Void, Torture and a thumbs up from the Light (novel spoilers)

No. I’ve read almost the whole book, and I’m talking about interactions that happen much much later.

How many pages this book has?

  1. At least the Kindle copy I have.

I have yet to read the book , rip me and my exams but from what little I’ve seen, I am not surprised about Alleria and Turalyon.
I am surprised about Anduin condoning this though. I mean, he’s been shown to get very well along with both Alleria and Turalyon and trust them but torture of innocent? That’s new. I don’t think I can conclude any of it without actually reading the book myself and getting some context.

For those who’ve read the book, and with as little spoilers as possible (haha I am reading this and asking for no spoilers, I am ridiculous sometimes), what of Sira? Is she well represented?

Short version. She yells at Tyrande and Tyrande disowns her. She is a jail cell at the end alone for herself.

I have already answered about her represented in the book:

And also this:

Given that the Horde is still torturing all the innocents they killed in Teldrassil, this is not even comparable.

They even healed them afterwards, the Horde tried to kill and torture even more after Teldrassil instead, the Horde must be the most evil thing in wow history.


This isn’t about comparisons, though, but the characters involved.


…I mean if I kill Cenarius or a loa in front of night elves/trolls they would probably attack me as well for essentially killing one of their gods.

Outside of that: I feel like the book is trying way, way too hard to make the Alliance look “grey”. You can’t go from good-guy-Anduin to someone who condones torture in more or less a single chapter. It’s okay if the Alliance becomes more grey in a logical sense, but making a 180° turn all of the sudden is just as bad as the entire Horde writing throughout BfA.

But, hey: More bad writing. What did we expect?


My bad, it’s heartbreaking indeed. Give me some time to recover please !

Go Alleria and Turalyon go Dark Baras on those schmuck until their brain become liquified !

The horde is doing none of those things since Sylvanas and all her loyalists are no longer part of the Horde. But go ahead and continue your one sided ranting over things that aren’t even part of the topic. “Elaria”

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The Horde did it all under Sylvanas’ name and they supported everything she did until she abandoned all of them. Her loyalists are still in the Horde and the Horde never tried to make up for or fix their crimes

Getting betrayed doesn’t absolve you of your crimes, “Erevien”.


Her loyalists are in chains and get paraded around in Orgrimmar. So please screw off and stop making things up that aren’t true. Be happy that Tyrande is hunting down Sylvanas like every sensable person does at the moment.

Their crimes do not disspear because of that. I feel no pity for a faction that willingly followed a monster until she left them, and until Teldrassil is repaid in full, I feel no pity for any member of the horde.


I just wish they tortured actual war criminals. Like, you know, those Undead during the Battle for Lordaeron that were spraying the plague on both Alliance and Horde soldiers. Or maybe take some of the more decorated orcish ‘war heroes’ and fiddle around in their primitive brain. You can even kill them afterwards - you’d be doing Azeroth a favor.

Torturing women and washed-up smugglers is neither effective nor productive. They basically wasted their time trying to look evil.

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Not true, only those that didn’t pretend to change their minds. Also it’s highly hypocritical considering that the whole Horde was to blame.

Yea I’ll be happy about Tyrande dying and Sylvanas screaming “The Shadowlands are free” at the end of the expansion.

No thanks, show me that they can write a decent non biased story that doesn’t glorify genocide, then we can talk.


Regarding that torture part, I can understand Alleria, but Mr. holier-than-thou Turalyon? Or is it that just Alleria has a go and he just stands there and watches saying nothing? And do remind me about torturing orcs, because frankly I can’t recall that.

And Anduin… well, about time he dropped some balls.

As the novel goes, Turalyon does have quite the mindset of “whatever it takes”. And yes, while Alleria tortures using the Void, he held the prisoner fixed in place with Light chains.

In other instances he was shown rather willing to order a full-scale invasion of Zandalar. And didn’t seem to care at all about the armistice.

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Turalyons was doing that waay back in his past, he was using Light in this exact way.
And He was fighting next to Lightforged who also were no shy to use light in more “liberated way”, - Enaara was using light in offensive manner and judging from her text in BfA she is also using light for torture.

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@Zarao @Zakkaru
Thanks. What can I say? Sounds so “light” metal.

Get it? Light. Heheheh.
