just disable them and make it some kind of talent

im just hyped for the new xpac. like can it be worse then shadowlands? prob not. and even shadowlands is much fun, for me at least.

dont you know there is jsut 2 sites. 0 information or all the info, there is no between seems like pending on that guy ;D

Seems like ppl want to be disappointed and want to complain so hard cause this is what fullfills their life.

The fact that they go back to wod gearing, get rind of systems and new talent tree design actually made me take a look into the expansion. If class design sucks etc i still have tbc/wrath to play for pvp

I found SL fine, even tho the current state should have been here since release. (without all the bs trinkets)

That quote is a meme, it only can backfire now :grin:

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